Types of projects. Types of projects presentation for a lesson on the topic Project activities presentation types of projects

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Classification of projects according to the dominant activity of the student

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    Practice-oriented project

    • A practice-oriented project is aimed at the social interests of the project participants themselves or an external customer.
    • The product is predetermined and can be used in the life of a class, school, neighborhood, city, state. The palette is varied - from a textbook for a physics classroom to a package of recommendations for restoring the Russian economy. It is important to assess the reality of using the product in practice and its ability to solve the problem.
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    research project

    A research project is structured like a genuine scientific study. It includes the substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, the designation of research objectives, the obligatory putting forward of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and a discussion of the results obtained. At the same time, methods of modern science are used: a laboratory experiment, modeling, a sociological survey, and others.

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    Information project

    The information project is aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon for the purpose of its analysis, generalization and presentation to a wide audience. The output of such a project is often a publication in the media, incl. in the Internet. The result of such a project may be the creation of an information environment for a class or school.

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    creative project

    A creative project involves the most free and unconventional approach to the design of the results. These can be almanacs, theatrical performances, sports games, works of fine or decorative art, video films, etc.

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    role project

    The development and implementation of such a project is the most difficult. By participating in it, the designers take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional heroes, etc. The result of the project remains open until the very end. How will the trial end? Will the conflict be resolved and an agreement concluded?

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    Classification of projects by subject area

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    Mono-projects are carried out, as a rule, within the framework of one subject or one area of ​​knowledge, although they can use information from other areas of knowledge and activity. The head of such a project is a subject teacher, a consultant is a teacher of another discipline. Such projects can be, for example, literary and creative, natural science, environmental, linguistic (linguistic), cultural, sports, historical, geographical, musical. Integration is carried out in this case at the stage of product preparation and presentation: for example, computer layout of a literary almanac or musical arrangement of a sports festival. Such projects can be carried out (with certain reservations) as part of classroom activities.

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    Interdisciplinary projects

    • Interdisciplinary projects are carried out exclusively outside school hours and under the guidance of several specialists in various fields of knowledge. They require deep meaningful integration already at the stage of problem statement.
    • For example, a project on the topic “The problem of human dignity in Russian society in the 19th-19th centuries.” requires the presence of both historical, literary, cultural, psychological and sociological approaches.
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    Types of projects by the nature of contacts between participants

    Projects can also differ in the nature of contacts between participants. They can be:

    • intraclass;
    • intraschool;
    • regional (of different scale);
    • interregional (within one state);
    • international.

    The last two types of projects (interregional and international), as a rule, are telecommunications, since they require interaction on the Internet to coordinate the activities of participants and, therefore, are focused on the use of modern computer technologies.

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    Classification of projects by duration

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    Short term projects

    • Short-term projects require the allocation of 4-6 lessons.
    • Lessons are used to coordinate the activities of project team members, while the main work of collecting information, making a product and preparing a presentation is carried out in extracurricular activities and at home.
    • Example: project "Element of the XX century", chemistry, grade 10; work in groups; duration - 4 lessons. 1st lesson: determining the composition of project teams; definition of the task of project teams - collection of information on their elements. 2nd lesson: group reports on the collected information, definition of products and forms of presentation. 3rd and 4th paired lessons: presentation of finished projects, their discussion and evaluation.
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    Weekly projects

    • Weekly projects are completed in groups during the project week.
    • Their implementation takes approximately 30-40 hours and takes place entirely with the participation of the leader. It is possible to combine classroom forms of work (workshops, lectures, laboratory experiment) with extra-curricular activities (excursions and expeditions, outdoor video filming, etc.). All this, combined with a deep “immersion” in the project, makes the project week the optimal form of organizing project activities.
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    Yearly projects

    • Annual projects can be carried out both in groups and individually.
    • In a number of schools, this work is traditionally carried out within the framework of student scientific societies. The entire year-long project - from the definition of the problem and the topic to the presentation (defense) is carried out after school hours
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    Types of projects Completed by the teacher of mathematics MKOU Bogorodskaya secondary school Zyrina Natalia Leonidovna 2013

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    A practice-oriented project is aimed at the social interests of the project participants themselves or an external customer. The product is predetermined and can be used in the life of a class, school, neighborhood, city, state. The palette is varied - from a textbook for a physics classroom to a package of recommendations for restoring the Russian economy. It is important to assess the reality of using the product in practice and its ability to solve the problem.

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    A research project is structured like a genuine scientific study. It includes the substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, the designation of research objectives, the obligatory putting forward of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and a discussion of the results obtained. At the same time, methods of modern science are used: a laboratory experiment, modeling, a sociological survey, and others.

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    The information project is aimed at collecting information about some object, phenomenon for the purpose of its analysis, generalization and presentation to a wide audience. The output of such a project is often a publication in the media, including the Internet. The result of such a project may be the creation of an information environment for a class or school.

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    A creative project involves the most free and unconventional approach to the design of the results. These can be almanacs, theatrical performances, sports games, works of fine or decorative art, video films, etc.

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    role project. The development and implementation of such a project is the most difficult. By participating in it, the designers take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional heroes, etc. The result of the project remains open until the very end. How will the trial end? Will the conflict be resolved and an agreement concluded?

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    Mono-projects are carried out, as a rule, within the framework of one subject or one area of ​​knowledge, although they can use information from other areas of knowledge and activity. The head of such a project is a subject teacher, a consultant is a teacher of another discipline. Such projects can be, for example, literary and creative, natural science, environmental, linguistic (linguistic), cultural, sports, historical, geographical, musical. Integration is carried out in this case at the stage of product preparation and presentation: for example, computer layout of a literary almanac or musical arrangement of a sports festival. Such projects can be carried out (with certain reservations) as part of classroom activities.

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    Interdisciplinary projects are carried out exclusively outside school hours and under the guidance of several specialists in various fields of knowledge. They require deep meaningful integration already at the stage of problem statement. For example, a project on the topic “The problem of human dignity in Russian society in the 19th-19th centuries.” requires the presence of both historical, literary, cultural, psychological and sociological approaches.

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    Projects can also differ in the nature of contacts between participants. They can be: intraclass; intraschool; regional (of different scale); interregional (within one state); international. The last two types of projects (interregional and international), as a rule, are telecommunications, since they require interaction on the Internet to coordinate the activities of participants and, therefore, are focused on the use of modern computer technologies.

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    Mini-projects can fit into one lesson or less. Their development is most productive in foreign language lessons. Example: project "Drawing up an advertising module in English", grade 11; work in groups; duration - 20 minutes (10 minutes for preparation, 2 minutes for the presentation of each group).

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    • Number of slides: 38

    Presentation description Presentation Design and research activity. by slides

    Project and research activities of students in the light of the Federal State Educational Standards Senior Lecturer of the Department of Innovative Technologies, SBEE DPO "CHIPKRO" Majidov I. S-S.

    “What good is it that you knew a lot, since you did not know how to apply your knowledge where it is needed.” Francesco Petrarca

    The authors of the technology of project activities. The project method originated in the 1920s in the United States. The founder is D. Dewey (1859-1952) - an American teacher, psychologist, philosopher and his follower W. Kilpatrick. They proposed to conduct learning through the expedient activity of the student, taking into account his personal interests and goals.

    A project is a work aimed at solving a specific problem, at achieving a pre-planned result in an optimal way. Project - from the Latin “thrown forward”, prototype, prototype of an object.

    Content of project and research activities The project leader is a teacher who coordinates a specific project. Project topics can be proposed by both teachers and students. The external result of the project can be seen, comprehended, applied in practice. Internal result: the experience of activity will combine knowledge and skills, competencies and values.

    the results are significant not only for the student, but also for the “external consumer” the organization should include the development of communicative UUD (even in an individual project) the organization should include various types of activities When organizing, it is important to take into account the topic of the project (research) should be of interest to both students and the teacher the essence of the problem should be understandable to students (and the teacher) the organization of work is based on the mutual support of the teacher and the student the solution to the problem should give a “new” first to the student, and then to science Features of educational design and research activities

    Research is based on curiosity and is not intended to achieve a certain result. Unlike the project, it is a "disinterested search for truth." The result of research is new knowledge. The project is always aimed at solving some practical problem. The person implementing the project is not just looking for something new, he is solving a real problem that has confronted him. Project work is always focused on a previously known, planned, practical, socially significant result. In a simplified form, the difference between research and project activities can be formulated as follows: what is already found in educational research; the project creates something that does not exist.

    Project activities Educational and research activities Activities are aimed at obtaining a specific positive result - a product that can actually be presented. The idea (idea of ​​the product) and the final product must match in the main parameters. The activity is aimed at solving the problem. A negative result (“the problem is unsolvable”) is also a result. The activity is based on the formulation and testing of hypotheses. The main difference between the project and the study

    Research - requires a well-thought-out project structure, substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, designation of research objectives, etc. The structure resembles a truly scientific study. It includes the substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, the designation of research objectives, the obligatory putting forward of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and a discussion of the results obtained.

    By content By the number of participants Mono-subject, meta-subject, activity, etc. Individual, pair, small-group (up to 5 people), group (up to 15 people), collective, school-wide, city, all-Russian, international, network (including through the network Internet) In terms of duration, mini-projects fit into one lesson; short-term - in several lessons; weekly - for 30-40 hours. (a combination of classroom and out-of-class forms of work is assumed. Long-term (one-year or more). Typology of project forms

    Position of the teacher: Enthusiast Specialist Consultant Leader Coordinator Expert Questioner Assistant.

    STAGES OF WORK ON A EDUCATIONAL PROJECT: Project problem Why? Relevance Problems Purpose of the project Why? Goal setting Project objectives What? Problem setting Methods and methods How? Planning Product creation What is the best way? Information search, product creation Result What will happen? Expected result (Product, Presentation)

    Individual project Group project Regulatory and personal UUD are being worked out Communicative UUD are being worked out Cognitive UUD are being worked out The teacher's special attention is on goal-setting! In no case do not perform universal training actions for students! Individual and group projects

    UUD, worked out during the study, problem statement, argumentation of relevance, formulation of a hypothesis, activity planning, activity control, activity correction, execution of results, presentation of results. The teacher's special attention is on the formulation of a hypothesis! In no case do not perform universal training actions for students! Study study

    students themselves choose the topic of the project students themselves choose the project manager (employee of this educational institution, or any other organization) the project topic must be approved (by whom and when - chooses the educational institution) the project implementation plan is developed by the student together with the project manager requirements for a particular educational institution Basic requirements to the organization of project activities

    Lesson forms Extracurricular forms Lesson-research Lesson-laboratory Creative report Invention lesson Lesson-presentation Lesson-examination Lesson-meeting Research practice Expeditions (field research) Optional classes Scientific society of students Participation in olympiads, competitions, conferences, marathons, etc. Field events Important understand which UUDs are worked out in each case! Forms of organization of educational research

    Educational cooperation I act independently, but we: — distribute functions; - sharing results — jointly plan the work of each; - control and correct a friend; - Evaluate a friend. An important condition is the independence of the implementation of educational tasks! Respect for another person's thoughts and actions About some forms of project or research

    Joint activities We act as a team (the exchange takes place in the process of developing UUD) Restructuring of individual consciousness for a common goal, common values, common criteria, common methods of work Individual contributions to a common cause Collision and coordination of different positions. Distribution of functions. Basic principles Forms of joint activities Group of 3-6 people (usually 4 people) Pairs Collective (7-10 people) About some forms of project or research

    Discussion Helps to form one's point of view Helps to separate one's thoughts from those of others Develops meaningful reading of texts. In elementary school - practicing oral forms of discussion In secondary school - practicing written forms of discussion Reading and understanding someone else's point of view set out in writing Developing the ability to clearly express one's point of view in writing Highlighting the main semantic parts in one's own and someone else's text The opportunity to express one's opinion to everyone with restrictions time About some form of project or research

    The graduate will learn: to plan and carry out an educational research and educational project, using equipment, models, methods and techniques that are adequate to the problem under study to choose and use methods to recognize and pose questions, to formulate conclusions arising from the study to use such mathematical methods and techniques to Techniques: as observation, problem posing, making a “good hypothesis”, experiment, modeling use methods specific to the social and historical sciences: problem posing, questioning, description, comparative historical description, explanation, use of statistics, interpretation of facts clearly, logically and to accurately express one's point of view to distinguish facts from judgments, opinions and assessments to see and comment on the connection between scientific knowledge and values ​​Planned results

    independently conceive, plan and carry out an educational research, educational and social project. The graduate will have the opportunity to learn how to: use guesswork, insight, intuition use mathematical methods and techniques such as enumeration of logical possibilities, mathematical modeling use natural scientific methods and techniques: how to abstract from incidental factors, check for compatibility with other facts use methods specific to social and historical sciences: questioning, modeling, search for historical samples use the techniques of artistic knowledge of the world: a holistic display of the world, imagery, fiction, organic unity of the common special (typical) and singularity, originality purposefully and consciously develop your communication skills to be aware of your responsibility for authenticity acquired knowledge, for the quality of the completed project Planned results

    “The results of project and educational and research activities should be considered not so much subject results as the intellectual, personal development of schoolchildren, the growth of their competence in the field chosen for research or project, the formation of the ability to cooperate in a team and work independently, understanding the essence of creative research and project work, which is considered as an indicator of the success (failure) of research activities. The main result is in the students themselves We evaluate the activity and change in the student, not the product! Evaluation system for design and research activities

    The main objects of assessment: the ability and readiness to master systematic knowledge, their independent replenishment, transfer and integration the ability to cooperate and communicate the ability to solve personally and socially significant problems and translate the solutions found into practice the ability and readiness to use ICT the ability to self-organize, self-regulate and reflection " The main procedure for the final assessment of the achievement of meta - subject results is the defense of the final individual project " . Evaluation system for design and research activities

    The main requirements for the content and focus of the project the result of project activities focus on practice possible types of work and forms of their presentation written work (essay, abstract, analytical materials, review materials, research reports, poster presentation, etc.) artistic creative work (in the field of literature , music, fine arts, screen arts) material object, layout, other design product reporting materials on a social project (texts, multimedia products, etc.) composition of materials for protecting the project product of project activities brief explanatory note to the project brief review of the project manager and research activities

    Explanatory note to the project Volume - no more than 1 page of text Purpose and purpose of the product Brief description of the progress of the project Brief description of the results obtained Description of the design features (for design projects) Description of the effects of the project implementation (for social projects) Brief review of the project manager Characteristics of initiative and independence student Characteristics of the student's responsibility (including the dynamics of attitude to the work performed) Characteristics of the student's performance discipline In case of borrowing someone else's text without reference to the source (plagiarism), the project is not allowed to be defended! Evaluation system for design and research activities

    Basic requirements for project defense Organizational form of defense Defense before a special commission Student conference Student reading Review of projects …………………. The results are evaluated in three positions: according to the results of the speech according to the explanatory note on the recall of the head The system for evaluating project and research activities

    Criteria for evaluating project activities An exemplary PLO offers 4 evaluation criteria: Important! It is not the product that is evaluated, but the activity of the student! 2. Formation of subject knowledge and methods of action 3. Formation of regulatory actions 4. Formation of communicative actions 1. Ability to independently acquire knowledge and solve problems Criteria are evaluated at 2 levels . Evaluation system for design and research activities

    Criterion Levels of development of skills in project activities Basic Advanced Self-acquisition of knowledge and problem solving Work as a whole indicates the ability to independently pose a problem and find ways to solve it, relying on the help of a manager; demonstrated the ability to acquire new knowledge and / or learn new ways of acting, to achieve a deeper understanding of what has been learned. The work as a whole indicates the ability to independently pose a problem and find ways to solve it; demonstrated fluency in logical operations, critical thinking skills, the ability to think independently; demonstrated the ability on this basis to acquire new knowledge and / or learn new ways of acting, to achieve a deeper understanding of the problem Knowledge of the subject Demonstrated understanding of the content of the work performed. There are no gross errors in the work and in answers to questions on the content of the work. Fluency in the subject of project activities is demonstrated. No errors Regulatory actions Skills in topic identification and work planning have been demonstrated. The work was completed and presented to the commission; The work was carefully planned and consistently implemented, all the necessary stages of discussion and presentation were passed in a timely manner. Some stages were carried out under the control and with the support of the leader. At the same time, individual elements of self-assessment and self-control of the student are manifested. Control and correction were carried out independently Communication The skills of designing a project work and an explanatory note, as well as preparing a simple presentation, were demonstrated. The author answers questions The topic is clearly defined and explained. The text/message is well structured. All thoughts are expressed clearly, logically, consistently, with reason. The work/message is interesting. The author freely answers questions.

    The decision that the project was completed at an advanced level is made on the condition that: 1. Such an assessment is made by the commission for each of the three criteria that characterize the formation of metasubject skills (the ability to independently acquire knowledge and solve problems, the formation of regulatory actions and the formation of communicative actions). 2. The formation of subject knowledge and methods of action can be fixed at a basic level. 3. None of the mandatory elements of the project (product, explanatory note, manager's feedback or presentation) gives grounds for a different decision. Evaluation system for design and research activities

    The decision that the project has been completed at the basic level is made on the condition that: 1. Such an assessment was made by the commission for each of the criteria presented. 2. All mandatory elements of the project are demonstrated: a completed product that meets the original idea, a list of sources used, a positive review from the manager, and a presentation of the project. 3. Answers to questions are given. The mark for the implementation of the project is set in the column "Project activity" or "Exam" in the class journal and personal file. In a state document on the level of education - a certificate of basic general education - a mark is placed in a free line. Evaluation system for design and research activities

    If necessary, selection (for specialized training), it is possible to carry out a point assessment of project activities. To do this, a score (1, 2 or 3) is assigned for each of the criteria. Achieving the baseline corresponds to 4 points (one for each criterion). Achieving an advanced level corresponds to 7-9 points (mark "good"), or 10-12 points (mark "excellent"). An educational institution has the right to create its own system for evaluating project activities and describe it in the BEP. Evaluation system for design and research activities

    Project method in elementary school Project method in elementary school

    method What is method What is projects? projects? The project method is a set of educational methods The project method is a set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow cognitive techniques that allow you to solve a particular problem as a result of solving a particular problem as a result of independent from independent with a mandatory presentation of results. Design obligatory presentation of results. Design itself technology is the totality of itself the totality of technology of search, research, problem research, problem search, methods that are creative in nature. methods that are creative in nature. students students activities activities includes includes in the

    project-based design Essence of learning The essence of learning lies in the fact that the student is in the fact that the student in the process of working on the educational process of working on the educational project real project real It processes, processes, living involves living involves the student of specific situations the student of specific situations of overcoming difficulties ; overcoming difficulties; initiating it to the penetration of initiating it to the penetration into the depths of phenomena, processes. deep into phenomena and processes. comprehends comprehends objects. . objects

    T K E O R P problem design (planning) search for information product presentation portfolio (folder-report)

    There are different types There are different types of project classifications. So, according to the classifications of projects. So, according to the dominant activity, the dominant activity is distinguished:  research,  research, creative,  creative, practice-oriented,  practice-oriented, informational,  informational, role-playing  role-playing

    Research Project Research Project  Research Project A research project is structured like a research project. It includes the rationale for scientific research. It includes the substantiation of the relevance of the chosen topic, the task of the relevance of the chosen topic, the task of a hypothesis from the study, the mandatory promotion of research, the mandatory promotion of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, discussion and analysis of its subsequent verification, discussion and analysis of the results obtained. When executing a project, results must be obtained. When implementing the project, methods of modern science should be used: laboratory methods of modern science should be used: laboratory experiment, modeling, sociological survey, etc. experiment, modeling, sociological survey, etc. staging staging

     Title page  Content  Introduction (Statement of the subject, problems, relevance, novelty, practical significance, hypothesis, goal, tasks, methods, object, research)  Main (content) part by sections, chapters (in accordance with the tasks) (directly related with the tasks of the work; conclusions are formulated)  Conclusion  List of sources used  Appendix (graphs, diagrams, diagrams, illustrations, photographs,

    Conclusion (1-2 pages). This chapter usually summarizes the study: whether the goals have been achieved, whether the tasks have been solved. In a concise form, the results of the studies carried out and conclusions are formulated (indicating, if possible, directions for further research and proposals for the possible use of the research results). Conclusions are the answers to the questions that the author of the work has set in the goals and objectives. Bibliography. Literary sources used by the author, as well as Internet sources, are recommended to be included in the list of references as they are mentioned (used) in the text. sources are numbered consecutively. used practical All should be reflected in

    Practice-Oriented Practice-Oriented Project Project Solution on from the very beginning social social Aimed tasks, tasks,  Aimed reflecting the interests of the project participants or reflecting the interests of the project participants or an external customer. These projects are clearly distinguished by an external customer. These projects are distinguished by a clearly defined result - the result of the activities of its participants, which can be the activities of its participants, which can be used in the life of a class, school, microdistrict, used in the life of a class, school, microdistrict, city, city project project, lies in the reality of using The product lies in the reality of using the product in practice and its ability to solve a given in practice and its ability to solve a given problem. problem. States.. States.. Value Value

    Creative project Creative project Creative project A creative project involves the most free and unconventional, the most free and unconventional approach to its implementation and presentation approach to its implementation and presentation of results. results.

    Role project Role project in is difficult. Participating is tricky. Participating Design and implementation of such a project  Design and implementation of such a project  Design and implementation of such a project The designers take on the roles of literary designers take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional or historical characters, fictional characters in order to recreate various characters in order to recreate various social or business relationships through social or business relationships through game situations. The result of the project situation. The result of the gaming project remains open until the very end. remains open until the very end.

    Information project Information project  Information project Information project is aimed at collecting information about any object or collecting information about any object or phenomenon in order to analyze, generalize and phenomenon in order to analyze, generalize and present information for a wide presentation of information for a wide audience. Such projects require a good audience. Such projects require a well thought out structure and the possibility of its thoughtful structure and the possibility of its correction in the course of work. corrections along the way.

    By the number of participants By the number of project participants: : individual project; individual; group.  group.

    Forms of products of project activities Forms of products of project activities video film;  video film; Exhibition;  exhibition; newspaper, magazine;  newspaper, magazine; the game;  game; collection;  collection; costume;  suit; model;  model; musical composition;  musical work; multimedia product;  multimedia product; cabinet design;  office design; staging;  staging; holiday;  holiday; forecast;  forecast; school self-government system;  system of school self-government; directory;  directory; tutorial.  study guide.

    Stages of work on the project Stages of work on the project Identification and formulation of the research problem; Identification and formulation of the research problem; Formulating a hypothesis; Formulating a hypothesis; Planning and development of research Planning and development of research activities; actions; Data collection, analysis and synthesis; Data collection, analysis and synthesis; Comparison of data and conclusions, their verification Comparison of data and conclusions, their verification Preparing and writing a message; Preparing and writing a message; Presentation with a prepared message; Presentation with a prepared message; Rethinking the results in the course of answering questions; Rethinking the results in the course of answering questions; Drawing conclusions, conclusions. Drawing conclusions, conclusions.

    The report should answer the following questions: · Purpose and objectives of the study. Hypothesis. Object, subject, research methods. Relevance and practical significance of the study. · The degree of development of this problem according to the literature data. · The main stages of research, their essence. · What are the results? Reports are not read in text, · What conclusions are made? Is the hypothesis confirmed? Prospects for further research. but they tell.

    The presentation (diagrams, graphs, charts, tables, etc.) used in the presentation should be easy to read and clearly visible to those sitting in the hall and understandable without additional explanations. Avoid unnecessary effects! The presentation is a summary. Do not try to include all the work there! The time limit for speaking at the conference is up to 7 minutes (+ 3 minutes for answering questions)