What protects the bear fang amulet. Bear claw and the meaning of other bear amulets Spell before putting on a bear tooth

Even in the most ancient times, people tried to find protection and patronage from higher powers. In pagan times, this was actively done through various amulets. Each amulet helped to reveal certain qualities in a person. The bear claw amulet is still popular today.

The symbolic meaning of the bear

The bear claw amulet is very suitable for those who want to cultivate strength and courage in themselves. In general, the bear in ancient times symbolized male strength, determination.

A modern bear claw amulet can be made of different materials. But the ancient amulet really represented the claws of a bear. It was a great pride to get such a talisman in the hunt or receive as a gift from a noble person. In this case, one could immediately put on such a magical decoration.

If you have purchased a bear claw, a talisman on your own, then you must definitely carry out the ritual of its activation, only after that you can wear it on yourself. The power of such a talisman will immediately wake up and double if you conduct such a magical session at home.

They say that in the Slavic lands the claw of a bear, the amulet, has a special power, because the bear is a traditional animal here.

The meaning of the talisman

This magical talisman, like many others, has two opposite sides. Each of them is associated with the character of the bear.

On the one hand, the bear, as an animal, has a creative nature. This is about creative power, creativity, about natural power. In this talisman, a person can find health for doing great things.

But on the other hand, the bear is a predator, and it can have destructive actions. The same natural power can, under certain circumstances, turn into death for something.

But in general, the bear talisman has a logical meaning. After all, in order to get something new in life, you need to destroy everything old with your own hands. And then with the help of the same incredible power, you can create a new reality, where you need a bear claw.

Who is this symbol for?

Such a magical talisman may be needed by a person in the following situations:

  1. Amulet A Russian bear's claw, a fang or a paw of a bear can be useful when a person feels stuck at some point in their life. The amulet will help to destroy old ties with the past, to say goodbye to it harmoniously. And already in a free place, a person will be able to build a new life.
  2. This amulet is also suitable when you are in a state of confusion and do not know what to do in a particular situation. That is, this is the moment when farewell to the past has already happened, but new bridges have not been built. Under this, too, fits its meaning.
  3. The talisman claw of the Russian bear is suitable for a person who wants to better hear his animal instinct. This is about connecting with your feelings and about the ability to make the right decisions based on them. Bear paws, fangs will turn you inward to your beast. This is especially suitable for people for whom the bear is an archaic animal.
  4. The bear claw amulet will help you develop a state of confidence, thanks to which it is much easier to interact with the world. A Slav who uses such an amulet achieves his life goals much faster and more efficiently, and it turns out easily, not to the detriment of other people.
  5. A bear's paw in silver is hung on a cradle for babies, so that from birth they get used to their natural power, feel protected. It was also protection from the evil eye.
  6. In ancient times, this amulet was considered truly masculine, but today women can also wear it. In the modern world, it is also important for a woman to feel the natural power in herself, which will allow her to take care of herself, including finding the right man for herself. For this, the bear symbol is also used.

Rite of Activation

If you have a bear symbol amulet, then you need to perform such a rite of activation of its power. This must be done during the waxing moon. Take the amulet in your hands, close your eyes. If it is possible to perform a magical ritual right in the open moonlight, then do so. Imagine how a lunar magical ray passes through your crown. It fills your entire body, first, filling your feet, then your shins, thighs, and then all the way to the top of your head. And, of course, lunar energy is concentrated in the talisman that you hold in your hands. Imagine the object getting hotter and hotter, the light getting brighter and brighter. At this moment, you can feel how the symbol warms up in your hands. Then imagine and feel how you become one with your talisman. One force, energy, now you feed on each other. Then you need to say this conspiracy:

“Bear skins, bear paws, bear souls are now friends with me. Relatives to each other, they recognized each other, they found each other on the shore and hugged. Now together, we hear, we see. Do it together. Together we are strength, together we are power, I am for you, you are for me, trust, security, surrender to the inner beast, the symbol is with me, I am with him, one for one. Forward. Get it."

At this moment, a picture associated with this beast may appear in your mind. This is very good, it means that you really got in touch with your beast. Listen also at this moment to your bodily sensations, perhaps you will feel a surge of energy. You created an image of a bear in your mind and loaded the amulet with it.

For efficiency, a photo of a man can also participate in the ritual.

After such a charmed claw, you need to at least slightly scratch your chosen one, then the love ritual comes into play. But for this it is desirable to have a neck claw made of silver, and not a keychain.

The bear's claw is one of the most powerful amulets. In ancient times, it was used by shamans and hunters wherever this mighty beast was found. It meant strength, protection of the weak, wisdom. And also - courage and fury, characteristic of the owner of the taiga and the European forest.

Separately, it should be noted that many peoples considered the bear as their symbol. He was often found on knightly shields, coats of arms of cities and entire kingdoms. Why it happened, and how you can use the bear claw amulet today, we will tell in this article.

The owner of the forest: what does the bear symbol mean

At all times, people believed in magical powers. Perhaps, ethnography knows not a single people who would be alien to mysticism. People have always asked for help and intercession from good gods, spirits and magicians. And from the evil ones - they tried to defend themselves or force them to serve themselves. They were an indispensable help in this matter.

The Slavic god Veles took the form of a bear and a bull.

Among the ancient men who were hunters and warriors, talismans made from the skins, fangs or claws of predatory animals were especially popular. Firstly, they were clear evidence of the strength, courage and good luck of a person who was able to defeat a boar, tiger or bear. Secondly, the life force of the animal is stored in such hunting trophies.

A bear charm, whether it is a trophy obtained from it or just an image, is a very powerful thing. In fairy tales and legends of the forest peoples, the bear is not only a formidable rival of the hunter. He is his protector, patron and guardian of the forest.

In fairy tales, evil spirits never take the form of a bear, because they are almost more afraid of him than they are of the cross. But the gods, yes. Veles, an inhabitant of the three Worlds, took on different guises. But among his favorite looks is a bull, which is still depicted on, and a formidable brown owner of the forest.

So the meaning of the bear as a symbol is quite unambiguous - he is strong and wise, and his followers will receive the same qualities. In our time, we, too, can, like our ancestors, use their beliefs for our protection and benefit.

Amulets with the attributes of a bear among the Slavs and other peoples

The cult of the bear was, as mentioned above, extremely widespread. The ancient Slavs especially respected the owner of the forest, in whom he was associated with Veles, the god of nature, magic and wealth. He was also very popular among the peoples of Siberia. It was believed that the bear keeps in itself all the qualities that delighted a person in the wild: indomitable power, abundance, deep wisdom.

The strongest amulets associated with the bear cult are, of course, the claws and skins of the beast. However, the ancients also revered simply the images of the "forest prince" on stone, metal or wood.

The bear is a symbol of strength, courage and kindness.

In addition to these images, archaeologists find many talismans with bear paw prints. People who today are trying to profess the faith of their ancestors call such amulets "".

Fangs or a bear's claw were hung over the entrance to a dwelling to protect the house from evil spirits. A charm with a bear's paw and with a separate claw, by and large, means the same thing, the difference is only in the way it is worn. A real claw can be worn around the neck or in a pocket, it has the energy of an animal. In the case of a paw, it will be more of a symbolic image applied to the amulet.

There is a version that the cult of the bear and other predators in the form in which it is recorded by the sources was brought to the Slavs by the Celts. Bear amulets were also popular among the Germans, along with. Among European peoples, the bear symbolized the same thing as among our ancestors. He was considered the personification of strength and power, but at the same time kindness. Therefore, both men and women willingly turned to him.

Bear claw: the meaning of the amulet

An amulet with a bear's claw symbolizes protection, strength, abundance and patronage of the forces of light. It also has the following properties:

  • Protects from evil witchcraft and the machinations of evil spirits;
  • Promotes health;
  • Protects from lies and hypocrisy;
  • Helps to preserve and increase livestock;
  • Attracts good luck.

However, you should be careful with bear charms. They have a very strong, wild and unbridled energy, and such a talisman can be harmful to a weak person.

How does a bear's claw protect against evil?

The functions of the amulet with a bear's claw are connected with the fact that the bear is the sacred animal of Veles. This powerful god among the Slavs corresponded to the Scandinavian Odin and the Greek Hermes. Veles was the god of magicians, merchants and shepherds, but he was also associated with Naviu, the other world. Spirits, including evil ones, live in Navi, witches and sorcerers draw their strength from there.

Unlike many otherworldly forces, Veles is supportive of people. Therefore, amulets from the claws and fangs of his totem animal are protected from the dark influences of Navi, for example, from possession, the evil eye and damage. After all, who can negotiate with otherworldly forces and convince them not to harm a person better than one who himself is their relative?

Wearing a bear claw receives the protection of Veles.

Protector and amulet for boys

The souls of children, according to Slavic beliefs, fly from the other world to move into the body of a baby. Veles, the god of Navi, still feels affection for them for some time, so he loves small children. It is believed that if you hang an amulet with a bear's paw or a claw of an animal over a cradle, then God will protect the newborn from illness and adversity.

Our ancestors believed that a bear would never harm a child.

If the boy grew up in the family of a hunter or a merchant, then Veles paid special attention to him, because the children in those days continued the work of their fathers. And merchants, as well as people engaged in hunting, he always favored. The bear claw protected such children until they came of age. You can also use it to protect your little ones so they grow up strong and healthy.

Bear amulet as an assistant in love affairs

Surprisingly, the bear claw also helps in love. It was believed that it was enough just to run it over a person’s skin to arouse passion in him. However, this will only work if the heart of the chosen one is not busy. Bear claw meditation can bring you some romantic ideas that will diversify your relationship. The amulet will save people of the age from impotence.

Who is this symbol for?

First of all, of course, travelers, merchants, military personnel and policemen. Veles was also the god of poetry and magic, therefore another meaning of the bear's claw is creative activity and knowledge. Thanks to this, bear talismans will suit writers, poets and artists, as well as people who are in dire need of worldly wisdom. For example, psychologists, teachers, investigators, judges.

Bear claws and fangs are also worn in the following cases:

  • If you have lost your life orientation or cannot make an important decision. In this case, the amulet will help you choose the right path.
  • If you need to develop your intuition or magical abilities.
  • When a person feels that he is sorely lacking what is called the "inner core" - self-confidence and self-confidence.
  • If there is a boy in the family. The wild, natural energy of the talisman will be in perfect harmony with the same energy of the kids.
  • When you need to spend a lot of time on the road.
  • For people who do not sleep well, you can hang a bear paw or a bear claw over the bed.
  • For those suffering from depression and fears, the amulet helps to feel calmer.

Where to get a bear amulet

Of course, it is best to get the beast on your own and protect it from the bear's claw. If you really decide to do this, then remember that the animal needs to be killed only with melee weapons, our ancestors used special horned spears for this. The beast must be butchered right at the scene of the murder, and the claw should be taken from the right front paw, reading the cherished words.

The symbolic bear paw will be a good alternative to the parts of a dead animal.

Perhaps the vast majority of modern people will not be able to defeat the owner of the forests, and even without a gun. Therefore, the purchase of bear claws is allowed. Such amulets will be weaker, but still effective. You can either purchase a finished product or an unprocessed claw, for example, from hunters, and you can already make a charm out of it with your own hands. The second option is preferable, because this is how you invest your energy in the future amulet.
However, it should be remembered that times have changed, and there are not so many bears left in the wild. Therefore, it would still be reasonable to replace the real claw with a symbolic image. For this, the “bear paw” seal is suitable, the meaning of which will be the same as that of the parts of the killed animal, but no one will be harmed.

How to activate the bear claw

As a rule, amulets made from the fangs or claws of a bear are cleansed with salt water. Water from a pure natural spring is best suited. You can also take ordinary water and freeze it for a week, leaving it in a dark corner, and then melt it. At the same time, it is better to store it in earthenware. Add a handful of salt to the water, then soak the fang or claw in it. Leave for a day and then throw out the water as far as possible from the housing.

Then you need to activate your amulet. Clench it tightly in your fist, focus on the desires that you want to fulfill with its goal. When finished, the amulet can be worn. Wear without removing, in such a way that it touches the skin.

What bear - a symbol of Russia are known almost all over the world. The bear is a natural symbol, the personification of the character of Russia, its history, nature, etc. The bear is depicted on the emblems of many Russian cities. He is the hero of folk tales. But all these are only echoes of the mystical veneration that this beast enjoyed among our pagan ancestors. The bear is symbol unconquered paganism.

Having passed the stages of deity and totem, the sign of the bear becomes a talisman, a talisman that carries traces of the former meanings preserved by the people's memory.

For our man, a bear is traditionally a sign of strength, and not an evil and destructive force, but a natural force, given by God. It is believed that the flair inherent in bears - "chuyka" is also transmitted to the owner of the amulet, a talisman.

" A pine needle fell in the forest. The eagle saw, the deer heard, the bear smelled.

By the way, the title amulet comes from Aryan roots - Ber is a bear, hence the lair, takes, cherish, shore, amulet. The idea of ​​kinship with the owner of the forest, who had a divine origin and was able to patronize people, was associated with the recognition of his fangs and claws as a magical attribute that preserves bearish energy, and their use as amulets and signs of strength.

The ancient pagan amulet - the fangs and claw of a bear in our time is hung around the neck, like an amulet, a sign of strength, or like a keychain in a car, it protects from the evil eye and helps to concentrate in time and not let the situation get out of control.

In the old days, when a boy was born in a family, a bear's claw was hung over the bed (from evil spirits and the evil eye, from illness and fright), and when he grew up they hung it around his neck - "so that he was healthy, strong and not afraid of anything."

The bear's claw is considered the most powerful amulet! It is a symbol of a courageous warrior and a successful hunter. It is no coincidence that people in ancient times wore pendants with animal teeth, claws, fangs,

Bear claw necklaces were very popular among the American Indians - it was believed that this talisman gives its owner strength and courage. how amulet from the evil eye and damage the ancient Slavs wore bear claws. The veneration of the bear among the Slavs is associated with the cult of fertility, the revival of nature.

The image of a bear was also an obligatory attribute of wedding ceremonies. In the beliefs of Russian Siberia bear claw it was used both to upset the wedding (the healer had to "scrabble" with his claw several times on the way before the train to the church), and to bewitch it was enough to scratch the chosen one bear claw. According to legend, the claw of the right front paw of a bear has an extraordinary miraculous power: if a girl manages to secretly scratch his beloved guy, he will passionately love her.

As amulets and amulets, claws and fangs have been widely used since the Stone Age. Claw and fang among many peoples is a talisman with mysterious power. With the help of a fang or a claw, you gain the spirit of an animal as an ally!

Among the peoples of Siberia and the North, the fangs of a bear were attributed the ability to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck to their owner.

For the Nenets fang bear- protection from evil spirits, a kind of demonstration of strength, good luck on the hunt. bear fang(tooth) serves as a talisman for the Ostyak, saving him from illness and danger; it also tends to expose deceit and deceit. Among the most necessary items in the taiga are knives and steel, Khanty and Mansi hunters wore bear fangs on their belts that guarded the owner “from the back”.

The Nanai addressed the bear's fang with the following words: You are strong, you are not afraid of anything - come help me! My child, come make me bold"" or: "" I call you to guard (protect) my child", - and hung a fang or a claw to the cradle. There were cases when the mother, when the child was worried, turned to the pendants of the cradle with a request to guard and protect the baby" [Ivanov S. 1977, p. 89]. Men wore a fang on their belts, women around their necks. Going to bed, the men put the belt under their heads. It was believed that in this way their sleep protected the spirit of the bear, protecting them from all misfortunes. fang bear also protected from back pain.

The cult of the bear is also known among all the peoples of the Caucasus. bear claw or the fang of a bear, the Ossetians nailed it to the jamb of the house so that evil forces could not enter the house. should have hung bear skull at the entrance to the house to protect the home from evil spirits. For the same purpose, the claw and tooth (fang) of the bear were hung on the cradle of the child. The Ingush used bear claws to make amulets: it was believed that they bring happiness. Karachays were recognized bear hunters. Dangerous bear hunting provided skins from which to sew bear fur coats(ayyu ton), and also lay the skins of the beast on the floor.

The Abkhazians removed the skin from the killed bear, which they then carefully dressed, took fang bear and right shoulder blade. The skin of a bear became a talisman of health, wealth and fertility. They guessed and determined the future by the shoulder blade. fang bear used as an amulet to prevent misfortune, attacks on hunters and domestic animals of wild animals. Often, in the cradle of a child, the Adygs (Adyghes, Kabardians, Circassians) put the claws of a bear, strong amulet, he was kept under the mattress in the cradle of the child, so that the child would grow up strong and strong, like a bear.

According to the ideas of the Siberian peasants, the bear could help people in their fight against evil spirits. So, in some places in the stable it was customary to keep a severed bear's paw, and to fumigate the house, horse yard, outbuildings with bear hair. Herself bear Paw was called the cattle god and hung out even at the beginning of the 20th century. in the courtyards of peasants near Moscow. The cattle god in the mythology of the Slavs was called Veles(Volos). In connection with the antiquity of this Cult, there were many incarnations of this God, starting with one of the most famous - the representations of God Veles(whose attribute was bear)

Veles is the patron of trade, an intermediary in contracts and an interpreter of laws. Giver of wealth. Patron of those who know and seek, teacher of the arts. God of luck. The patron of livestock and wealth, the trustee of merchants, cattle breeders, hunters and tillers, the owner of the secret magic, the ruler of crossroads, lung diseases can be cured.

In addition, in ancient Greece, a piece of bearskin was used as protection against love interests: young girls wore piece of bear skin while studying. Hungarian gypsies believe that a woman who wears a necklace of bear teeth and claws will have healthy children. In Austria and Italy, for this purpose, they wear teeth bear. Hunters believe that bear claw, cut into the tree of the butt of the weapon, contributes to a successful hunt.

The bear at all times was the personification of strength, endurance, wisdom. It was believed that the ber is associated with the otherworldly, Navi world and is a guide to the afterlife.

The bear's fang endows with strength, dexterity and natural instinct. Suitable for men.

Parts of the bear's body in all nations were endowed with magical magical powers. Different peoples of the world use the fang of a bear as a personal amulet, paw and claws in ritual ceremonies. The skin of the forest owner is still a symbol of fertility and prosperity. The head is the best protector from evil spirits and ailments.

Bear symbol of the Slavs

Slavic peoples are strongly associated with the image of the bear. On many coats of arms and shields of great warriors, the owner of the taiga was depicted. There are a large number of beliefs and rituals associated with this predator. And to this day, in some settlements, the ancient customs of worshiping the beru and the conduct of various rituals that can invoke grace on the participants in the sacrament have been preserved.

The bear symbolizes Russia.

The bear represents power, strength, speed, keen senses, nobility, endurance and the ability to survive in various conditions. It is these qualities that interest men of all times using bear talismans.

Each tribe had a bear fang amulet as a connection with the other world, as well as with the world of nature and magic, it was considered a beast - a god revered by different peoples of the Slavs.

Most often, the talisman was worn by warriors, priests and magicians. Shamans make extensive use of paws, head, hair, fangs and claws in various rituals.

Bear fat is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract and accelerate the healing of bodily injuries, especially effective for burns.

In many Slavic peoples, bearskins and paws were used in funeral rites. It was believed that the body parts of this beast will help the deceased to go to the afterlife and there is nothing to not need.

The value of the amulet bear fang

The value of the bear's fang during pagan times can hardly be overestimated in the upbringing of a boy and the life of a man. The bear talisman was inherited from father to son, from grandfather to grandson and accompanied the child from birth.

the bear is connected with the world of navi.

A bear fang amulet was hung over the cradle of a newborn boy, it was believed that this was the strongest talisman from evil forces, accidentally wandering souls and ailments. Bear parts were hung throughout the house and yard, with growing up, the boy was put on a talisman from a bera tooth around his neck. It is believed that the word "amulet" owes its origin to the bear - another name is "ber". However, in order to get all the power of the killed bear beast, you need to win the battle on your own, after which the beast is butchered at the battle site. If you bring the carcass of a dead ber to the settlement, you can bring a curse on everyone.

Guardian strength:

    drives away the forces of the Navi (evil spirits, lost souls, lower creatures of the underworld);

    protects from black sorcery: slander, love spells, curses, evil eye, damage;

    attracts success and good luck in male professions;

    it is a tote of truth, when the bearer of the amulet is deceived, punishment overtakes;

    works as a dream catcher, protects against nightmares;

    adds endurance, strength agility;

    helps develop intuition;

    when used as a talisman for the car, it helps to increase concentration. Protects from accidents and other troubles on the road.

Important. There is no magic power in the fang imitation. The talisman is made only from the bones of a real animal. Bought a fang requires cleansing from someone else's energy.

The talisman accumulates strength over time, so the older he is, the longer he is in the family, the more tangible his power.

The use of the amulet in modern times

The use of a bear's fang is common among male warriors and athletes.

    As a pendant around the neck, it gives the owner strength, courage, endurance, and masculine strength.

    The keychain in the car protects on the way.

    The amulet above the front door or bed protects from evil spells and dark spirits.

Important. The bear fang amulet is best worn in contact with the body. With direct contact, a stronger adjustment of the owner and the talisman to one energy wave occurs.

How to activate the amulet

A bear's fang hung over a bed or door protects against evil spirits and bad dreams.

It is hardly realistic now to find and kill a bear on your own, mostly amulets are bought in a store. It is clear that such an amulet was not prepared according to the canons of nature and does not have the same power as in the old days. However, the power of the animal is still in the talisman, and in order for it to be useful, the fang must be activated. Let's consider in detail how to activate the bear's fang talisman.

    It is necessary to prepare an earthenware bowl, ideally spring water, if it is impossible, melted from frozen ice and salt.

    Pour water into a bowl and dissolve salt in it.

    Lower the amulet and leave for a day, preferably three.

This rite allows you to cleanse the amulet of someone else's energy and charge it for yourself. To do this, it is enough to send positive messages to the amulet, communicate with him, wear him. The longer the amulet is in contact with the human body, the stronger its influence.

It can also be cleansed by the forces of 4 elements: earth, water, fire and air.

The bear has long been revered among the Slavic people as a strong powerful beast. Parts of the body of an animal can transfer its power to the person wearing them, so the teeth of a bear are a special talisman that can protect from troubles and give special power to the owner.

History of the mascot

The bear itself is one of the symbols of our country. Many warriors depicted him on their shields, but now he can be found on the emblems of many cities throughout Russia.

Love for this beast has been going on since ancient times. The clubfoot is considered the king of the forest. He is smart, strong, noble and hardy, every man should have such qualities, so the bear fang amulet is most suitable for men.

Despite its strength, the bear is not a destroyer in the forest, but, on the contrary, its creator, the keeper of the peace of the inhabitants of the forest. The ancestors believed that this was not an animal, but a man imprisoned in the skin of a bear. It was believed that he is an intermediary between our world and the other world. In his guise, people could come and

The beast was endowed with a benevolent character, but he could fight back strangers who appeared on his territory without warning. The value of the bear was too high to kill him for no reason, it was regarded as a crime.

The original meaning of the bear's fang was associated with a talisman from the bear himself, who came out of hibernation ahead of time. At this moment, evil spirits could move into the animal and it could attack people for no reason.

If you still had to kill a bear, after his death it was necessary to butcher his body and read a conspiracy that allowed the killer to take possession of all the positive features of the animal:

“To live, to die, not to wander, but to serve me, to walk along my paths. To see with your eyes, to smell with your scent.

The paws and teeth were a trophy that still held the power of the slain beast. They were hidden in houses or premises: it was believed that if someone breaks the castle in this place, the bear will come after him and tear him to pieces.

The skin of a dead bear was also used. The deceased person was wrapped in it. This was supposed to help with the transition to another world.

The power of the amulet in the form of a fang

The fangs of a bear can serve as a talisman for a person. The bear amulet was passed down the male line from father to son. They are made in the form of pendants or leather, metal, inlay and even gold can be present in the design.

Bear Fang Meaning:

  • protects
  • gives strength and endurance;
  • improves health;
  • attracts good luck;
  • helps to expose the deceit and impure thoughts of others, enhances intuition;
  • relieves insomnia, dispels nightmares.

The amulet also has a healing effect. If a tooth hurts, then the fangs are applied to the cheek, and if the back is tied to the spine.

How to wear a bear's tooth for a man:

  • put or at the threshold;
  • keep in a secret pocket;
  • use as a keychain;
  • as a suspension for a car.

For women, the fang of a bear can be useful for a love spell. To do this, you need to speak it, saying what is required of a particular man and his name. The plot works almost immediately.

For men, the fang of a bear is appropriate from childhood. A tooth was hung over the bed of a little boy so that he would protect him from the effects of evil forces. When the child grew up, a bear amulet was put on his neck.

Charm activation

A bear's fang only truly shows its power if the bear has been killed by the person who wears it. A ceremony must be performed, otherwise the amulet will matter no more than ordinary jewelry. Only by taking the life of a bear with your own hands, you can count on its real action.

In the modern world, few people will engage in such cases, if only because killing a bear for fun is an immoral occupation. Now it is easiest to buy such a bear fang in a specialized store, but it is worth considering that it will not have a magical effect.

To make a charm out of it, you need to activate it. There are several ways, all of them are connected. The simplest one is based on water.

  1. Mix spring water with a little salt.
  2. Dip the fang of the bear into the liquid.
  3. Leave for a day.
  4. After a day, pour water onto the soil.
  5. Wear as close to the body as possible without removing.

If there is no spring water, it can be replaced with ordinary melt water, but it must stand in the dark for a week, only after that the ceremony can be performed. The bowl for mixing water should be made of clay, this helps not to affect the composition of the tusk. The rite helps to set the amulet for yourself.

It acts like a sponge that absorbs all the negativity and information from past owners or people who have been in contact with the amulet.

Activating the fang of a bear on a full moon:

  • put the fang in the palm of your hand, stand with your back to the moon and close your eyes;
  • feel how the moonlight penetrates the cells of the whole body and focus on the amulet;
  • imagine that you are a conductor of moonlight and feel how the power of the moon is transferred to the talisman;
  • read the spell:

“Bear claws, bear paws, bear souls are now friends with me. Relatives to each other, they recognized each other, they found each other on the shore and hugged. Now together, we hear, we see. Do it together. Together we are strength, together we are strength. I am for you, you are for me. Trust, security, surrender to the beast within. The symbol is with me, I am with it, one by one. Forward. Get it."

It is worth paying attention to what the bear's fang is made of. It must be real, otherwise the rite of activation will have no meaning.

Alternatively, you can make your own stone amulet, but it will have less power than a real bear tooth amulet.

To do this, you need to take an image of a paw or a claw on it with black resistant paint, make a hole for the thread and bury it in the ground for 7 days. During this time, the stone will absorb the energy of the earth and activate. Pull the black thread and wear around the neck or as a bracelet.

Terms of Use

Although the fang of a bear is a positive talisman, it can do harm, so you need to know some rules for using it.

  1. Do not accept as a gift from people who do not inspire confidence, the amulet can store bad energy in itself.
  2. Wear close to your body.
  3. After the purchase, be sure to perform the activation ceremony and
  4. Choose a tooth without roughness or stains on your own, it should be as smooth as possible.
  5. Do not let other people vilify and do not wear someone else's yourself, the exception is blood relatives.
  6. Women should wear a fang only on rare occasions and for a short time, otherwise it can cause energy problems.

Like all amulets endowed with magical powers, the bear's fang must be worn and selected with care. By following the rules, you can get the maximum benefit and avoid the negative impact of this amulet.