Napoleon in front of a portrait of his son. Spiritual world of Napoleon

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The picture of the battle of Borodino in the novel is given through the perception of a civilian, Pierre Bezukhov, himself, it would seem, unsuitable
for this purpose, a hero who does not understand anything in military affairs, but who perceives everything that happens with the heart and soul of a patriot. Feelings,
who took possession of Pierre in the first days of the war, will be the beginning of his moral rebirth, but Pierre does not yet know about it. "The worse it was
the state of all affairs, and especially his affairs, was all the more pleasant for Pierre ... "For the first time he felt himself not alone, useless to anyone
owner of great wealth, but part of a single multitude of people. The great humanist L. N. Tolstoy truthfully, accurately documented the events of August 26, 1812, giving his interpretation of the most important
historical event. The author denies the decisive role of personality in history. An excellent battle painter, Tolstoy managed to show the tragedy
war for all participants, regardless of nationality. The truth was on the side of the Russians, but they killed people, died for their own sake.
the vanity of one "little man". Speaking of this, Tolstoy "warns" mankind against wars, from senseless enmity and
from bloodshed.
2. Pierre realized how determined the entire Russian people was, understood his readiness to stand up to the end for his homeland, unity, because
Moscow ahead.
3. Tolstoy in the novel portrays Napoleon and Kutuzov (historical figures) as diametrically opposed. Kutuzov's behavior sometimes puzzles readers. Tolstoy shows the commander-in-chief dozing, inactive. But this is visible
the special wisdom of this old man For Kutuzov and all Russian people on the Borodino field, the fate was decided: to be or not to be a country.
Russian people on the Borodino field showed miracles of stamina and heroism. They understood that the outcome of the battle depends on each. They are not
it was necessary to patronize and push forward. This was their land, which had to be saved and defended. Kutuzov believes in soldiers and officers
Russian army. He is flesh of their flesh, he thinks and feels the same way as they do, so he knows that the French will “eat horse meat!”
". After meeting with Kutuzov, the smart and insightful Prince Andrei realized that the commander in chief knew that there was something stronger than his will, -
this is the course of events, he knows how to see it and “understand the meaning”. Kutuzov assumes great responsibility when deciding to surrender
Moscow. He wants to save the army, save Russia. For Napoleon, this is another victory, - so he thought, - which will make him the ruler of half the world. Napoleon, on the other hand, is full of vanity, he, without thinking about the consequences, occupies Moscow ... then flees from Russia, abandoning his army. Tolstoy
shows him as an adventurer who, for the sake of personal glory, plunged thousands of people into mortal danger.
4. Comes to the conclusion that you need to live for good. Recognizes that he was unjustifiably cruel to Lisa and Natasha, as he was guided by
their principles, the search for the meaning of life. For the first time he thinks not about himself, but about the people around him. He becomes softer, kinder,
wiser. Being kind in general, understanding and loving people is the right thing to do, you need to actively express this love. Pierre said in the epilogue that
if Prince Andrei had survived, he would have joined the Decembrists.
5. The fact that when "strangers" began to rule Russia, they only robbed it, for example, during the Time of Troubles (very similar, only there it’s just
it was just that the dynasty was interrupted .... And they invited many kings) Russia then fell into complete decline! 5.1. This is the same. he speaks before
Battle of Borodino to Pierre, who came to see the battle. “While Russia was healthy, a stranger could serve her and was
a wonderful minister, but as soon as she is in danger, she needs her own, dear person, ”explains Bolkonsky Kutuzov’s appointment
commander-in-chief instead of Barclay.
6. I understand Pierre's thoughts about the hidden warmth of patriotism as follows: Pierre has a good sense of the people's thought, the ability
people to protect the country, the ardent desire of patriotism ... .
It is the warmth that Pierre feels when he is in the mass of people, prisoners - he feels their mood, feels that he has fallen into
family, feels what unites them ... .
These thoughts of Pierre are born precisely after his capture,

Questions and tasks based on the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".

Analysis of chapters 1-2 "Sergeant of the Guard", "Counsellor".

1. What is the meaning of the main character's name?

2. Under what conditions was Petrusha brought up? What environment did he grow up in?

4. From the moment of departure from his native home, the second stage of the formation of the personality of Peter Grinev begins. How do you think the character has changed?

5. What is Savelich's attitude towards the counselor? Find words that express this attitude.

6. How does the tramp react to the "master's gift"?

7. Why does the counselor say such kind words for an unsuitable sheepskin coat?

8. What is mercy?

9. Why did Grinev find a snowstorm in the steppe?

10. What is the symbolic meaning of the snowstorm?

11. What is the meaning of Grinev's dream?

Analysis of Chapter 3 "Fortress"

1. How did the general, an old comrade Grinev-father Andrey Karlovich, characterize Captain Mironov?

2. How does the commandant of the fortress, captain Mironov, appear before Grinev (and the reader) for the first time?

3. What are Grinev's first impressions of being in the fortress?

4. What impression did Shvabrin make on Grinev when they met?

5. Why did Grinev look at Masha "with prejudice" at the Mironovs' dinner?

6. Comment on the epigraphs of the chapter.

Analysis of Chapter 4 "Duel"

1. Who manages the fortress and why?

2. How and why did Grinev's opinion about the captain's family change?

3. What does Grinev do in the fortress?

4. Do you think Grinev's "rhymes" are good? Is Shvabrin right in mocking him?



2) Views, beliefs
3) The state of the author who wrote this verse or the hero of this verse

In the desert stunted and stingy,
On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,
Anchar, like a formidable sentry,
Worth - alone in the entire universe.

The nature of the thirsty steppes
She gave birth to him on the day of wrath,
And green dead branches
And watered the roots with poison.

Poison drips through its bark,
By noon, melting from the heat,
And freezes in the evening
Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him,
And the tiger will not go: only a black whirlwind
Will run into the tree of death -
And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud irrigates,
Wandering, its dense leaf,
From its branches, already poisonous,
Rain flows into combustible sand.

But man man
He sent to the Anchar with an imperious look,
And he obediently flowed on the way
And in the morning he returned with poison.

He brought the tar of death
Yes, a branch with withered leaves,
And sweat on a pale brow
It flowed in cold streams;

Brought - and weakened and lay down
Under the arch of the hut on the basts,
And the poor slave died at the feet
Invincible lord.

And the king fed that poison
Your obedient arrows
And with them death sent
To neighbors in alien confines.


Historical figures have always been of particular interest in Russian literature. Some are dedicated to separate works, others are key images in the plots of novels. The image of Napoleon in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" can also be considered as such. With the name of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte (Tolstoy wrote precisely to Bonaparte, and many heroes called him only Buonoparte) we meet already on the first pages of the novel, and part only in the epilogue.

Heroes of the novel about Napoleon

In the living room of Anna Scherer (the ladies-in-waiting and close empress) the political actions of Europe towards Russia are discussed with great interest. The mistress of the salon herself says: “Prussia has already announced that Bonaparte is invincible and that all of Europe can do nothing against him ...”. Representatives of secular society - Prince Vasily Kuragin, the emigrant Viscount Mortemar invited by Anna Scherer, Abbé Maurio, Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky, Prince Ippolit Kuragin and other members of the evening were not united in their attitude towards Napoleon. Someone did not understand him, someone admired him. In War and Peace, Tolstoy showed Napoleon from different angles. We see him as a commander-strategist, as an emperor, as a person.

Andrey Bolkonsky

In a conversation with his father, the old prince Bolkonsky, Andrei says: “... but Bonaparte is still a great commander!” He considered him a "genius" and "could not allow disgrace for his hero." At the evening at Anna Pavlovna’s, Scherer supported Pierre Bezukhov in his judgments about Napoleon, but still retained his own opinion about him: “Napoleon as a man is great on the Arcole bridge, in the hospital in Jaffa, where he gives a hand to the plague, but ... there are other actions that are hard to justify." But after a while, lying on the field of Austerlitz and looking into the blue sky, Andrei heard Napoleon's words about him: "Here is a beautiful death." Bolkonsky understood: “... it was Napoleon - his hero, but at that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant person ...” During the inspection of the prisoners, Andrei thought “about the insignificance of greatness.” Disappointment in his hero came not only to Bolkonsky, but also to Pierre Bezukhov.

Pierre Bezukhov

The young and naive Pierre, who had just appeared in the world, zealously defended Napoleon from the attacks of the viscount: “Napoleon is great because he rose above the revolution, suppressed its abuses, retaining all that was good, both the equality of citizens, and freedom of speech and the press, and only therefore acquired power. Pierre recognized the "greatness of the soul" for the French emperor. He did not defend the murders of the French emperor, but the calculation of his actions for the good of the empire, his willingness to take on such a responsible task - to raise a revolution - it seemed to Bezukhov a real feat, the strength of a great man. But confronted face to face with his "idol", Pierre saw all the insignificance of the emperor, cruelty and lack of rights. He cherished the idea - to kill Napoleon, but realized that he was not worth it, because he did not even deserve a heroic death.

Nikolai Rostov

This young man called Napoleon a criminal. He believed that all his actions were illegal and, out of the naivety of his soul, hated Bonaparte "as best he could."

Boris Drubetskoy

A promising young officer, a protege of Vasily Kuragin, spoke about Napoleon with respect: “I would like to see a great man!”

Count Rostopchin

The representative of secular society, the protector of the Russian army, said about Bonaparte: "Napoleon treats Europe like a pirate on a conquered ship."

Characteristics of Napoleon

The ambiguous characterization of Napoleon in Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is presented to the reader. On the one hand, he is a great commander, ruler, on the other hand, he is an “insignificant Frenchman”, a “servile emperor”. External features lower Napoleon to the ground, he is not so tall, not so handsome, he is fat and unpleasant, as we would like to see him. It was "a stout, short figure with broad, thick shoulders and an involuntarily protruding belly and chest." The description of Napoleon is present in different parts of the novel. Here he is before the battle of Austerlitz: “... his thin face did not move a single muscle; his shining eyes were motionlessly fixed on one place... He stood motionless... and on his cold face there was that special shade of self-confident, well-deserved happiness that happens on the face of a boy in love and happy. By the way, this day was especially solemn for him, as it was the day of the anniversary of his coronation. And here we see him at a meeting with General Balashev, who arrived with a letter from Tsar Alexander: “... firm, decisive steps”, “round belly ... fat thighs of short legs ... White puffy neck ... On a youthful full face ... an expression of gracious and majestic imperial greetings ". The scene of Napoleon awarding the bravest Russian soldier with an order is also interesting. What did Napoleon want to show? His greatness, the humiliation of the Russian army and the emperor himself, or admiration for the courage and stamina of the soldiers?

Portrait of Napoleon

Bonaparte appreciated himself very much: “God gave me a crown. Woe to whoever touches her." These words were spoken by him during his coronation in Milan. Napoleon in "War and Peace" is an idol for some, an enemy for some. “The trembling of my left calf is a great sign,” Napoleon said of himself. He was proud of himself, he loved himself, he glorified his greatness over the whole world. Russia stood in his way. Having defeated Russia, it was not worth the trouble for him to crush the whole of Europe under him. Napoleon behaved arrogantly. In the scene of a conversation with the Russian General Balashev, Bonaparte allowed himself to pull his ear, saying that it was a great honor to be pulled up by the ear by the emperor. The description of Napoleon contains many words containing a negative connotation, Tolstoy especially vividly characterizes the emperor’s speech: “condescendingly”, “mockingly”, “wickedly”, “angrily”, “dryly”, etc. Bonaparte also boldly speaks about the Russian Emperor Alexander: “War is my trade, and his business is to reign, and not to command troops. Why did he take on such a responsibility?

The image of Napoleon in "War and Peace" revealed in this essay allows us to conclude that Bonaparte's mistake was in overestimating his capabilities and excessive self-confidence. Wanting to become the ruler of the world, Napoleon could not defeat Russia. This defeat broke his spirit and confidence in his strength.

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Answer left Guru

1. The picture of the battle of Borodino in the novel is given through

The perception of a civilian, Pierre Bezukhov, himself, it would seem,

Unsuitable for this purpose, a hero who does not understand anything in military affairs, but

With the heart and soul of a patriot who perceives everything that happens. Feelings that took over

Pierre in the first days of the war, will be the beginning of his moral rebirth, but

Pierre doesn't know about it yet. “The worse was the state of all affairs, and in

The peculiarities of his affairs, the more pleasant it was for Pierre ... "For the first time he felt himself not

Lonely, useless owner of huge wealth, and part

One set of people. The great humanist L. N. Tolstoy truthfully,

Stories. An excellent battle painter, Tolstoy was able to show the tragedy of war for

All participants, regardless of nationality. The truth was on the side of the Russians,

But they killed people, died themselves for the sake of the vanity of one "little

Little man." Speaking of this, Tolstoy "warns" humanity against wars, against

Senseless enmity and bloodshed.

2. Pierre realized how determined the whole Russian is

The people, understood his readiness to stand up to the end for the homeland, unity, because "ahead


3. Tolstoy in the novel depicts Napoleon and Kutuzov

(historical figures) are diametrically opposed. Kutuzov's behavior

Sometimes puzzles readers. Tolstoy shows the commander-in-chief dozing,

Inactive. But this shows the special wisdom of this old man. For

Kutuzov and all Russian people on the Borodino field, the fate was decided: to be or not

Be a country.

Russian people on the Borodino field showed miracles of resilience

And heroism. They understood that the outcome of the battle depends on each. They don't need

It was to patronize and push forward. It was their land that had to be saved

And defend. Kutuzov believes in the soldiers and officers of the Russian army. He is the flesh of

Flesh them, thinks and feels like them, so he knows that the French

He will have “horse meat! ". After meeting with Kutuzov, smart

And the astute Prince Andrei realized that the commander in chief knew what

Something stronger than his will is the course of events, he knows how to see it and “understand

Meaning". Kutuzov takes on a great responsibility when deciding on

Zhe is another victory that will make him the lord of the floor

Peace. Napoleon is full of vanity, he,

Without thinking about the consequences, he occupies Moscow. Then he flees from Russia, leaving

Your army. Tolstoy shows him as an adventurer who, for the sake of personal fame,

Plunged thousands of people into mortal danger.

4. Comes to the conclusion that you need to live for good. Is aware that

He was unjustifiably cruel with Lisa and Natasha, as he was guided by his own

Principles, the search for the meaning of life. For the first time he thinks not about himself, but about others

His people. He becomes softer, kinder, wiser. To be kind in general

Understanding and loving people is right, you need to actively express this love.

Pierre said in the epilogue that if Prince Andrei had survived, he would

Joined the Decembrists.

5. That when "strangers" started Russia

Manage, they only robbed it, for example, during the Time of Troubles (very similar,

The only difference is that the dynasty was interrupted). Russia then fell into complete decline! This is what he says in front of Borodinsky

By the battle to Pierre, who came to see the battle. "While Russia was healthy,

She could have been served by a stranger and had a wonderful minister, but as soon as she was in danger,

We need our own, dear people, ”Bolkonsky explains the appointment of Kutuzov as commander in chief

instead of Barclay.

6. I understand Pierre's thoughts on the hidden warmth of patriotism

As follows: Pierre well feels the thought of the people, the ability of the people

To protect the country, the ardent desire for patriotism ... It is the warmth that is felt

Pierre, when he is in the mass of the people, among the prisoners - he feels their mood,

He feels that he got into the family, he feels what unites them. These thoughts

Pierre is born after his capture.

7. The key moment in this scene is Napoleon's narcissism, he

Wants to forever leave a mark on history and constantly thinks about how it is more profitable

Imprint yourself in it. He carefully chose this phrase so that historians

They reflected it in their notes. At this moment, he thinks not about his son, but about what

He should take a pose, what phrase to say in order to look as majestic as possible.

This phrase about chess emphasizes that for Napoleon war is a game where

His glory.

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