How to develop masculinity in yourself: the successful experience of a brutal guy

Nowadays, one often hears about courage. Moreover, sometimes even the fair sex is endowed with such a quality. Each of us will have our own opinion as to whether this is correct or not. What is courage, what does a courageous man look like, we propose to find out now.

Courage - what is it?

It is generally accepted that a person with such a quality of character is really strong and strong-willed. Courage is one of the positive traits of everyone, manifested in the willingness to help not only themselves and their loved ones, but even strangers. This noble quality of character can manifest itself in any area of ​​life:

  • in a collective;
  • at work;
  • in public life;
  • at war.

What is courage? Each of us has our own understanding of what act can be considered masculine. However, most men and women are inclined to believe that a courageous act is manifested in courage and willingness to sacrifice one's own life for the good of other people. An example of such an act could be saving a person during a fire or some kind of natural disaster. While for some, such a display of bravery may seem like a normal human step, for others it is truly a feat worthy of respect.

What is courage for?

Someone lives well without it, but for someone it has already become a life principle. Such courageous people are found everywhere:

  1. During a natural disaster. Sometimes you can see when not very physically strong, but really brave people save those who are in trouble.
  2. At war. Even here one can distinguish strong brave people and cowards who are ready to betray a friend in difficult times.
  3. In everyday life. Sometimes it happens that a person is in danger, but only a few can come to the rescue and help the victim. Such brave people deservedly be called courageous.

What is courage?

There are two types of courage:

  1. Psychological- the ability of a person to see himself not as he really is, recognizing his strengths and weaknesses. Such courage of a person allows you to outline the strategy of your development and life.
  2. civil- the ability to protect oneself, as well as one's own rights in society, at work, in a team. Such people are not afraid to appear different and stand up for their own rights.
  3. Combat or instinctive- the readiness of a person to join a fight. First of all, it is a psychological ability. Such courage may be innate, but is often corrected by upbringing. Here a lot depends on the parents and all those people who take part in.

How to become courageous?

It also happens that a person does not have such qualities of character, but he has a desire to know what courage is, becoming braver and bolder. You can develop such traits in yourself and become a really strong and strong-willed person. For this you need:

  1. Raise self-esteem. It is clear that an insecure person is unlikely to be able to protect someone and prove to others that he is a courageous person.
  2. Learn martial arts. This will be especially true for boys. So if a child from an early age grows strong and manages to stand up for himself, then it will not be a problem for him to protect others.
  3. Learn to be indifferent to others and what is happening around. Such people cannot be left behind if someone is in trouble.

Courage in our time

You can meet a person who is really ready to help someone who is in trouble even now. Courage is manifested today not only during military operations, but also in everyday life. A courageous person will not refuse anyone if he is asked for help. Moreover, sometimes such people help others without asking, but simply seeing such a need.

Each of us can name a lot of examples of how a person who does not have special physical strength saves a child during a fire or protects an injured person on the street. In addition, courageous deeds can very often be observed in war, when a person is able to prove that he is ready to protect another at the cost of his own life. Courage is a quality of character of a person who daily overcomes difficulties in life for the benefit of his loved ones.

What is courage in Orthodoxy?

Orthodoxy speaks positively about such qualities as courage and nobility. By such qualities, religion understands sacrifice, the ability of a person to come to the rescue in difficult times. At the same time, these terms do not mean impudence and not dashing. So courageous can be called a person who is ready to sacrifice a lot for his family. When a person is ready to help those who are in trouble, he can also be called courageous and even a hero. Orthodoxy understands courage as a benefactor, which consists in showing love to others.



There are strong people and there are weak people. I hate weaklings. A man must be a man. Violent, strong and rude. How to hone your masculine traits and get the most out of your potential?

Masculinity is something that many aspire to, but few achieve. Unfortunately, masculinity is a certain skill that you will have to develop. This is a whole range of character traits that develop throughout life. By honing your masculine traits, you use the maximum of your physical, moral and emotional potential. Know that being masculine is not easy, and it shouldn't be easy - real men enjoy life's challenges.

1. Becoming a manly man

1.1 Get in shape. Courageous men don't have to look like Conan the Barbarian, but they do need to take care of their bodies. Men and women equally enjoy strength and athleticism. If you are not yet in shape, immediately set aside some time in your schedule for daily workouts. Exercise will make you feel and look better. It will also help you deal with depression and prepare you to achieve other courageous goals. Here are a few steps you can take to develop your own body.

Lift weights. Strength training will help you get masculine muscles and burn fat. Choose a suitable training regimen and make it harder gradually, if you are new to lifting weights - you can hurt yourself.

If you're not sure how to organize your workouts and if you can afford them, hire a personal trainer. He or she will help you fine-tune a class schedule that is right for you.

Courageous men care about their image - stay straight and walk confidently. Good posture will give you a confident look and may even make you feel confident. A hunched posture will give you a beaten or submissive look.

If you have a high percentage of body fat, consider dieting. There is nothing feminine about the diet. This is responsibility. Losing weight will reduce your risk of heart disease and other health problems later on.

1.2 Enjoy responsibility. Real men do not run away from challenges and do not try to reduce their responsibilities. Rather, they pride themselves on their reliability and responsibility. If other people can trust you, you will quickly learn to trust yourself, which will lead to the development of confidence. Responsibility comes in many forms, depending on the role you play. Here are a few aspects of life that will require you to take on new responsibilities:

If you are a husband or father, be the leader in your family. Take an active part in the upbringing of the children and/or the preparation of the family budget.

If you are a guy, be mature and reliable. Plan dates and events without waiting for hints. Be emotionally available if your significant other needs you.

If you are making a career, dedicate yourself to it. Take on a challenging project, even if it means working overtime. Be someone the boss can trust and you will be respected.

Emulate the examples of masculinity that have excelled in career and family life, whether they are friends or famous heroes.

1.3 Be a generator of sexual energy. And now for the fun! Courageous men are sexually confident—they know they're the most attractive in the room, so they don't make an idiot out of themselves by trying to please others. They are calm and confident when approaching people they like and let their charming, friendly personality steer the conversation towards flirting. Courageous men are direct in what they want, but are not rude or arrogant. They love to have fun, but they always remember that their potential sexual partner is a person with their own desires and opinions.

If you are single, work on your sexual confidence. Be dominant in flirting and in bed. Don't waste your emotions on a relationship that doesn't exist yet!

If you are inexperienced, start with going out. Communicate with attractive people you meet without fear - if there is a mutual attraction between you, you will succeed, and if not, it is still better to speak confidently.

Apply these principles in any commitment relationship in which you are involved. Be confident with your wife or girlfriend - surprise her by seducing her the way you would seduce someone you just met.

1.4 Improve your emotional health. There is a misconception that courageous men have no emotions other than anger. Nothing can be so far from the truth. Real men experience a full range of feelings - joy, sadness, regret, satisfaction, and all shades of these emotions. However, a man never loses control of his emotions. He never allows himself to get angry enough to do something stupid. He never allows himself to become so frustrated as to ignore his responsibilities. He does everything to make sure he is emotionally prepared for life's challenges.
Be honest about your emotional state – are you experiencing any illogical emotions? Stop your weaknesses. Talk to friends or a therapist to reassess your emotional state.

Men and women experience clinical depression, but depressed men are more likely to commit suicide. Depression can also cause a man to stop caring about his destiny and career. If you are depressed, seek medical help. It is not courageous to pretend that nothing happened.

1.5 Sharpen your intellect. Courageous men are not just sexy, strong animals - they are also smart. They should not be intellectuals, but they should be open to knowledge all their lives. A courageous man has an opinion about almost everything, but his opinion will not be justified if he is not open to knowledge. Whatever your level of education, being as smart as possible will help you negotiate, resolve conflicts at home, but most importantly, live life to the fullest.

Find a hobby! It's never too late to learn how to play a musical instrument or learn a new language.

Join the discussion club! The ability to argue effectively is an important skill in almost every aspect of life.

If you're wrong about something, admit it and move on. You won't get anywhere by stubbornly refusing to change your mind.

1.6 Develop valuable interpersonal relationships. Courageous men will be confident, but they don't have to be loners. Developing an active social life will help your career ambitions (it's a great way to get good references), but it's also a great way to get to know someone in a romantic way. Plus, it's just fun. Get outside and meet someone today!

Take on a leadership role in the organization. You will meet many people and earn their respect.

Join sports teams. Sports are a great way to improve your social life and health at the same time.

Cherish your most tender, intimate emotions for your relationship, but be a shoulder that more emotional people can lean on.

1.7 Be individual. Courageous men choose some people as role models, but they themselves strive to become role models. Be unique - don't blindly follow fashion. Develop your own style and you will never be confused with anyone else. The way you dress, speak, and present yourself impresses people. Make sure it's unforgettable.

Never agree with someone just to please. Real men are self-confident, can comfortably disagree with others when necessary.

Do what you like without caring what others think. Do you like knitting? Then become the most courageous knitter in the world.

2. Maintain your masculinity

2.1 Be a man in your prime. Don't rest on your laurels - keep exercising every day, even if it's just to keep up the shape you're already in. A strong, healthy body will make your life easier. You will have more energy to work, play and love like a man.

Enjoy your new strength and athleticism, but don't let it take over your mind. Do not brag or show off, only if in earnest - this is a sign of a desperate desire to get someone's approval, and not self-confidence.

Watch what you eat. Count calories and avoid junk food.

2.2 Encourage your curiosity. Stubborn narrow-mindedness is often mistaken for masculinity. In fact, it's much more courageous to actively seek out new experiences - you can't develop your personality unless you step out of your comfort zone. Always try something new if you are sure it is safe. It will expand your horizons. You will begin to learn what you like and what you don't. You will discover skills in yourself that you did not even know existed. You will become more interesting for your friends and sexier for women.

Be open in dealing with a new type of person. Talk to everyone - you can find people with different views on life, which can influence your opinion.
Take on new responsibilities at work and at home. Even if, for example, you find out that you are not good at paying utility bills, learn how to do it, and this in itself is very useful.

2.3 Challenge yourself every day. It's not easy to be courageous. It is a quality that requires hard work and struggle. Theodore Roosevelt, one of the most courageous men, overcame his poor health for many years before becoming manly.

Often the most difficult challenges we face are in the routine of careers and family life. In this case, the challenge could be something as simple as going to bed early so you can wake up and take your child to school. Even if the challenge is not heroic, it does not mean that it is not difficult!

Look for new challenges. If your career and family life aren't conducive to challenges, find your own! Sign up for a marathon.

2.4 Enjoy the competitive spirit. You are not the only manly man in the world - you will see yourself competing with someone equally confident, strong, driven. Give it your all - a real competition is a great way to test your manly qualities that you have worked so hard to develop. Even if you don't win, you will learn something and be ready for success the next time you face a new alpha male.

If you win, be a noble winner. Shake his hand, look into his eyes, don't gloat. Think about the qualities that led you to victory and those that made that victory difficult.

If you lose, learn to accept defeat like a man. Never give up before the competition is over, even if you see that you have no chance. Don't whine or make excuses. Instead, try to understand why you lost so you can give those areas more attention.

2.5 Above all, be the best in every aspect of your life. No one is perfect - even the most courageous men make mistakes and go through hardships. Problems are not a reason to give up. Look up to the confident, strong masculine ideal, even if you're ready to give up. Remember, no one is born courageous. This is something that needs to be developed through hard work, struggle and sacrifice. When you doubt yourself, remember that even the most courageous men have had dark periods. Here are some examples:

John Wayne, once the epitome of American manhood, survived three divorces and a nicotine addiction that led to cancer. And yet, he held on to the end.

Before becoming Rocky, Sylvester Stallone was a desperate, needy young actor. He spent three weeks homeless, sleeping in a New York bus station before landing his first role, in porn. He became famous only years later.

Mr. T had a very difficult life before he became famous. He grew up in a poor neighborhood in Chicago and was expelled from college within a year, working as a bouncer and security guard for many years before landing his first role.

3. The life of a man in the world

3.1 Treat women with respect. Whether you date her or not, you must treat her like a gentleman. This does not mean acting like a knight (like pulling up her chair). Most likely, this means that you should treat her with respect and goodwill, as you would treat a serious business partner. Listen to her. Respect her opinion, even if you don't agree with it. And most importantly, treat her as an equal - she is.

No need to treat a woman like a child. Many women enjoy raw humor just as much as men do. Joking (even vulgarly) with a woman does not mean disrespecting her - it will show her that you treat her as an equal, and therefore you can afford to relax. First, find out the character of a woman, and only then joke.

On the other hand, avoid insults, even if you're just joking. It is easy to get used to such words, and you may be misunderstood. Courageous men don't use gender as an insult.

Never use force on a woman - this is the most unmanly thing you can do.

3.2 Treat men with respect as well. It's easy to respect your friends. It's a lot harder to respect that weirdo in the office who constantly stands behind you. A courageous man respects everyone. Real men never humiliate people. They also do not participate in gossip. You should not do anything that you would scold your son for in adulthood.

Often boring people don't even know they're boring. If someone in the office has very bad breath, take them aside and offer mints. Don't laugh at him in front of the whole office. There is no point in making someone suffer for something they don't even know about.

Life will sometimes require you to compete with other men. Do your best, but always remember, competing with you does not make these men villains. They deserve your respect during the competition.

3.3 Be ambitious (but not greedy). Achieve the best results in your career and enjoy the rewards you have earned through your hard work, but never put material wealth above honesty or family. The happiness that you get from money is only a fraction of the happiness that a happy family brings. Be ethical in all work-related matters. Compete, but don't attack from behind - a courageous man will never throw someone else under a bus for his own benefit.

Respect at work is its own reward. Employees and superiors will notice your hard work. You will earn respect in the workplace and, more importantly, confidence in the future.

Look for new opportunities at work, but don't get so worked up that you forget about yourself or your family. If a new duty takes away your ability to interact with your children, give it to someone else.

3.4 Be a family man. Family should come first - before a career and even before you. Responsibility increases if you have children. Make sure you spend enough time with your family, even if you work very hard. They will return that love to you. Take your kids to visit their parents. Spend the weekend in nature. Attend competitions and school concerts. The time you spend with your family you will remember in your old age.

A survey of more than 1,000 British parents showed that they value time with their family much more than material wealth. If you have a chance to choose between working the weekend to save money for a new car or spending the weekend with your family, think about what will make you happier.


Be responsible for yourself and your comrades.
Be moral, honest, humble, generous, strong, ready to support, help and take care.
Offending a woman or a child is low and below your dignity, this is the embodiment of what a man should not do.
Follow the Scout Rules: Reliability, Loyalty, Helpfulness, Courtesy, Kindness, Obedience, Cheerfulness, Thrift, Courage, Purity and Respect. Be ready. Help others always. Be physically strong, open mind and morally honest.
Protect women, children and everyone who is weaker than you!
Follow masculine images and heroes, celebrities or your friends.
Don't let anyone step over you.
Identifying yourself as a man is the first step; if you feel out of your body, don't feel obligated to be a man!
Don't use steroids.
Some subcultures and value systems consider masculinity that in others would be considered unacceptable or even illegal. If you are acting courageously, always ask yourself if you enjoy what you are doing. There is nothing wrong with being less masculine if it makes you human.
Be a man, don't become a Neanderthal: remind yourself that a man has a fine mental organization and thinks about others.

The term "courage" has several definitions that are close in meaning, reflecting the essence of the phenomenon:

  • Courage is resistance and control over the feeling of fear;
  • The ability to make informed decisions, despite fears;
  • Courage is a personality trait based on the willingness to defend loved ones, country, religion, etc.;
  • Courage is the ability to take responsibility for something important.

Courage refers to the strength of a person's character. Indecisive and insecure people think about how to become brave. After all, at all times courage was considered a positive character trait and virtue, one of the signs of a highly developed human dignity. However, every person knows what fears are - and there is nothing reprehensible in experiencing them. Fear is a natural reaction of the human body, thanks to which the survival of the human race became possible.

Courage is characterized by the ability to control the feeling of fear, not to allow it to control oneself and to act contrary to the principles.

The main difference of a brave person is the ability to be bolder and move forward, where the majority give up, succumbing to panic.

Key Features and Functions

To become bolder and more determined, you need to understand what qualities distinguish a brave person and what you need to cultivate them in yourself.

  1. A brave person has self-control, knows how to manage emotions, sees the situation clearly and sensibly and makes decisions based on the voice of reason, not feelings.
  2. Self-confidence is directly related to courage. Such people know what they want and do not back down in the face of difficulties.
  3. Responsibility and the ability to answer for words and actions are characteristic of outstanding leaders, rulers and public figures. In the minds of people - they have courage.
  4. Courageous people have values ​​in the form of family, environment, country, and so on. and are ready to fight for them and protect them.
  5. Never will fear stand in the way of a brave man. He will be able to cope with them and achieve his goal and save the dear and valuable.

A person with the characteristics listed above is hard to miss. Those people who set themselves the goal of becoming bolder often ask the question: what role does courage play in a person's life?

  • To be brave means to gain faith in one's own strength;
  • Courage allows you to be fearless and brave, not to be ashamed of your personality, not to retreat under the influence of difficulties, not to give in to public opinion;
  • A brave person can remain himself in any situation and not adapt to the wishes of others.;
  • Courage allows you to hope for the best, because such a person understands that the future depends on him.

Cultivating courage is not an easy task, it requires the investment of psychological strength, time and self-discipline. Psychologists can teach us how to become bolder. However, no method or exercise will give the desired result if you do not use them regularly.

  1. Tune in. Mental attitude is the first step in cultivating courage. Scientists have proven that 90% of the result is already embedded in our head in the form of expectations and mood, and only the remaining 10% are responsible for skills and abilities. Differentiate between the concepts - arrogance, determination, courage, courage. Be prepared to work hard on yourself. In one day you will not become a courageous person, months or years will pass.
  2. Make a list of actions. These are the things that you did not dare to implement due to lack of courage. Perhaps it will be a trip around the world, or a trip to the rocks, or maybe a parachute jump. If you get scared - write down your desire with an exact deadline. It is necessary to educate your brain not to look for excuses and develop a clear adherence to plans. Tell me what do you have to lose? Every brave person knows that we come into this world once and to indulge our weaknesses means not to live, but to exist. Often women are afraid to realize such dreams due to the fact that in modern society the desire to be a daring and liberated girl is not yet welcomed and it is believed that such hobbies are "not a woman's business." A brave woman is rare.
  3. Strive to be more social. A brave person is not afraid to talk to a stranger and has a wide social circle. Communication helps to develop sociability, self-confidence. Looking at others, we understand that fears and complexes are inherent in people, which means that there is nothing wrong with communication. You need to communicate anywhere when the situation allows: for example, in a store, taxi, airport, etc. Try to gain courage and meet a new person every day - after a while you will stop being shy and will be more talkative.
  4. Change your image. Courageous people are not afraid of change. Conservatism has long been out of fashion. This applies to both external appearance and internal content. If you used to be, for example, a modest woman living for a husband and children, try to become bold, more liberated, daring and fearless, or just a little more arrogant in your relations with others. You will notice that a brave person is respected. Change your hairstyle, style of clothing, habitual route. Try learning how to drive a car or ride a horse, etc. Pay attention to how you feel – how comfortable are you in your new look? If yes, then you can muster up the courage and force others to accept you as a new person.
  5. Take risks. For a brave person to live without risk is boring and monotonous. It is possible to develop courage when you regularly do what we were taught to fear from childhood by our parents and teachers. For example, learn rock climbing, speed driving, etc. Fears do not disappear on their own - they must be regularly overcome. Over time, this will become a habit.

But remember - the risk must be justified!

Courageous people are not suicidal! They clearly understand the consequences and take risks by being prepared. Follow the rules and safety requirements, get the necessary training, use the help of an instructor.

  1. Don't be afraid to lose. A man is not always born strong, brave and fearless, and a woman is not always liberated, a little daring and spectacular. In order to achieve courage, the people we admire have gone through many failures and losses, had to learn a lot - however, they did not give up and were able to make others believe in them.

Treat your defeats philosophically - “you don’t know where you will find and where you will lose.” If you lost today, you will probably be lucky tomorrow.

  1. Get rid of negative expectations. Concentration on expecting the worst is the main cause of human fears. A brave person thinks sensibly and understands that in most cases they are groundless. However, getting your brain to work differently is not easy and takes a lot of time. Therefore, if you cannot see a positive result ahead, you should not think about it. Just act.
  2. Don't delay. Nothing kills the desire to act like the endless movement of deadlines.. Forget the excuses: “I will do this when the child grows up, I lose weight, change jobs, etc.” You need to live here and now, there will be no other time. A brave person realizes his desires as soon as he sees an opportunity.
  3. Courageous people believe that life is a game. Take it easy on everything that happens to you. Relax. Try to develop an easy attitude towards life and towards people. No matter who is in favor today, tomorrow everything will change, many things will become unimportant.
  4. Keep calm. Do not confuse courage and aggressiveness. A brave person can let his personality be shy, but at the same time protect the weak. Being calm means

To begin with, the need to make substantial adjustments to my “I” arose after a natural, as I now believe, series of failures and another failed attempt to charm an attractive classmate. Carefully studying my reflection in the mirror, I tried to understand: what is wrong with me and how to become a real man?

It seems that the style of clothing is not at all similar to the attire of metrosexuals, the figure also does not resemble becoming a refined ballerina, and my views on life are not similar to the worldview of born housewives. However, the opinion about me that I am a greenhouse plant and a sissy just kills. So, having studied volumes of abstruse literature and studied the advice of experts on how to become a brave and brutal hero of female dreams, I compiled my program on how to develop outstanding masculinity.

Step 1. Studying the point of view of others

Fortunately, I have a well-visited page on the net, and I began to bit by bit collect the opinions of my acquaintances and friends, that in their understanding there is a proud and worthy feature of a true representative of the stronger sex - masculinity.

I confess that there were statements of indignant feminists calling for equality of the sexes and denying in general the need for masculinity and femininity as such.

However, most of my friends believe that masculinity is:

  • natural trait, conceived by nature and honed by the requirements of the cultural development of mankind;
  • maximum use of the existing physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual potential for revealing oneself as an accomplished man;
  • the skill to take life's challenges with pride;
  • contempt for death and fearlessness in life;
  • fortitude and tempered will;
  • a conscious opportunity to commit a selfless act even to the detriment of oneself;
  • perseverance and courage in any difficult situations;
  • full personal responsibility for what is happening;
  • the ability to keep everything under control;
  • application of life wisdom in everyday life;
  • superiority over fears;
  • the ability to admit one's mistakes;
  • independence from doubts, anxieties, fussiness.

Step 2. Accept responsibility

I realized that in order to develop masculinity, I need to take full and unconditional responsibility for everything that happens in my life. Become independent of circumstances. Stop blaming other people for my mistakes and failures. Stop blaming the environment for the "wrong" attitude towards me.

I started by identifying, analyzing, and eliminating almost every point in which I relied on the help or prompting of others. I stopped reproaching my mother, who was used to taking care of me, that she did not toast the croutons so, and began to courageously prepare breakfast on my own.

In order to be more responsible and disciplined, I made a list of my personal duties, “functions”, tasks, activities and took control of their implementation. I confess that now I am proud that I can control my will, manage time and rejoice for every result achieved in my endeavors. The absence of doubts and indecision, the strict implementation of the planned plan allows you to be more courageous.

I enjoy responsibility, do not run away from the challenges of fate and do not try to reduce my responsibilities to a minimum. And the result is obvious: others trust me, claiming that I am reliable and responsible.

Step 3: Get fit

I realized what separates brutal guys from squishy guys: perfect physical shape. Guys who are seriously involved in extreme sports, for example: mountain climbing, demonstrate clear fortitude, skill and masculinity.

To become more tempered in spirit, I chose an activity that I liked: karting. In addition, to be more like athletes from the covers of men's magazines, I spend an hour or two every day in the gym.

Another hobby that brought me closer to real masculinity was the embodiment of a natural instinct - hunting. Now, in the company of trackers and trappers, I walk along hidden taiga paths, where it is not possible to be cowardly.

Step 4. Choose a Courageous Profession

When I was faced with a choice: who to be, I, without a doubt, made an unequivocal decision - to enter a law school. I was guided by two convictions: masculinity is an indispensable attribute of rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police officers and firefighters. In addition, the work of a lawyer requires composure, determination, courage, self-confidence and does not allow one's own fears to be in the power.

Now my teachers teach me visually during practical classes what it means to be courageous. The learned legal basics, acquired knowledge and skills, the ability to think consistently and act logically help me to overcome daily difficulties with dignity and become a worthy representative of the stronger sex.

Step 5. Demonstrate my masculinity to others

I decisively changed my image, realizing that the style I revere "sport always and in everything" does not distinguish me from my brothers at all. Now in a professional environment, because getting a lawyer's crust was self-serving, I show off in a strict and elegant suit.

I am proud to say that I got rid of the stooped posture and always step with a confident and determined step. In my circle of friends, I did a good job of trying on country attire - a brilliant combination of convenience, simplicity and originality.

I realized that in order to hone my acquired qualities and become a welcome participant in men's meetings, I need to consolidate my success by talking with the same group of hunters. I began to accept invitations to spend time in a traditionally male company: I went on a hiking trip, during which I skillfully demonstrated my endurance, perseverance, and fearlessness.

I also benefited from my oratory skills, which managed to captivate my companions during conversations around the fire. Now, I am a recognized leader in my team of "adventure hunters", an authority among my friends.

Step 6. Refuse excessive "political correctness"

Although nobility, politeness, and pliability are positive characteristics of a person, often the inability to express and argue our point of view leads to the fact that we simply keep pace with the crowd and are afraid to show the slightest resistance, even when the inspired views are completely alien and unacceptable to us.

I deliberately abandoned such a public dictatorship and now I am not afraid to express my point of view on certain events. I don't have plans to become a cynic and a die-hard critic, however, if I think that a long party with copious amounts of alcohol will hurt me, I definitely refuse it and say a clear "no".

Step 7. Don't be afraid to be yourself

In order to become more popular among lovely ladies, I began, quite simply, to be proud that I was a man. Brave, courageous, extraordinary, charismatic. I am proud of who I am and what I can do. I am not a supporter of violence, but I can withstand the blow and fight back the offenders.

I began to appreciate and tried to develop all my positive qualities and I am no longer afraid to tell the ladies that I am delighted with Yesenin's poems and love to enjoy the sunset. Because this is my world - special, unique. I respect and protect the ladies, I am condescending to their weaknesses, but I do not allow them to manipulate and push me around. I do not try to become higher than them, but I do not give a reason to humiliate my personality.

I don't brag or whine when I'm hurt, but I'm entitled to my own feelings and take pride in being able to feel. I am grateful that I am able to love and be kind to others, that I feel pity for disadvantaged children and unfortunate animals. I am convinced that only a mature person can experience the full range of emotions - sadness and joy, regret and admiration, hatred and love, but my feelings are under my complete control.

I respect myself for being able to lend a helping hand to those in need and pull a drowning man out of the deepest swamp. I admit that I can be wrong, but I do not criticize myself for the slightest trifle and do not make an elephant out of a fly. I realized that masculinity requires a positive outlook on life, that an eternal whiner cannot be called a true man. I look to the future with optimism, enjoy the present and feel gratitude for past life experiences.

Now, among those who want to receive an invitation to my world of a real courageous person, there are more and more worthy women.

Today we will talk about how to become a real man, which every real woman dreams of. And in general about what makes a man a man, what makes him more courageous, self-confident and capable of great victories. This will be a certain life hack for self-development of personal qualities for men, because instead of expensive trainings on self-confidence and excellent style, today we will break the laws of nature and success of the most courageous people of our time. .

Basically, the main male hormone “testosterone” is responsible for “masculinity” in the human body. What is testosterone, I think you know very well yourself, and today you will learn about how to properly increase its level in your body.

How to become more courageous?

And if you decide to become more masculine externally and internally, then the most natural way is to increase the level of testosterone, since a high level of this hormone allows others to determine whether they are a “true male” in front of them or just a male person, but without pronounced male signs.

Exactly testosterone makes you look masculine, behavior and even helps to form strong-willed qualities of character, developed steel muscles, provides confidence in oneself and one's actions, gives decisiveness in actions.

He also gives speed and sharpness of thinking in a wide variety of situations, as well as what is called male brutality, and to which the female sex unmistakably reacts: from girls with pigtails to mature and successful ladies. Why it is so effective and so hypnotic influencing women, we will talk separately, but this is a scientific and psychological fact.

At the same time, not all men realize what is the secret of real masculinity, although the boys think about how to become a real man very early. Agree, because most likely you yourself already at school dreamed of becoming a macho, just like your favorite movie characters.

But problems with testosterone, like masculinity, are not only among teenagers, because After 30 years, the amount of testosterone in men begins to decline.. What this leads to, both men and women themselves know very well. Unfortunately, this is a given, and over the millions of years that the human race has existed, it has not been possible to change it.

How to raise testosterone levels?

When a man is faced with the question of how to resist a decrease in testosterone levels, all kinds of medical methods first come to mind. We do not advise you to be treated on the Internet and look for information “what to drink from testosterone medications” at your own peril and risk.

Remember, any unprofessional experiments with health, especially with hormones, especially with testosterone, are very dangerous and without the supervision of a specialist can give disastrous results.. At best, your amateur performance will lead to the fact that it will not be possible to raise testosterone, and the dream of how to become a brutal macho will remain a dream.

And at worst, you can just end up in the hospital and get a chronic pathology for the rest of your life, which will be discussed below. So, if the problem causes concern - take the time and, without delay, go to a specialist with a firm masculine step.

It is well known that men's health troubles that have consequences in the form of failure in the opposite sex due to low testosterone levels are easier to prevent than to cure, so before the thunder strikes, pay attention to preventive measures.

The measures that I propose are natural, simple, act gently and safely, but quite effectively and able to make a real "male" from almost any "squishy". There are not so many of them, only ten, but in the future may they become your sacred tablets and iron commandments of "courage", "sexuality" and men's health.

Excess weight is the enemy of masculinity and potency

I hope it's not a secret for you that overweight men are the main contingent of an andrologist doctor. because excess weight is the main factor in increasing estrogen. Do you need an excess of this female hormone? In my opinion, if you yourself noticed that you lack masculinity, the answer is obvious.

Not only is estrogen an antagonist (reduces the level) of testosterone, it also provokes the development of cancer and metabolic diseases. Fat women, by the way, suffer from excess estrogen no less, but this is not about that.

So, your first step is to arm yourself with a calculator and start counting the calorie content of what you eat. Limit sweets and starchy foods, take control of your love for beer, make a habit of jogging daily, and in a month or two you will say goodbye to your non-sexy tummy, you will feel lightness and an improvement in your general condition.

Yes, it's not easy, but you're a man, so your will and mind work wonders, right?

Fasting and training have a positive effect on testosterone

Many men know that even a short daily fast from breakfast to breakfast is extremely beneficial for testosterone growth. The hormonal system during fasting is activated when the gastrointestinal tract is resting, you yourself often see this in the morning.

The norm of zinc intake is from 11 to 25 mg per day. Keep in mind that a lot of zinc is excreted with sweat, and since you are already actively involved in sports, be sure to check with a specialist how much zinc you need. It may be worth including more foods containing zinc or special vitamins in your diet.

Strength training raises testosterone levels

You can increase testosterone levels not only with intensive short workouts, but also with strength ones.

The basic principle of strength training in sports to raise testosterone: less reps, more weight, more). These classes require thorough preparation and practice, so do not rush to wind pancakes on the barbell.

The second option, which gives the desired effect with less weight, is either slowing down the negative phase of the exercise (this is when the bar returns back after lifting) or slowing down the entire exercise.

D Vitamin useful for men

There are opinions that vitamin D is a vitamin of masculinity and also has a positive effect on testosterone levels. It is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight, and its norm for an adult male is about 600 IU (Microunits). There is it in food, but, however, the effect of ordinary sunbathing can be noticeable.

Try to be in the sun with open limbs at least twice a week. If you are light-skinned, 5 minutes at a time will be enough for you. Some problems with the production of vitamin D can occur in older and dark-skinned men, in which case they will come to the aid of supplements and proper nutrition.

Calmness is a sign of masculinity

The second worst enemy of testosterone is stress. You know perfectly well that when things don't go well, then thoughts about sex fade into the background. The thing is that stress provokes the production of cortisol, which is just as unfriendly with testosterone as estrogen is already known to you.

Yes, it turns out that iron calmness and self-confidence is really a sign of masculinity, only, unfortunately, our life is full of stresses, you can’t hide from them with all your desire. But there are also controls for stress.

Yoga and meditation perfectly relieve stress and self-doubt (and women feel this a kilometer away), and in addition to the calming effect, yoga has a great effect on the figure, burning fat and making muscles long and beautiful.

Much has been written about the benefits of this ancient practice for the spirit and body, and its general strengthening effect for businessmen and future machos is beyond doubt, however, it will not hurt to consult an instructor: perhaps some asanas are not recommended for you.

Sugar is the enemy of masculinity and harmony

Everyone knows that the abuse of sweets leads to obesity. The fact that obesity causes a decrease in testosterone is also not a secret. Jokes about insulin, a hormone that breaks down carbohydrates, are very bad - the dangers of free handling of hormones have already been talked about a lot.

No need to "prick" anything without the permission of a doctor. Think about how many spoonfuls of sugar you put in your coffee or tea? How many cups a day do you drink? Not counting your favorite soda, pasta, pizza and a light cookie snack.

Think about the fact that with tea and coffee alone, about 45 kilograms of sugar enter your body in a year. An impressive number, right?

And this is only part of the food "for housewives", which you probably eat too.

Beer is a source of female hormones

In addition, you should know that one of the main sources of female hormones in men is beer. Abuse of this wonderful drink will make you look like a housewife with a big belly, small ambitions and a desire to sit at home and watch TV all day long. But you don't want to look like a half-vegetable, do you?

To do this, take control of your diet and limit yourself to food "for girls", do not eat cakes every day, especially before going to bed, like an unrestrained fat woman, try to eat less food for beggars and losers from McDonald's and a pub.

How to become a man?

To become a great man, don't pour 6 spoons of sugar into your tea like a rice farmer in Japan, rather, like an emperor, drink the best green tea, enjoying its delicate taste and exquisite aroma.

Pay attention to green tea instead of beer, think about the fact that in the countries of the East, where green tea is drunk all the time, but beer has never been heard of, most men are slender, fit, sexually active, they have no problems with testosterone, right? and they invented the Kama Sutra.

Do not abuse wine and other alcoholic beverages, sometimes you can afford a good wine or other drink, naturally while maintaining face, control over the situation and full awareness. In other words, try not to go down the drain all your previous work on increasing testosterone levels, masculinity and social status.

Healthy fats for men

Fat is different for fat, and if an excess of cholesterol in the body that is unhealthy for a man breeds diseases and disorders, then healthy saturated and polyunsaturated fats are necessary for normal metabolism and for the growth of testosterone.

To maintain optimal testosterone levels in the diet, a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 must be observed, and the total fat content must be at least 40%. Pay attention to fish oil, nuts, avocados, seeds, as well as healthy oils (corn, soy, coconut, grape seed, cottonseed, olive, sunflower).

BCAA amino acids for men

If you still decide to go to the gym to swing, then during active physical exertion, in addition to protein shakes, it will be useful for you to add a certain amount of amino acids for men “BCAA” to the diet, which directly deliver energy to the muscles.

In scientific terms, these are amino acids with side chains (leucine, isoleucine and valine). The body does not produce BCAAs, and therefore they must be obtained from food - natural products or sports nutrition.

How they work in practice has recently been clarified in experiments involving several groups of strength athletes. Each group used a separate diet. The first group received few calories and little protein with food, the second - few calories and a lot of protein, the third - few calories and BCAAs. The weight loss was greatest in the last group, and it was mostly subcutaneous fat in the thighs and abs. Q.E.D.

What foods contain BCAAs beneficial for men?

What foods contain BCAAs? Chicken, eggs, pork tenderloin, liver, milk, cottage cheese, fish and seafood, mushrooms, brown rice, amaranth, almonds, cashews, chickpeas, legumes, grains, nuts, peanuts, bananas, dried dates, rye, oats, soy, sesame , beans, lentils.

Therefore, athletes, among whom the most courageous men are mostly found, should not neglect high-quality sports nutrition, in which BCAAs are contained in their pure form, without impurities. Only in compliance with the dosage and preferably after consultation with a specialist.

I hope that by reading this article to the end, you understand how to raise testosterone, which contributes to its growth and how to reach the level of a self-confident real man who drives most women crazy with one photo of himself.

At the same time, with simple, one might say, “folk” means, to prevent a drop in testosterone levels, to realize that you don’t always have to go through tons of men’s trainings to develop character and charisma, and sometimes just a tritely high level of this hormone will help you become a real brutal macho, and for the benefit of your business, confidence and health, which I strongly advise and wish you. But of course, even without knowledge it is also impossible to become a truly successful person, so I advise you to familiarize yourself with that, or.