Summary: Sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases Reporting sexually transmitted diseases

In the last decade, not only in Russia, but throughout the world, there has been a trend towards a significant increase in infectious pathology, which is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, although at the same time this is not the only way to become infected with them. It is possible to talk about the reasons for the growth in the number of these diseases for a long time and stubbornly, only one thing remains clear that the main problem lies in freer sexual relations between people, as well as frequent casual relationships.

Relatively recently, these diseases were called sexually transmitted diseases, at present, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), they are called sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) or sexually transmitted infections (STIs), which include a group of diseases, the most common way of transmission of which is sexual intercourse. Many authors believe that it is most correct to use the term, but the essence of this group of diseases does not change from this.

signs STD appear within a certain period of time, from about 2 - 3 days to several months. The main manifestations of sexually transmitted diseases, with the appearance of which you should immediately consult a doctor, there may be:
in men - discharge from the urethra (observed with gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia), burning and pain during urination.
in women - burning, cramps, pain when urinating, unusual vaginal discharge, as well as pain in the lower abdomen (with chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).
Also, rashes on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and skin can serve as signs of STIs. First of all, when STD symptoms patients immediately turn to one of them, however, some diseases can only be treated in a dermatovenerological dispensary. A similar situation is observed in . If the patient did not address the profile, then the doctor writes out a referral to the appropriate specialist.

1. Syphilis is a classic infectious disease related to STIs, chronically occurring, with a primary lesion of the central nervous system (neurosyphilis, or dorsal tabes), as well as internal organs and the skeletal system.
The causative agent of syphilis is pale treponema (Treponema pallidum), which has the appearance of a spiral.
The initial symptom of the disease is a hard chancre, which looks like a small, painless ulcer with a dense bottom. Subsequently, general symptoms are added that are characteristic of any catarrhal disease (malaise, headache), characteristic satiety. All these signs reflect different stages of the disease.

2. - as well as syphilis, it belongs to the classic STIs, characterized by damage to the mucous membrane of the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as the mucous membrane of the mouth and rectum. The causative agent of gonorrhea is Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a gram-negative diplococcus bacterium that looks like coffee beans. The causative agent of gonorrhea has become a "supermicrobe" due to the high resistance of this bacterium to antibiotics.
The leading symptom of this disease should be considered the appearance of discharge, yellowish - white from the urethra.

3. Candidiasis is a fungal disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida.
In the clinic, in men, this disease is manifested by a strong burning sensation of the glans penis and the appearance of a white coating on it, and in women, by intense itching in the perineum and vagina, with gray "curdled" discharge.

4. Genital herpes - a viral infection of the mucous membranes of the organs of the genitourinary system, caused by the herpes simplex virus Herpes simplex.
The disease is also characterized by rashes on the face, buttocks with the appearance of specific blisters - an urticarial rash. The rash is accompanied by general symptoms characteristic of any cold, such as malaise, headache, temperature rise to subfebrile numbers (37 - 38 degrees)

5. - the most common disease in the STI group, caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are frothy, profuse discharge, having different colors, they can be yellow, green and gray with a very unpleasant odor. The disease accompanies excruciating itching in the perineum and vagina, as well as pain and discomfort during intercourse.

7. Mycoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by microorganisms - mycoplasmas. There are 14 types of mycoplasmas that can cause disease in humans. In the female body, mycoplasmas cause endometritis, salpingitis, as well as inflammatory diseases of the cervical canal and external genital organs. The disease is characterized by clear discharge and burning during urination, often there is pain in the perineum and inguinal region, which can intensify during sexual contact or immediately after it.

8. Ureaplasmosis is a bacterial infection caused by the gram-negative bacterium Ureaplasma. Like many other STIs, ureaplasmosis has non-specific symptoms of the disease - burning, itching, discharge from the urethra. Most often, ureaplasmosis has no symptoms (especially in women), and minor symptoms in men do not give a reason to see a doctor.

9. Gardnerellosis - a disease characterized by an imbalance between lactobacilli, which maintain an acidic environment in the vagina and gardnerella, which alkalize the environment, resulting in the activation of this type of bacteria and their competitive colonization in the vagina. Frequent change of sexual partner is one of the most common causes of this pathology, in which abundant discharge appears from the vagina, most often white or transparent in color, having a specific smell of "rotten fish". In advanced cases, gardnerella causes inflammatory diseases of the cervix. With significant seeding, it is transmitted to the sexual partner, with the occurrence of urethritis in him.

10. Cytomegalovirus infection - a viral disease caused by CMV - a virus belonging to the 5th group of herpes viruses. CMV - the infection is included in the group of the so-called TORCH - a syndrome, the presence of which, especially in a pregnant woman in the first trimester, causes congenital pathology of the fetus with further developmental anomalies. Signs of infection include fever, swollen lymph nodes, erosion of the cervix, inflammatory diseases of the ovaries, and possibly a violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

11. Genital warts - warts, which are outgrowths of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, the anus, less often the mouth. The etiology of the disease is the human papillomavirus (HPV). Warts are of different sizes and soft to the touch. In 60% of cases, infection with this virus is possible through sexual contact with a partner who has condylomas or is a carrier of the infection.

12. Molluscum contagiosum is a viral disease that can be sexually transmitted, which is manifested by damage to the skin and, in rare cases, mucous membranes. The causative agent of infection is one of the smallpox viruses. A specific sign of the disease is papules, which in adults are localized in the anogenital region, less often on the abdomen or inner thigh. Papules are small, firm to the touch, and become softer over time. Papules are accompanied by itching and are almost never accompanied by pain.

13. Phthiriasis - unlike all of the above infections, this disease is caused by insects, in particular - pubic lice. The main symptom of the disease is unbearable itching, which is greatly aggravated by a lice bite, after which scratching is formed.

14. Scabies is a disease caused by the scabies mite. The leading symptom in the clinical picture of the disease is itching and rash, which has a papulovesicular character. When combing these elements, they very often become infected with the formation of pustules.

15. Soft chancre - an infectious disease belonging to the group of STIs. In Russia, the disease is very rare and sporadic. A red spot is formed, which has a bubble in the center, which eventually turns into an ulcer, in place of which a scar forms after 2 weeks.

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections, is based on general clinical data, such as examination of the patient, if he has specific symptoms characteristic of a particular disease belonging to the STI group, such as pain during urination, urticaria, the presence of ulcers on the glans penis and vagina, and also itching and characteristic discharge characteristic of a certain nosology.

The final and most accurate research method is laboratory analysis, which includes various methods of pathogen verification, such as:
1. microscopic method - a method for detecting a pathogen in the discharge under a microscope.
2. bacteriological method - taking a sample of the discharge and sowing it on a nutrient medium, followed by microscopy. This technique also allows you to determine the resistance of a particular type of pathogen to antibiotic therapy, which allows the doctor to prescribe a rational treatment.
3. serological examination - a method based on the determination of specific pathogen antigens in biological material. Recently, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunofluorescence method (MIF) are used more and more often.
4. polymerase chain reaction is a modern, highly sensitive method for diagnosing infectious diseases, which makes it possible to detect the presence of the genetic material of the pathogen in the discharge, even in the smallest quantities.
5. the study of blood serum for the presence of specific antibodies to the pathogen, allows you to give not only a qualitative assessment, but also a quantitative one, which can indicate the dynamics of the disease and the right therapy.


Everyone wants to live their life brightly and interestingly. But many do not even want to think about the consequences. A stormy and active sex life can often “give” a lot of unpleasant surprises.
Currently, scientists know more than 20 different types of STDs. If we recall the distant 70s, then our parents had information about only two diseases that are transmitted “through the bed”.
Viruses can be divided into:

  • incurable
  • curable

Scientists around the world are trying to create drugs and antibiotics to cure these diseases, but many remain "deadly". Nearly half of the people who get sexually ill are under the age of 30.
The seven most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases

Immunodeficiency of the body, the last, deadly stage of this disease is called AIDS. Viruses in the body can develop in a latent form, more slowly or rapidly. Tumors, multifocal infections caused by protozoan bacteria and fungi appear in the body. They may not affect a healthy person, but for an HIV-infected person they are deadly.

A healthy person has a strong immune system, a diseased body has a weakened immune system that is unable to fight infection. AIDS cannot be cured. It is possible to support the immune system with special preparations and medicines, but the cost of such treatment is very high. Ways of transmission: through unprotected intercourse, through blood and syringes, in some cases from mother to child.

An STD caused by the bacteria Triponema pallidum. A person who has syphilis does not even know about his illness for the first month. The incubation period of the virus is about 30-35 days. The disease manifests itself on the skin in the form of eczema, spots, purulent wounds. Further, it affects the internal organs, mucous membranes, nervous system and bones.


To date, this is the most common disease. The causative agent of infection is the intracellular organism chlamydia. You can get this disease in several ways: unprotected intercourse (instantly), through a towel and bed linen of the patient (using secretions), during childbirth from mother to baby.

A sign of chlamydia: abundant unpleasant purulent discharge from the genital tract, cutting pain in the lower abdomen, pain and pain in the vagina may be accompanied by short-term and profuse blood discharge. Many of the patients who have had chlamydia remain infertile.

This disease can provoke and develop the following diseases: the appearance of atherosclerosis, bone destruction, pain in the spine, vascular diseases of varying complexity, diabetes mellitus, deterioration and loss of vision.

The causative agent of the disease is a dangerous microorganism gonococcus. Symptoms of the disease in men appear on the 4th day after infection. You can recognize this disease by a sharp cramp during the process of urination. The outer opening is covered with a dense film of mucus and pus. In women: on the 5th day you can see unpleasant mucus with pus in the vagina.

There is heaviness and aching pain in the lower back, lower abdomen. Many women experience intermenstrual, mild discharge and bleeding. If not treated and not examined, gonorrhea can lead to inflammation of the uterus, appendages, infertility.

Tripper can be transmitted not only sexually, but also personal items (bedding, dishes, appliances, towels, underwear, toothbrush, washcloth).

Doctors call this disease “herpes type 2”. This serious viral disease affects the entire body. The inflammatory process begins on the lips, then it goes to all other mucous places. Very often, with this disease, immunity is reduced. The disease instantly passes to the genitals, eyes, intestines, liver and even the brain. This virus does not develop rapidly, it cannot be removed from the body. Ways of transmission: through sexual intercourse, through contact with affected areas of the skin of the hands and lips.


Carriers are ureaplasmas. The symptoms of the disease are subtle, develop slowly, and are latent. Many carriers of this virus may not take their illness seriously. With stress, a decrease in immunity, the virus begins to “work” faster. Ureaplasma can disrupt the activity of spermatozoa.

This disease is very dangerous for pregnant women. Many doctors suggest getting rid of the fetus. The incubation period of the virus is from one to two months. Signs of a urinary infection: slight burning sensation when urinating, white or clear discharge, inflammation of the genitals, pain during sex.

Dangerous disease of all mankind. Every year, 3 million people around the world fall ill with this virus. This virus is the most resistant to the external environment. The virus persists on a dried blood stain, on a razor blade, or on a needle for up to 10 days.
At the first stage of the development of the virus, it can be compared with a mild stage of acute respiratory infections. After a couple of days, the infected person loses his appetite, there is a breakdown, lethargy, joint pain, headache, urine becomes dark in color, signs of nausea and vomiting appear.

The chronic course of the disease is characterized by: pain in the right hypochondrium, liver enlargement, skin itching, change in body cover to a more unnatural (yellow). In the chronic form of Hepatitis B, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's instructions, follow a special diet, give up tobacco and alcohol.

Unprotected intercourse - 80% that infection will occur instantly. Random unprotected (oral, anal) connections entail dire consequences. Prevention of such diseases can only be a careful and protected sexual intercourse. Washing the genitals with water, interrupting sexual intercourse cannot be protection against STDs. The absence of symptoms of the disease does not mean the complete health of your partner. Trust but verify your partner.

It is the genes of the parents that transmit character traits, eye color and external similarities to the child. Also, parents endow their child with a number of genetic diseases. Now many couples who dream of having a baby seek the help of a doctor to learn about genetic diseases. It is the geneticist who has the opportunity to tell patients about their genetics and identify diseases that are inherited. In this article, you can learn about the most common diseases transmitted from parents to children.

What is genetic inheritance?

Each human gene has its own DNA. Parents' genes merge over time. One of the genes is repressed, and the second is repressive. If the father and mother have a pathological gene, then it must be passed on to the unborn baby. In the event that one parent is considered the carrier of such a gene, the risks are reduced by 2 times.

If the gene of the born baby is suppressive, then he is guaranteed to receive hereditary diseases. When the gene is suppressed, the baby is considered a carrier, and he will pass on various diseases to his future heirs. That is why situations arise when people after a couple of generations develop diseases that were previously found in their ancestors.

In fact, the risk of a baby getting a genetic disease is 5%. But the following factors can affect this percentage: poor nutrition, constant stress and living in cities with poor ecology.

There are diseases that can occur in every generation. These diseases include hypotension, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis and diabetes. There are also diseases that can only appear after decades. Now there are more than 3,000 diseases that are inherited.

What diseases can be inherited from parents to children?

Genetic diseases that are inherited:

  1. Down Syndrome. This disease manifests itself during the birth of the baby. It is characterized by disturbances in the functioning of the brain.
  2. adrenogenital syndrome.
  3. Cystic fibrosis. With such a disease, there is a lot of sweating and a violation of external secretion. Due to the release of a large amount of mucus, which accumulates over time, there is a slowdown in the development of the lungs. This disease can only occur in a child whose father and mother are considered carriers.
  4. Color blindness is a visual impairment in determining colors. It can occur immediately at birth or appear over time. Nowadays, medicine is quite developed and doctors perform operations to improve vision.
  5. Hemophilia. This disease is characterized by poor blood clotting, which is why there is a high risk of blood loss. Over time, blood can move into the internal organs, and the patient may not feel it.
  6. Hypolactasia. This disease is characterized by poor tolerance to lactose found in mother's or cow's milk. As a result of drinking such milk, the baby may experience diarrhea. This disorder may present immediately at birth or over time.

This is only a small part of the diseases that parents can pass on to their children. Before the birth of a child, adults need to think in advance about the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, you must first pass the necessary examinations.

Medical genetic examination

The examination begins with a consultation with a geneticist who is interested in the pedigree. After that, the doctor examines patients for external signs, since some diseases can be determined visually.

Genetic testing can be done even during pregnancy. In this case, blood is taken from the umbilical cord for analysis.

Indications for genetic testing

This examination is not required. Particular attention should be paid to people at risk:

  • people over 35;
  • persons with relatives with hereditary diseases;
  • close relationship of parents;
  • one of the parents has a child with genetic diseases;
  • women who have had miscarriages;
  • persons living near factories or a place with poor ecology.

Genetic diseases that are inherited by children can cause great harm not only to the child, but to the whole family. To prevent the birth of a sick baby and find out what diseases he may get in the future, it is recommended to visit a geneticist and do a blood test for a genetic examination.


A person during his life suffers many minor or serious illnesses, but in some cases he is born already with them. Hereditary diseases or genetic disorders are manifested in a child due to a mutation of one of the DNA chromosomes, which leads to the development of the disease. Some of them carry only external changes, but there are a number of pathologies that threaten the life of the baby.

What are hereditary diseases

These are genetic diseases or chromosomal abnormalities, the development of which is associated with a violation in the hereditary apparatus of cells transmitted through reproductive cells (gametes). The occurrence of such hereditary pathologies is associated with the process of transmission, implementation, storage of genetic information. More and more men have a problem with deviations of this kind, so the chance of conceiving a healthy child is becoming less and less. Medicine is constantly researching to develop a procedure for preventing the birth of children with disabilities.


Genetic diseases of the hereditary type are formed when the gene information is mutated. They can be detected immediately after the birth of a child or, after a long time with a long development of pathology. There are three main causes of the development of hereditary ailments:

  • chromosomal abnormalities;
  • chromosome disorders;
  • gene mutations.

The latter reason is included in the group of a hereditarily predisposed type, because environmental factors also influence their development and activation. A striking example of such diseases is hypertension or diabetes mellitus. In addition to mutations, their progression is affected by prolonged overexertion of the nervous system, malnutrition, mental trauma and obesity.


Each hereditary disease has its own specific features. At the moment, over 1600 different pathologies are known that cause genetic and chromosomal abnormalities. Manifestations differ in severity and brightness. To prevent the onset of symptoms, it is necessary to identify the likelihood of their occurrence in time. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. Gemini. Hereditary pathologies are diagnosed by studying the differences, similarities of twins to determine the influence of genetic characteristics, the external environment on the development of diseases.
  2. Genealogical. The likelihood of developing pathological or normal features is studied using the person's pedigree.
  3. Cytogenetic. The chromosomes of healthy and sick people are examined.
  4. Biochemical. The human metabolism is monitored, the features of this process are highlighted.

In addition to these methods, most girls undergo an ultrasound examination during childbearing. It helps to determine the likelihood of congenital malformations (from the 1st trimester) based on the signs of the fetus, to suggest the presence of a certain number of chromosomal diseases or hereditary ailments of the nervous system in the unborn child.

In children

The vast majority of hereditary diseases manifest themselves in childhood. Each of the pathologies has its own signs that are unique to each disease. There are a large number of anomalies, so they will be described in more detail below. Thanks to modern diagnostic methods, it is possible to identify deviations in the development of the child, to determine the likelihood of hereditary diseases even during the bearing of the child.

Classification of human hereditary diseases

Grouping of diseases of a genetic nature is carried out because of their occurrence. The main types of hereditary diseases are:

  1. Genetic - arise from DNA damage at the gene level.
  2. Predisposition by hereditary type, autosomal recessive diseases.
  3. Chromosomal abnormalities. Diseases arise due to the appearance of an extra or loss of one of the chromosomes or their aberrations, deletions.

List of human hereditary diseases

Science knows more than 1,500 diseases that fall into the categories described above. Some of them are extremely rare, but certain types are heard by many. The most famous include the following pathologies:

  • Albright's disease;
  • ichthyosis;
  • thalassemia;
  • Marfan syndrome;
  • otosclerosis;
  • paroxysmal myoplegia;
  • hemophilia;
  • Fabry disease;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • Klinefelter's syndrome;
  • Down syndrome;
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome;
  • cat cry syndrome;
  • schizophrenia;
  • congenital dislocation of the hip;
  • heart defects;
  • splitting of the palate and lips;
  • syndactyly (fusion of fingers).

Which are the most dangerous

Of the above pathologies, there are those diseases that are considered dangerous to human life. As a rule, those anomalies that have polysomy or trisomy in the chromosome set are included in this list, when instead of two, from 3 to 5 or more are observed. In some cases, 1 chromosome is found instead of 2. All such anomalies are the result of abnormalities in cell division. With such a pathology, the child lives up to 2 years, if the deviations are not very serious, then he lives up to 14 years. The most dangerous ailments are:

  • Canavan disease;
  • Edwards syndrome;
  • hemophilia;
  • Patau syndrome;
  • spinal muscular amyotrophy.

Down syndrome

The disease is inherited when both or one of the parents have defective chromosomes. Down syndrome develops due to trisomy 21 of the chromosome (instead of 2 there is 3). children with this disease suffer from strabismus, have an abnormal shape of the ears, a wrinkle in the neck, mental retardation and heart problems. This chromosome anomaly does not pose a danger to life. According to statistics, 1 out of 800 is born with this syndrome. Women who want to give birth after 35 are more likely to have a child with Down (1 in 375), after 45 the probability is 1 in 30.


The disease has an autosomal dominant type of inheritance of an anomaly, the cause is a violation in chromosome 10. Scientists call the disease acrocraniodysphalangia or Apert's syndrome. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • violations of the ratio of the length and width of the skull (brachycephaly);
  • high blood pressure (hypertension) is formed inside the skull due to the fusion of coronary sutures;
  • syndactyly;
  • mental retardation against the background of squeezing the brain with a skull;
  • convex forehead.

What are the treatment options for hereditary diseases?

Doctors are constantly working on the problem of gene and chromosome abnormalities, but all treatment at this stage is reduced to the suppression of symptoms, a complete recovery cannot be achieved. Therapy is selected depending on the pathology in order to reduce the severity of symptoms. The following treatment options are often used:

  1. Increase in the amount of incoming coenzymes, for example, vitamins.
  2. Diet therapy. An important point that helps to get rid of a number of unpleasant consequences of hereditary anomalies. If the diet is violated, a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition is immediately observed. For example, with phenylketonuria, foods that contain phenylalanine are completely excluded from the diet. Failure to take this measure can lead to severe idiocy, so doctors focus on the need for diet therapy.
  3. The consumption of those substances that are absent in the body due to the development of pathology. For example, with orotaciduria prescribes cytidylic acid.
  4. In case of metabolic disorders, it is necessary to ensure timely cleansing of the body from toxins. Wilson-Konovalov's disease (copper accumulation) is treated with d-penicillamine, and hemoglobinopathies (iron accumulation) with desferal.
  5. Inhibitors help block excessive enzyme activity.
  6. It is possible to transplant organs, tissue sections, cells that contain normal genetic information.

In the old days, children with any deviations in their development were subjected to ridicule and persecution. People did not realize that children are not to blame for this, their parents are not to blame either, but failures in the genes are to blame. Only modern medicine has been able to explain many diseases, but it has not yet been possible to learn how to treat these diseases.

Diseases that are inherited.

Diseases transmitted through the male line, like other hereditary disorders, are very difficult to correct. Doctors only inform about violations in the normal development of the fetus and offer people to make a choice.
In ancient times, women who gave birth to down or autistic children were accused of witchcraft and connection with unclean forces. Such women were burned at the stake, and children were poisoned by dogs.
The modern science of genetics studies the problems of modern humanity. Information is already known that if both spouses have a number of genetic pathologies, the likelihood that they will have a “special” child is much higher. Some diseases are transmitted only through the male line. There are a lot of varieties of these diseases and not all of them have been studied to the end. For example, recently scientists have found a gene for baldness, which is transmitted only from father to son. Therefore, if the father's hair is very sparse, his son is unlikely to be the owner of curly and thick hair. Some pathologies in the development of the genital organs, which are transmitted through men, lead to infertility in adulthood. Quite often, such deviations do not appear immediately, but only after a few years. And from that moment on, doctors begin to go to the doctors, who give an explanation for this by genetic failures. Severe hereditary diseases in the male line are schizophrenia, hemophilia and other diseases.

Disease Research Results.

Interestingly, there are diseases that are transmitted through the female line, but only men suffer from them. It should be said that in some cases only knowledge of genetics will help people understand what kind of disease it is. The possession of people with genetic abnormalities that are not inherited, the information that their children are not threatened with the disease is a guiding star. Despite this, men with congenital diseases are much more likely to have children with defects.
The results of studies have shown that the probability of hereditary transmission of defects is higher in men than in women. In addition, children born to such men have a high risk of developing birth defects that are not related to those received from their father. From the mother, the child will receive such an “inheritance” only if the father is completely healthy. In general, boys with birth defects have a very low survival rate, so they rarely live past their 20s. The question arises: is it really impossible to help them? Of course you can.
The science of anthropogenetics, which deals with the study of heredity, answers many questions. The section of this science that deals with the study of hereditary diseases belongs to medical genetics. What are these sciences studying?
They study the genes that store information about the human body. If nature puts the wrong information in them, a failure occurs. Therefore, it is time to start considering the main types of hereditary defects.
Mutations, or changes, occur at different levels. Mutations can be chromosomal, gene or genomic. Most of them provoke the development of hereditary diseases. Gene mutations cause a disruption in protein production.

Varieties of hereditary diseases.

There are almost 1500 varieties of such diseases. They are divided into 2 types - metabolic diseases and molecular diseases.
There are about 600 first diseases. They change the amino acid, carbohydrate and lipid composition of cells.
In the most severe cases, these mutations provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. Children receive the bulk of these mutations from their fathers. Neurofibromatosis is a complex chronic disease characterized by developing multiple tumors on the nerve trunks. Children suffering from neurofibromatosis are significantly behind in mental and physical development.
Phenylketonuria is a disease characterized by a sharp increase in blood levels of phenylatin. Products synthesized from it in the body are characterized by a high level of toxicity. In this regard, children lag behind in mental development. Galactosemia is a disease characterized by disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism. The human body does not accept dairy products. If the child is transferred to dairy-free feeding in time, he will survive. In another case, dementia develops and. With a disease such as mucopolysaccharidosis, connective tissues suffer the most. Such patients have an ugly physique and various malformations in the development of internal organs.
Molecular diseases transmitted through males cause the development of almost 50 hereditary blood diseases. Most of them are diseases transmitted through the male line. Chromosomal diseases, which are associated with a violation of the number of autosomal chromosomes, in most cases lead to the death of the baby. And chromosomal diseases, which are associated with a violation of the number of sex chromosomes, lead to changes in appearance, the absence of secondary sexual characteristics, and infertility.
It happens that the fetus develops genomic mutations. But they are very rare. Such newborns live no more than a couple of days.

What provokes the development of mutations?

The development of mutations can provoke various adverse environmental factors: ultraviolet radiation, temperature, exposure to chemical compounds, radiation.
The use of chemicals in the agricultural industry, all kinds of experiments carried out with radiation elements, and late access to doctors lead to the emergence of a number of harmful factors. Due to the fact that men are more likely to find themselves in various extreme situations, their risk of developing mutations is much higher.