How to draw an owl with a pencil in stages for beginners and children? How to draw an owl by cells, paints? How beautiful to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for children and beginners? How to draw a cute, cartoon, flying owl with a pencil and gouache? conventional rice

    If you just want to draw an owl in the cells, then you can take any embroidery pattern as an example and simply focus on this pattern and transfer it to paper in a cage. Fortunately, there are a lot of such drawings now, because owls have become very popular.

    Here is an example of a more severe owl

    And this is an interesting sketch of the muzzle of an owl

    Unusual drawing, isn't it?

    You can also draw by cells using coordinates, which not only helps to improve motor skills, but also remember the coordinate plane

    Well, another drawing of an owl in the cells is a Japanese crossword puzzle that also develops thinking.

    The main thing is to rewrite the numbers and not peep at the final picture, then it will be very interesting.

    Good luck to you!

    You can instill a child's love for drawing using samples and templates of drawings drawn in cells. Such an activity perfectly develops handwriting, accuracy, and it is also very fun and exciting when a real drawing comes out of ordinary cells.

    So, in order to draw an owl in cells, you can use the following samples:

    You can immediately use colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

    I propose to draw such an owl in the cells:

    In order to draw such a cute owl by cells, we need to take a piece of paper in a cell, as well as felt-tip pens in red, black, yellow, brown and light brown colors. And we begin to draw from top to bottom in the cells, gradually coloring each cell with the desired color according to the attached drawing.

    Owls are very serious and beautiful birds, if you want to draw a big picture, you can take this diagram:

    Or you can draw such a funny owl using a diagram:

    Such a simple owl can also be drawn on a notebook sheet:

    There is a second way. Choose a photo of the owl you like or another drawing. On top, apply a grid in the form of squares with a certain scale with a pencil and a ruler. Then we take a sheet of paper of the size you want to see the drawing of an owl. On this sheet also apply a square grid in the scale you need. For example: the original scale was with squares of one centimeter, and you need to double the drawing. So on the sheet you make a square grid with squares of two centimeters. Then take a pencil and draw in squares exactly copying the original. That's it, good luck.

    Drawing is not only useful, but also exciting. When we start drawing something new, it is difficult for us to convey the proportions and the drawing comes out unsightly. For this, the technique of drawing by cells was invented. In addition, it will be useful for children who are learning to draw.

    Here is a scheme for drawing an owl in cells.

    I'll start first) We will draw such a cute owlet in the cells:

    Photo - scheme:

    We will need:

    • black marker,
    • checkered sheet,
    • red, brown, blue, orange markers.

    You need to draw gradually the line behind the construction site, so as not to go astray. Or make an initial outer contour, and then fill the entire drawing from top to bottom. The owl has a little New Year's meaning, but if necessary, you can not depict a hat, everything will also turn out clearly.

    Here is an owl in 4 colors: black, white, gray and brown. The picture is located on 35 cells wide and 32 high. Looks like a Japanese crossword puzzle. Suitable for children of school age, at least 2nd grade.

    It is necessary to calculate the cells and draw the corresponding colors. If you don't make a mistake, you'll get an owl.

    We drew such drawings, only in black and white, when we went to typing courses in the 6th-7th grade. Then there were typewriters.

Techniques for drawing an owl in pencil and gouache for beginners and children.

The natural world is diverse and rich in species and colors of animals and birds. Therefore, it will always be interesting for a person to draw different representatives of the fauna and teach their children to do this.

Fine art, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, is useful for children as a simulator for the development of thinking, imagination, patience, and perseverance. Therefore, our task as parents is to find an interesting object for the child to draw and help him in case of difficulties.

Continuing the topics of drawing animals and cartoon characters, let's talk in more detail about the features of the image of an owl from different angles in pencil and gouache.

How beautiful to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for children and beginners?


  • sets of hard and soft simple pencils. They are needed to draw different types of owl feathers, as well as to convey light and shadow,
  • eraser,
  • paper

Drawing order:

  • mark 2 ovals in the center of the sheet. One elongated from right to left is the head, the second is from top to bottom for the torso,
  • add a triangle elongated from left to right and down for the future wing,
  • draw a pair of ovals of different sizes at the bottom of the body, these will be paws,
  • mark a V-shaped sign on the head, from which the beak, eyes,
  • add more details for the paws and a stick on which the owl sits,
  • detail the wing, consisting of small feathers in the upper half and large, long ones in the lower half,
  • draw semicircles for the eyes and pupils, guide the rims of the eyeballs with a softer pencil,
  • mark the hooked beak,
  • replace the head outline with a jagged edge that imitates small feathers in this part of the owl,
  • add accents on the paws of the bird, covered with small feathers.

The better you use a pencil, the more accurately and in detail draw feathers, the play of shadow and light on them. If your skills are less pronounced, then use these tips:

  • draw a circle and an oval docked to it,
  • add the curves of the owl's wings folded on the body,
  • draw a triangle on the head, turning into the wide eyebrows of an owl. Fluff it up at the ends
  • add sketches for eyes and beak,
  • detail them. Draw pupils for the eyes, draw a beak for the beak, dividing it into upper and lower parts,
  • draw lush feathers around the owl's face and on her chest in zigzag movements,
  • add scribbles on the wing closest to you,
  • draw thicker lines of wings,
  • complete the drawing by drawing thin paws holding onto a branch.

Below is a photo instruction for drawing an owl from different angles with a pencil:

How to draw a cute, cartoon owl?

If you plan to please your child with a fun cartoon owl drawn in pencil, proceed as follows:

  • draw a circle with a cruciform marking
  • draw the ears at the top, flattened to the head
  • mark the area of ​​​​the eyes and the oval for the beak
  • divide the eyeball into pupils and whites, shade the first
  • draw a rhombus truncated from above and below docked to the head
  • add lines of folded wings on the sides of it
  • draw 3 stripes on the head and wavy lines on the chest
  • erase guide lines
  • at the request of the child, color the finished drawing with him

Or another version of the owl:

  • draw 2 circles that will be the eyes of the bird
  • select in each pupil and shade it
  • draw a beak between the eyes below
  • add a body-head outline that looks like a medieval shield
  • on the sides of the body, draw soft lines bent inward, marking the places of the folded wings
  • hover the bezel around the owl's eyes
  • on the head, mark the ears with lines, at the bottom of the body - paws
  • decorate the body and wings of the bird with lines imitating plumage

Below in the pictures are step-by-step photos of an owl:

How easy is it to draw an owl by cells?

  • First, decide on the level of complexity of the drawing and the time it takes to create it. The fewer requirements at this stage, the easier and faster you will draw it.
  • Secondly, consider the presence / absence of details that are not inherent in a bird in nature. For example, a dress, long legs, colorful clothes.
  • Thirdly, prepare a sheet of paper lined with cells and a pencil.
  • Find the desired scheme or turn on your imagination.
  • Start drawing with paws or a branch on which the owl will sit. That is, the direction of the image is from bottom to top.

As inspiration, let's add a series of ready-made owl patterns, made in the cells:

How to draw a flying owl?

Having prepared the necessary materials for drawing, proceed as follows:

  • sketch the body in the form of an oval, an open tail - a fan and wings - semicircles,
  • on the upper body, select an oval for the head and in it a circle for the face of the bird,
  • mark the eyes, beak, ears, small feathers on the head,
  • move on to detailing the wings. Along their very edge there is a row of large feathers, depict them,
  • closer to the body, the feathers on the wings become smaller, show this with a pencil,
  • draw a tail consisting of well-visible large feathers,
  • add the paws, the fingers of which are folded together,
  • go over the drawing with a hard pencil and draw the feathers in more detail.

Step-by-step photo images of an owl in flight, see below:

How to draw an owl's head?

The head of an owl can be depicted in a simpler or more detailed way.

In both cases, be sure to depict:

  • eyes
  • headband of small feathers framing the face

In a more detailed version, draw:

  • small feathers and the play of shadows in them,
  • a darkened triangle in the middle of the head, starting from the beak and capturing the area above the eyes.

In the case of creating a drawing by a novice artist or a cartoon owl for a child, the bird's head is often one with the body. Therefore, just highlight the accents so that the bird is recognizable.

As an example, let's add a sequence for drawing a simple owl's head:

How to draw an owl with gouache?

You need:

  • paper
  • gouache of those colors that are suitable for an owl
  • brushes of different diameters
  • rag
  • paint mixing board

Owl drawing order:

  • draw an oval for the body and head in brown,
  • highlight 2 circles for the eyes in the same tone,
  • put black dots in their center, and draw rays to the sides with yellow-brown paint,
  • add one or 2 leaf-shaped wings. Please note that they are false to be of different sizes. The one that is closer to the viewer is bigger. Take the color for the wings darker, but not black,
  • mark the tail with a triangle, paint over it,
  • add 2 small triangles for the paws in a light brown tone,
  • claws draw 3 pieces on each paw in black,
  • freely mark the feathers all over the body of the owl. Be sure to mix and match paint colors,
  • the final touch is the image of the branch on which the owl sits.

Drawings of an owl for children in pencil and watercolor for sketching: photo

In order not to write step-by-step instructions in drawing an owl for a long time, look at the finished bird paintings made in pencil and watercolor. Choose the option you like and draw with your child at your leisure.

So, we examined several techniques for depicting an owl sitting on a branch and with spread wings, learned how to draw the details of the head, and consolidated our skills with gouache.

If your toddler is interested in the world around him, introduce them through drawing. Come up with interesting stories in the process of creating a drawing and at the end of it. These moments will remain in the memory of the child for life.

Video: how to draw an owl with a pencil?

The article gives step-by-step lessons on drawing an owl.

In cartoons, owls are usually wise and observant characters. It is not surprising that children want to draw a smart big-eyed bird. To get the drawing right the first time, use the tips below for step-by-step drawing of an owl.

From this article you will learn about several options for drawing an owl with a simple pencil, felt-tip pens (if you draw an owl in cells), and how to draw an owl with watercolors.

How to draw an owl with a pencil in stages for beginners and for children?

Let's start with the simplest drawing. Here is from such an owl, drawn more in a decorative manner. Both a child and an aspiring artist can cope with such a drawing. The main thing is to correctly position the owl on a piece of paper and observe the proportions.

You will spend quite a bit of time drawing such an owl, but by decorating it with bright colors, you can create a real picture in the style of primitivism and hang it on the wall or give it to friends.

Follow the simple step-by-step instructions with pictures, and you will not have any difficulties. We take a pencil, gain patience for 15-20 minutes and comprehend the basics of the art of drawing.

  • As usual when creating a black and white drawing, we stock up on a simple pencil, eraser and a blank sheet of paper.
  • We outline the borders of the picture with light dashed lines. In other words, we draw a square in which we will place our owl. You can skip this step if the hand is full and the outlines of the drawing do not jump out over the edge of the sheet.
  • May experienced artists forgive us, but we will begin to draw our masterpiece not from the designation of the entire figure of the bird at once, but from the body - an oval in the center of the sheet. This technique will allow you to set the proportionality of the sketch of an owl, so that in the future it will be easier to recreate the image of an owl on a piece of paper.

  • Attach the head to the body. Let's draw a smaller oval on top and so that they are in contact with each other. Our owl will have a soft belly. Draw it under the first oval.
  • Our owl perched comfortably on a branch. Let's draw it by drawing one slightly inclined line, and under it another. Without a branch, the drawing will seem incomplete, so it is important not to miss this detail. Immediately add two leaves on the branch.

  • We finish drawing our owl's tail. Draw two parallel lines along the edges, thus designating the tail feathers.
  • Now you can erase additional lines. Look at the picture: we are erasing the contours of the ovals near the branch to draw the bird's legs here. We refine the contours of the picture by drawing thicker lines along the edges.

  • To draw the paws with which the bird clings to the branch, draw three short lines, and then add parallel lines to them. From above and below we finish the fingers, rounding our elongated rectangles.
  • We need to show the plumage of an owl. We draw a "fence" of short parallel lines on the bird's tail. Let's draw voluminous cheeks and a beak for our owl.

  • Before drawing big eyes for the owl, let's draw plumage around the eyes. The main thing at each stage is to accurately repeat the lines displayed in the pictures.
  • There is very little left: we finish the plumage all over the body of the bird. We draw eyes. We erase all additional lines. We refine the contours of the drawing and proudly show our creation to the main judges - friends.

If you coped with the previous drawing, then try to draw a "real" owl with a pencil. To make the drawing realistic, you need to understand the structure of the feathers and the structure of the wings.

What are feathers?

  • small and big
  • downy
  • covering the head, chest, paws
  • short wing feathers and long

  • The figure shows the wing and the location of the feathers.
  • Let's start the drawing by indicating the approximate location of the owl on the sheet. Draw a large rectangle with light lines. In it we will place the owl.
  • Our task now is to draw the most accurate sketch. Without pressing hard on the pencil (we will make the outlines bolder when the sketch turns into an almost completed drawing).
  • Let's denote the head of an owl in the upper half of the sheet with thin lines. The owl's body is an oval drawn just below the head. We finish drawing the wing (it resembles a triangle in shape) and erase the additional line from the lower oval.

Draw the contours of the head, body and wing
  • We draw a conditional line in the center of the head and in the lower part, right along this conditional line, we begin to draw a beak. Add symmetrical plumage lines around the eyes.
  • We draw two incomplete circles - eyes with pupils. lighten the contours of the bird's body with the help of an eraser and create instead of it with broken lines the visibility of plumage.
  • Add paws (they are heavily pubescent) and a branch on which the owl sits.

We draw a beak, paws and feathers

Draw eyes and pupils, erase extra lines
  • We shade the right side. We draw plumage on the head with short inclined lines. Hatching should be applied in the direction of feather growth. We draw feathers of various shapes and lengths on the wing. Let's add some tiny feathers in the area of ​​the paws: draw short oblique strokes.
  • We make the hatching of the plumage with lines of various lengths and shades and do not cut them off abruptly. They should resemble the shape of feathers.
  • We start adding shadows on the feathers of the paws - on the left and in the center. We use a 2H pencil for this. We shade the plumage on the lower part of the body.
  • Change the pencil to 2B and add an intermediate shadow on the right side. We shade the lower abdomen, the right side of the wing, the area under the beak and wing.

  • Outline the circle of the iris with a thicker line and shade it a little. You can do this with your finger, or you can do it with a cotton swab.
  • Now let's go through this circle with dashed lines. Let's paint over the pupil, not forgetting that you need to depict a highlight on it - leave a white circle. Let's shade the beak, leaving a highlight in the form of a short straight line here as well.
  • Let's paint over the eye and repeat all the steps with the other. Only now we will not draw a highlight and the eye is no longer shaded.
  • Now we need hard pencils. We will cover the entire head with short dashed lines.
  • We will go over the lightened areas with a 2H pencil, and over the shaded areas with 2B and 4B.
  • We finish drawing tiny ovals in the forehead area, from the sides on the head. In the picture you can see how these ovals should look like in an enlarged view.
  • Some of the central parts of the ovals can be highlighted with an eraser to make them stand out more.
  • Using a well-sharpened pencil, draw short dashed lines where soft downy feathers grow on the owl: on the chest and paws.
  • We shade the feathers on the tail of the bird. Darker feathers on the right side. After a soft transition, a lighter part of the pen begins on the left side.
  • Let's go through the individual feathers with short diagonal lines. This will make the plumage visually complete and emphasize the details.
  • Well, here we are approaching the finish line! We will refine the details and draw some areas. With short dashed lines we will go over the top of the wing, showing the shadow from the head.
  • Let's highlight some areas on the tips of the feathers. Let's put some more dashed lines on the feathers in the upper part of the wing.
  • We shade the areas on the claws, not forgetting to leave areas for highlights. When drawing hatching on a branch, we use lines of different lengths and thicknesses.
  • If necessary, add more lines of your choice to complete the drawing. To create light areas use an eraser, dark areas - apply additional shading. Date and sign the drawing.

To draw owl shown below, again we arm ourselves with a sharpened simple pencil, an eraser and a sheet of paper. We read the step-by-step instructions, look at the pictures and repeat all the lines.

The drawing is very simple. You can draw it with your child. Such an activity helps to establish communication between parents and children, contributes to the development of creative abilities.

Stage 1:

  • We arrange the bird on a piece of paper so that it turns out not to be a small, but a large bird. After all, a predatory owl is not small.
  • We begin to draw in the center of the sheet the body of an owl in the form of a triangle with rounded corners. In shape, the body of an owl should resemble a "heart".

Stage 2:

  • Let's draw a head above the body: a large and wide oval. At the bottom, draw the cheeks of an owl with two semicircular lines that are connected to each other from below.
  • We erase the auxiliary lines. We try to do this after each stage so that unnecessary lines do not distort the picture and do not distract.

Draw wings

Stage 3:

  • Let's draw the owl's large, pressed to the body, wings. Their lower part is pointed.
  • To draw an owl turned half a turn, draw the second wing hidden back.

Stage 4:

  • Let's draw the bird a short tail and a short beak. Let's add beautiful and long feathers growing around the eyes to the owl.
  • Feathers stick out a little above the head.

Stage 5:

  • We draw paws with claws for an owl.
  • Our owl has large and round eyes. Let's draw them like that. The pupil of an owl is constricted. Therefore, we will draw it with a thin vertical line.

Video: how to draw an owl with children?

The following step-by-step instruction for drawing an owl is also suitable for creativity with your baby.

It will not be difficult to transfer a schematic image of a bird to paper for both a child and a novice artist. The finished drawing can be decorated as you wish.

  • First, let's draw the body of an owl. Let's draw it as a big oval.
  • On both sides of the oval below, add wings. Let's draw a strip that separates the big head from the belly of the bird.
  • The eyes of an owl are two circles. Let's draw a beak between them. On the head, draw the ears in the form of triangles. Draw another circle around the eyes. Let's draw the pupils of the owl.
  • Let's start drawing the paws. Since we have a New Year's owl, we can depict it in boots.
  • Three semicircular lines on the owl's belly will show plumage.
  • We finish the New Year's hat with a bell. Decorate as your heart desires. Only the hat and boots are painted in red.

And here is another simple version of the owl drawing:

We draw small circles. These will be the eyes of the bird. Between them we draw two semicircular lines that diverge upward.

Draw small circles

Let's continue these two lines from below by drawing circles around the eyes.

Continue the lines around the eyes

The body of the owl will draw an oval, resembling a chicken egg.

Draw an oval owl body

Below we draw a branch on which the owl will sit: two short straight lines. Behind the paws we will draw a semicircle, which will be the tail of the bird.

We finish drawing the beak in the form of a small rhombus located between the eyes along the central line.

Let's draw wings and paws

Let's draw wings and paws for the owl. Refine the contours and add some dashed lines along the body of the owl and on the head. Decorate with brown flowers.

We refine the details and decorate

How to draw an owl by cells?

If your child is not yet able to draw beautifully and correctly with a pencil, invite him to draw an owl using samples and templates of pictures drawn in cells.

Take any pattern for embroidery and let the kid transfer it to a notebook sheet in a cage. You can immediately paint over the cells with felt-tip pens or pencils.

Video: cell drawing

How to draw an owl with colored pencils with a child?

  • Let's draw a slightly flattened circle - the head of an owl, and then draw an oval body with a pointed lower part. Connect the head to the body with short lines on the sides.
  • Let's finish the owl's ears, the wing in the form of a pointed oval.
  • The paws of an owl are tiny ovals.
  • We draw the "face" of an owl: eyes and a beak. We draw individual feathers on the body. Adding fingers.
  • We begin to decorate using a brown pencil, ears and a head.
We draw eyes, a beak, we start to decorate
  • Draw short dashed lines. We color the eyes with a yellow pencil. Add some gray feathers in the crown area.
  • We decorate the chest of an owl with a light brown shade. We draw stripes of feathers on the wing and tail in gray. The pubescent part of the paws is also gray.
  • With a dark brown pencil, draw individual feathers along the wing, on the chest, on the tail. Let's add volume to the paws with the same color.
  • With a brown pencil, draw some feathers on the chest and on the wing, on the top of the paws. Using a black felt-tip pen, outline the contours of the wings, claws on the fingers, eyes and beak.

Draw an owl with paints

This drawing of an owl by watercolor paints, like an illustration from a children's book. Step-by-step tips and explanations will help you cope with this seemingly impossible task.

To work, in addition to a simple pencil, eraser, paper and watercolors, you will also need a special liquid to preserve white areas.

  • Let's move on to a deserted snow-covered forest. Let's make a sketch of an owl without pressing hard on a simple pencil. We do not need to draw the details, because we will paint with paints.
  • Now the main thing is to correctly and accurately draw a sketch. How beautiful the picture will turn out depends on the accuracy of the initial contours.
  • If you divide the sheet in half, then the contours of the owl fall on the lower half, and only the head “leaves” into the upper half.

Draw the contours of an owl
  • To make a real light snowball appear on the picture, sprinkle a special liquid on the sheet to preserve white. Use an old brush or palette knife for this.
  • After the drawing is filled with watercolor and dries, we will remove the liquid with an elastic band, and clean spots with even edges will remain on the paper.

Ocher, pink, different shades of blue fill the leaf around the owl
  • We begin to apply the paint: fill the sheet around the outline of the bird with different shades of blue, light brown and pink. Hold the tablet with paper at a slight angle. The paint will run askew, creating the illusion of rays of light.
  • Let's wait until the paint dries, and with the paint, highly diluted with water, we denote the transparent silhouettes of trees in the distance. Trunks located closer will be made darker.

Draw transparent silhouettes of trees
  • Let's apply blue-gray strokes to the bark of the tree, adding texture to it. For more natural bark, take a brush with a long bristle and go over the tree in the foreground with almost dry paint.
  • We put the brush almost horizontally, turning in a circle and leaving uneven marks on the surface. It's better to practice on a draft.
  • We draw the spotted body of an owl with highly diluted gray paint, leaving the head unpainted. Let's draw the eyes in yellow, adding ocher to the upper part.

Let's outline the bark of a tree with blue-gray strokes The brush is placed on the paper almost horizontally and gently rotated in a circle, uneven marks remain.

Draw the eye with yellow paint
  • Paint the pupil blue and immediately add black. Leave the highlight in the eye dry.
  • Waiting for the paint to dry again. Mix blue and black paint and draw circles around the eyes.
  • Pale blue color is used to draw the bark of the tree. Use a thin brush to draw the protruding bark. We combine black with blue for this.

Draw dark lines around the eyes We emphasize the shadow from the protruding bark with a thin brush in a darker color.
  • Let's go through the liquid on the wings of an owl, leaving white spots. We will then cover these spots with blue paint, with the addition of blue and purple hues, gently mixing the colors.
  • Take a thin brush and draw the head.
  • Carefully remove the liquid with a soft eraser so as not to damage the surface of the paper. Mixing gray, blue and ocher, fill in the legs of an owl.

While the wings are drying with a thin brush, draw the head