Multicolored gate drawing. Abstract of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Multi-colored balls. "Royal Castle" - a collective work in the technique of stamping

A fortress, the following problem arises: you need to protect yourself from external negative factors, but so that you yourself can go out, ventilate. Lattice - perfect option. You feel like a lemur in a cage, but safety is guaranteed. In another way, let's call such a way out of the situation a gate, and now we will learn how to draw a gate with a pencil. An improved version of ordinary doors, this thing is destined by fate in order to protect our homes from the invasions of prodigal sons and daughters. The strong consistency of the gates allows them to hold any power, even the absolute power of female logic. Moreover, a ten-meter steel gate looks much more promising than a wooden door.

The gates are known to man:

  • Hell Gate . The Coca-Cola and Cheeseburger Factory dumps its merchandise there. McDonald's keeps its devilish fast food recipe this way. Sinful souls are an invention of the futurists, because no one has ever seen a single one, and more and more french fries;
  • Star Gates . Designed to quickly move smuggling and blacks work force into intergalactic space. Widely used for space scooter racing and extremely rare for studying the phenomenon of moving at the speed of light.
  • . Manga about the Japanese gate of time for schoolchildren. Used to change the past by sending short messages (sms juice) to someone's phone in the past. Thus, the time line changes its trajectory.

Let's move on to the drawing steps.

How to draw a gate with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw the prototype so that the gate from the side and the two columns to which they are attached are fully visible.
Step two. Based on what has been done, we completely align all sides and objects. Preferably without using a ruler.
Step three. We decorate it decoratively, divide it into several parts to decorate the drawings on them.
Step four. What do we miss the gate? A good and durable grill with sharp tips. In addition, we add a little decorative to the lower part in the form of rhombuses.
Step five. Let's finalize the lattice, make it denser, paint the bricks on the columns on the sides.
Let's try to draw other objects.

Elena Rusyaeva
Abstract of the drawing lesson in the first junior group"Multicolored balls"

Software content. Strengthen the ability of children in circular motions and straight lines draw balls of thread, educate interest in art activities.

Vocabulary work. glomeruli.

Methodical methods. Picture show, game exercise "Kittens play with glomeruli» , show tricks drawing, conversation, independent activity of children, analysis of children's work.

Material. Colored pencils, landscape paper, glomeruli, paper sheet, masks of kittens.

Preliminary work. Children's games with glomeruli, looking at the picture, individual work


1 Creating an emotionally significant and problematic situation.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to basket:

Guys, what's in the basket? (glomeruli)

What colour glomeruli? (Red, yellow, blue, green)

Invite the children to take one glomerulus, find out who took what color glomerulus.

Vlad, what color are you glomerulus? (Yellow)

Irina, take the red glomerulus.

Guys, who could bring these glomeruli? (grandmother, mother, kitten)

2 Play with glomeruli.

Invite children to take glomeruli a certain color and specify the name of the color, then play with glomeruli. Transformation into little kittens who love to play with glomeruli. Children roll them out.

3 Sample display.

The teacher brings the children to the easel on which the drawing paper is located and shows drawing colorful balls.

Guys, look how playful kitten rolls glomerulus- straight lines in different directions.

Circular motions in different directions.

Children in the air show movements "pencil" (straight and circular).

4 Do it yourself work by children.

Children sit at tables, take a pencil. The teacher again specifies the color of the pencil. kids draw colorful balls. The teacher provides dosing assistance.

5 Analysis of children's work.

Offer to arrange your drawings on the carpet and admire how beautiful glomeruli turned out and how many of them. Refine Colors glomeruli. The teacher encourages the independence of children.

Related publications:

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Summary of the lesson "Clubs" Classes for the development of visual activity Topic: "Klubs" MDOU Kindergarten No. 82 "Teremok" Junior group Educator: Agafonova. I. A.

Summary of the drawing lesson "Multi-colored soap bubbles" (younger group) On the topic: Multi-colored bubble". Purpose: to learn to draw objects of a rounded shape, to hold a pencil in your hand correctly; to work out.

Preschoolers of the older group continue to be taught skills artistic expression the surrounding world, fabulous or literary plot, developing compositional skills, improving transmission techniques characteristic features shapes, colors and details of the subject. Drawing children's houses of loved ones fairytale heroes helps to develop the skills of a competent spatial arrangement of parts of an object, drawing details and filling in the background, teaches you how to correctly convey the proportions and sizes of an object. In addition, the theme improves the technical skills of translating an artistic concept into a drawing, broadens the horizons of the child, enriches inner world, teaches you to convey your impressions, aesthetic experiences, awakens an inner interest in visual activity.

Techniques and techniques that are used within the framework of the theme "Fairytale houses"

A fairy tale plot immerses the child in an amazing mysterious world fantasies and folk wisdom, the fates of the characters of beloved fairy tales remain in memory for a long time. Together with the main character, the children save the princess, go in search of wonderful objects, overcome insidious obstacles on the way to their cherished goal. Traveling through fairyland you can visit the castle good fairy or in the meadow enchanted forest in front of Baba Yaga's hut, escape from the wolf in a safe house of three piglets. Whimsical fairy tale houses are becoming business cards each story, full-fledged heroes, without whom the image of a fairy-tale episode becomes empty and lifeless, loses the charm of magic.

Classic techniques:

  • Drawing with simple and colored pencils.
  • Drawing wax crayons.
  • Drawing with felt-tip pens.
  • Combined method (colored pencils and watercolor, felt-tip pens or wax crayons)
  • Drawing with a brush using gouache - a feature of this material is its opacity, which allows you to overlap layers with a new color. Thanks to this ability, gouache is a very popular material for decorating decorative details.
  • Brush painting with watercolors. Children continue to be taught how to competently set paint on a brush and mix to get the desired color shade.

Children's work in classical techniques (photo)

Drawing with colored pencils Drawing watercolor paints Drawing with colored pencils Drawing with wax crayons Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors Drawing with watercolors Drawing in a combined technique (wax crayons and gouache) Drawing with watercolors Drawing with gouache Drawing with gouache Drawing with colored pencils Drawing with watercolors Drawing with wax crayons Drawing with watercolors Drawing in a combined technique (felt-tip pens and colored pencils) Drawing with colored pencils

Unconventional Techniques

  • Finger drawing - older preschoolers independently come up with options for using finger painting in combination with classical techniques.
  • Handprint - older preschoolers apply paint on the palm with a brush and make an impression on their own, then draw the contours and details of the object.
  • Drawing with rock salt, cereals by filling in the silhouette, previously smeared with glue or sprinkling the outline of the object smeared with glue.
  • Showing drawing - the contours of the object are drawn with wax crayons or a candle on clean slate paper, then the top layer is applied with watercolors of one or more colors.
  • Stamping - the image of objects by applying an imprint on paper using a stamp and a stencil (foam rubber swab, wooden blocks, from vegetables, fruits, waste material, etc.).
  • Grattage - scratching the outlines of a pattern on a surface primed with wax or paints.
  • Thread printing is the creation of an image from whole and finely cut threads using glue.
  • Monotype - a mirror image transfer from the base (cellophane, plastic surface, foil) to a sheet of paper.

Children's pictures in non-traditional techniques (photo gallery)

Drawing cotton buds Drawing with groats Drawing in the technique of nitkography Drawing with appliqué elements Drawing in the palm technique Protruding drawing Drawing with semolina Drawing with a candle Wet drawing Drawing in the technique of monotype work in the scratching technique

Drawing techniques in the senior group

Older preschoolers are working hard to improve their drawing techniques with pencils, crayons and felt-tip pens, since hatching strengthens the muscles of the hand, develops fine motor skills and the eye, and therefore helps prepare children for writing.

  • Line - can be of different configurations (straight, wavy, spiral, broken, etc.) and helps to depict the contour, conveying the shape of the object, its size and proportional ratio of parts.
  • Hatching is the simplest and effective method color rendition and rendering of the texture of the subject. A stroke is not only the most popular and affordable way to depict an object, but also an excellent simulator for development fine motor skills and coordination of movements. Hatching types:
    • Chaotic - strokes fall in a free direction, then are finalized by additional contour drawing of the object's silhouette.
    • Vertical - dense strokes are applied in a vertical direction. Adjusting the pressure force will allow you to achieve a smooth change in a variety of color shades.
    • Diagonal - most in demand for sketching the silhouette of an object or background.
    • Horizontal is a rather difficult technique, from the point of view of technical execution, since it requires the child to constantly change the position of the hand in the process of drawing.
    • Shaping - a complex and time-consuming version of drawing the shape of an object, for example, the sun, a flower or a cloud.
  • Feathering helps to achieve different color depths depending on the degree of pencil pressure. A brighter and more contrasting contour can be conveyed with the help of strong pressure, while the color intensity of the silhouette of an object or background image will be much softer.
  • Dot, rhythmic stroke, dabbing with a brush in the technique of painting with watercolors and gouache paints.

Lesson summary

In the senior group, the program provides for one drawing lesson per week. According to sanitary standards, the duration of continuous independent work of children should not exceed twenty to twenty-five minutes. To activate the attention and thinking of kids, methodologists and psychologists recommend conducting outdoor games, physical exercises that will help relieve psychological clamps, mental fatigue, physical stress from a static body position in a monotonous position. Finger gymnastics, which helps to relax the muscles of the hand, will also be useful and effective.

Lesson scheme

  1. Organizational part (3-5 minutes) - reading a fairy tale, riddles, poems, demonstration of pictures, presentations, educational film or cartoon. The information stage is necessary to stimulate children's interest in fairy story, the study of the features of the construction of the subject of the image. It is important to use surprise moments, elements of theatrical or didactic game that awaken curiosity, cognitive activity and create a favorable creative atmosphere.
  2. Practical part - the educator explains the sequence of creating a composition and drawing an object based on a diagram (3-5 minutes). Six-year-olds are already familiar with for the most part techniques, so more free in the implementation of artistic design. Demonstration of a picture or a sample should not be used for literal reproduction, but only to clarify and consolidate the correct understanding of the sequence and methods of performing the task. The work is done based on technological maps, samples or based on children's free design. Palace drawing algorithm:
    1. In the center, draw the main rectangle, the main entrance will be located in it.
    2. Draw small extensions on the sides.
    3. Draw tall towers along the edges of the image. At the top of the sheet, leave a place for drawing roofs.
    4. Draw roofs of various shapes.
    5. Decorate the tops of observation towers.
    6. Draw the main gate.
    7. Draw the shape of the windows, suitable for the shape of the doors.
    8. Finish the decorative details that adorn the facade of the building.
  3. Independent work children (15–20 minutes). The teacher helps children who experience difficulties in the process of drawing, but does not complete the task for them.
  4. The final part is the analysis and evaluation by the children of their works and drawings of their comrades. Children are taught to argue their point of view and verbally express aesthetic perception creative works(3-5 minutes).

Presentation on the theme "Fairy-tale houses" (photo gallery)

Castle of the Snow Queen The interior of the castle of the Snow Queen Ancient tower from Russian folk tales Gingerbread house Gingerbread house Pumpkin house Pumpkin house Mushroom houses Pig house Hare house Bast hut Princess castle Castle from heroic tale House for a gnome House for a gnome Fairy house

Lesson summary

In the summary, the teacher indicates the objectives of the lesson:

  • to teach to depict fairy-tale palaces, magical huts, ancient buildings, to transfer general form, combine the main part of the building with architectural additions and extensions (towers, gates, windows, roofs of various configurations, decor details);
  • to acquaint with the features of ancient Russian architecture, to teach to see the beauty of the world of architecture;
  • continue to acquaint pupils with Russian folk and literary tales;
  • improve the ability to draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, watercolors and gouache paints, mix colors to obtain the desired shade;
  • develop the skills of independent choice of material for the image, as well as building a composition over the entire sheet of paper, the correct placement of objects and background elements in space;
  • learn how to create a pencil sketch that precedes the stage of coloring with pencils or paints.

Summary of the lesson on the topic "The Palace of the Snow Queen" (author Kokorina T.)

Objective: to create the Snow Queen's castle
- to consolidate the ability to draw with gouache, wash the brush, dry it on a rag, mix the paint in the palette;
- to consolidate the concept of warm and cold colors through the game;
- to consolidate the ability to draw the outline of the building and invent decoration and details;
- continue to develop the imagination of children;
- to cultivate interest in creativity.
Demonstration material: reproductions of paintings by artists Aivazovsky, Roerich; audio recording of Sviridov "Snowstorm", Tchaikovsky "Seasons. January”, flowers of warm and cold colors.
Handout: landscape sheet, brushes No. 5 and No. 2, gouache, napkins, palette, jars of water.
Methodical techniques: conversation-dialogue, examination of reproductions, productive activity, analysis of the result of activity.
1. Organizational part.
Guys, close your eyes and listen carefully.
The music of Sviridov "Snowstorm" is turned on
At the end of the music:
Educator - Guys, where did we get to? What do you hear when you listen to music? What feelings and emotions did it evoke in you?

Children's answers.
Educator - Look at the pictures in front of you, what is shown on them?
Children's answers.
Educator - Why did you decide so? Yes, indeed, we ended up in the realm of the Snow Queen. We enter with you into her beautiful, transparent, blue castle, the wind walks in it and snow falls quietly, what do you feel? (Music Tchaikovsky again sounds in the background. Seasons December, January)
Children are cold.
Educator - Why?
Children are a castle made of ice, snow, wind.
Educator - Yes, snow and ice, in the twilight it becomes blue, blue, and this makes it even colder. Let's remember that even in nature it is cold and also blue, blue, purple flowers? (sky, water)
That's right, look at these pictures. What is shown here?
Children - Winter

Educator - Right, why is the snow blue and even purple here?
Children - he is in the shadows.
Educator - What is drawn here?
Children - sea water, blue.
Educator - So, these colors - light blue, blue, blue, purple - are called cold, because they resemble snow, ice, water, sky. It is these colors and their shades that are used to draw water, snow, sky and ice.
Appears The Snow Queen.

Snow Queen - How dare you come to my castle with the help of snow and wind!
Aren't you afraid of its cold walls? Or that I can freeze you?
Educator - Hello, Snow Queen, we didn’t want to disturb you at all, but only accidentally came to you when we were admiring your castle.
Snow Queen - Loved it! Ha ha ha. My castle is no longer as beautiful as before, the winds have completely changed it, and the snow covered all the peaks. In addition, the wind brought warm flowers to my castle, and my castle is melting from their warmth.
Educator - Guys, let's help the Snow Queen and remove all the warm flowers from her castle. What do you think these flowers are?
Children are yellow, orange, red.
Educator - Why are they called warm?
Children - They resemble the sun, fire, which radiate heat.
To the music, children pick flowers: flowers of a cold scale are placed on a snowman, and on a warm sun.

Educator - Well done guys, that's right, but why did you put these flowers to the snowman?
Children - They are cold colors and resemble snow, ice, water.
Educator - Yes, there are warm colors and cold colors!
Well, that the Snow Queen did the children cope with the task?
Snow Queen - Yes, it's cold in my castle again and it stopped melting, thank you. But it is still ugly and ruined, and winter and frost do not want to help me build a new palace, they need examples of what a palace can be in order to create it. And where can I find such a craftsman who could help me? and draw sketches of the castle?
2. Practical part.
Educator - Snow Queen, the guys and I can help you. These are very talented guys, they have a rich imagination and imagination, they draw very well and I am sure that they will be able to draw unusually beautiful castles for you. Really guys, can we help the Snow Queen?
Snow Queen - I agree, let them help.
Educator - But then you should let us go back home to your own kindergarten.
Snow Queen - Well, I'll let you go, so be it, but first please draw me some castles.
3. Independent work of children.
Children go to the tables and begin to draw on a white or black background to choose from, the Snow Queen's castle, using only cold colors, mixing them on the palette.

4. Final part.
Educator - Look, Snow Queen, what beautiful castles the guys got, now Frost and Winter will have work, and the wind will have a place to roam.
Snow Queen - Thank you friends, now close your eyes and I will send you home.

Samples and a step-by-step description of the order of work

The theme “Fairy-tale houses” (terem, hut, palace, castle, houses of fairy-tale heroes) is being worked out both in the format of separate drawing classes, and as part of short-term and long-term projects (“Russian folk tales”, “Tales of A. S. Pushkin”, “Tales of the peoples of the world”, “Tales of G. Kh. Andersen”, etc.).

"Royal Castle" - a collective work in the technique of stamping

Large compositions, which consist of many parts, details and objects, are usually created with the help of a collective effort. Preparatory stage, during which the background is painted over, the individual elements, detailing is worked out, implemented in subgroups or individually, and then the children together make up a whole image on the basis, gluing the individual parts of the object prepared by them, or the silhouettes of the composition, simultaneously developing the ability of spatial thinking, gaining experience in coordinated actions. In the process of collective creativity, children are guided by a given algorithm or a free plan, improving the social skill of coordinating common actions, as well as personal qualities mutual understanding and cooperation.

It is important to form in children an understanding of the correct algorithm of actions during the creation of a collective composition:

"Castle against the backdrop of the Northern Lights" - drawing with felt-tip pens

The main technique is hatching.

Materials: landscape sheet, felt-tip pens, colored pencils.


  1. Draw a curved horizon line in any order.
  2. Draw low mountains on the sides, paint over with dense shading with a blue felt-tip pen.
  3. Draw the main rectangle, add the side towers and gabled roofs in the Gothic style.
  4. Additional details (windows, doors) and architectural decorations are invented and depicted by children on their own.
  5. Shade the sky with strokes in the form of a zigzag line. Colors must be chosen bright and juicy for greater expressiveness of the picture.
  6. The next wave of a different color is located above the first line.
  7. Gradually shade the entire space of the background, according to the principle of a layer cake.
  8. The entire surface of the sky sparkled with bright color radiance, the hatching density can be increased.
  9. Draw tree trunks.
  10. Draw twigs and needles.
  11. Draw lines of snowdrifts.
  12. Using a soft brush and water, lightly blur, softening the seams between hatching layers.

"Snow fortress" - drawing with colored pencils


  1. Draw a sketch of the fort.
  2. Draw snowdrifts.
  3. Shade the color overflows of the Northern Lights.
  4. Finish the Christmas tree and blur the background.

Children's work (photo gallery).

Children's drawings Children's drawings Children's drawings

Antonina Pushmintseva

"Journey to the Colored Country".

Abstract of a lesson on visual activity for children 5 (6) years old

at the Skazka Child Development Center.

Pushmintseva A. A.

The purpose of the lesson: to expand students' understanding of the possibility of non-traditional improvised materials for creating an artistic image.

Development of interest in unconventional techniques drawing.

The development of fantasy and imagination, independence, observation.

Raising in children a sense of beauty, a desire to help others.

To expand knowledge about drawing methods and form a practical skill in drawing trees by connecting color spots arranged in "steps".

To consolidate knowledge about primary colors, warm and cold colors, about mixing colors.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Form of education: group.

Age of children - 5(6) years

Lesson time - 30 min


Decorated board.

Poster "Rainbow".

King Tricolor, Red Paint, Yellow Paint, Blue Paint, Chernilda the Witch, Flowerless the Witch, Snowman Guard.

Photos winter nature, reproductions of paintings of different genres.

Colored paper cups.

Colored paper keys.

Markers of different colors.

Cards with tasks "Find animals".

Gouache white and brown.

Paint brushes.

Sheets of blue paper.

Spray cardboard strips.

Lesson plan.

1. Organizing stage.

2. Introductory conversation.

3. Statement of the problem situation

5. Practical work.

6. The result of the lesson - viewing the work, reflection.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing stage

Teacher greeting:

Hello Pasha. Dasha. Masha (the names of all the children are called!

We rise with the sun

We rise with the birds:

Good morning!

Good afternoon!

That's how nice we live!

2. Introductory conversation, motivation for the upcoming work.

Today I invite you to take a trip to the Colored Country. You can get into it by opening the magic gate. What is this gate? Guess the riddle:

- Colored gates

Someone built in the meadow

But it's not easy to get through.

Those gates are high.

The master tried

He took paint for the gate

Not one, not two, not three

As many as seven, you look.

What is the name of this gate?

The key to them must be found!" (Rainbow).

Game "Colorful gates"

Let's make a rainbow out of felt-tip pens by laying them out in right order. What do we need to remember in order to complete the task?

Children answer:

The saying "Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits." (Children work in pairs laying out a rainbow of felt-tip pens on the table).

Well done! You have built a rainbow gate, and we can open it with three master keys. What color will they be? Why?

Children's answers:

Blue, red and yellow are the three primary colors.

(Children choose 3 keys out of 7).

Right! You are great, and we picked the right keys. Let's close our eyes and say together:

"One, two, three! Open the gates, enter the Colorful Land!"

3. Statement of the problem situation.

So we entered the Multi-colored country, and who meets us? (King Tricolor).

That's right, this is King Tricolor, and his three most important assistants. But why did the king himself come out to meet us? What could happen?

Children's answers:

He is very happy to see us. He thinks we are enemies. and wants to protect his country.

- "There was a misfortune, in the autumn the evil sorceress Chernilda, envied the brightness and beauty autumn forest, and burned it, turning it into black embers. The beasts of this forest were captured by Chernilda's servants and presented to the sorceress Colorless, who bewitched them and made them colorless. Earlier, at this time, a snow-white winter came in the country. But the evil witches bewitched and put Zimushka to sleep. They spoiled the exhibition "Winter Landscape" by mixing all the paintings in the royal palace. The inhabitants of this country themselves cannot resist the evil sorceresses, and ask us to save their country. "

4. Technology of performance of work.

Well, guys, do you agree to help the residents? What should we do?

Children's answers:

Help King Tricolor and correct the actions of witches, save the inhabitants of the country.

Well done! You are very brave guys, and you will definitely cope with all the difficulties. I will help you.

Let's put things in order at the exhibition "Winter Landscape", and remove all unnecessary pictures.

Game "Winter landscape".

(Children remove pictures of other genres and landscapes of other seasons from the board).

What a beautiful winter it was in a colorful country, and now she is sleeping. Let's wake her up by guessing riddles about winter phenomena.

He flies in a white flock. and sparkles in flight.

It melts like a cool star, in the palm of your hand and in your mouth,

He is white and shaggy,

And fluffy like a bear

Scatter it with a shovel

Name it now.

How the swan is spinning

Creeps along the path

Covers a trace


Not snow and not ice

And he will remove the trees with silver.

What good fellows you are! Completed the task. You feel Winter is waking up and it's getting colder. I suggest before you go further, strengthen your body with a vitamin medicine so as not to get sick. Oh, the medicine was made for us by Tricolor, but the evil witches spilled them. Now we have to make them ourselves.

Game "Color examples".

Red strawberry + yellow pear = orange juice.

Red strawberry + blue plum = purple juice.

Yellow pear + blue plum = green juice.

Well done! We did an excellent job with this task and now we are full of strength and ready to set off to the kingdom of the Flowerless, to save the enchanted animals. But where are they hidden?

Let's find them and warm them with warm flowers. What colors from the rainbow will help us? (Red, yellow, orange).

Game "Find the enchanted animals."

(Hidden silhouettes of forest animals are drawn on the cards in the branches of trees).

Well done! We saved and warmed the forest animals from the Flowerless. But where will they live, because the forest burned down? Zimushka has already woken up and without houses in the forest the animals will die! What do we do? How can we help the animals?

Children's answers:

Let's draw a forest.

5. Practical part.

Each of you will draw one tree, and together we will make a beautiful, fabulous forest. Snow clouds and magical frost, which Zimushka gave us, will help us. But we need to hurry, it's already very cold, the forest animals have nowhere to hide.

1. We draw snow on the ground with white strokes in the form of a cloud and sprinkle with frost (salt).

2. Draw a smaller cloud higher, sprinkle with frost.

3. We draw a cloud even less higher, sprinkle with frost.

4. Draw the smallest cloud at the top and decorate with frost.

5. Now let's take our little magic brush and say:

- "One, two. three - turn the clouds into trees!"

Let's take brown paint and draw a tree trunk and twigs, connecting the clouds and turning them into a fabulous tree.

6. Falling snow, we will draw with a glue brush, using the "splash" technique. To do this, dip the brush into the paint and draw along the edge of the plate from top to bottom.

(We hang the finished children's work on the board, and we get a fabulous forest).

What an unusual and fabulous forest we have turned out, all sparkles and shimmers. The animals are very happy with such a new home and are grateful to us for help. It's time for us to go home. To prevent evil witches from getting into the forest, let's make snow guards. Who will it be?

Children's answers:


The game "Lepim we make a snowman."

One hand and two hand

(Children stretch one hand forward, then the other)

We are making a snowman.

(Imitate the modeling of snowballs).

We're rolling a snowball

(Palms make circular movements on the hips)

Here's one!

(Spread their arms to the sides, showing a large coma)

And then a smaller com

(Rubbing chest with palms)

Here's one!

(Show hands the size of a smaller coma)

And we'll put it on top

(strokes cheeks with palms)

Little lump.

(Join fingers together, keeping palms apart)

So our guard came out - SNOWMAN!

(They put their hands on their sides and make body turns left and right).

Now the forest has reliable defenders, and we are returning home from the Colorful Country. What keys will we take to get out of the Cold Forest?

Children's answers:

Cold: blue, blue, purple.

Right! Let's close our eyes and say together:

"One, two, three! Open the gates, and run home!"

(Children speak with the teacher).

6. Final part. Reflection of the lesson, summing up.

Here we are at home! But we will definitely return to the Colorful Land in the spring. Let's share our impressions of our trip.

What new and important things did you learn in class? What interesting things did you learn? What was easy for you? What turned out to be difficult? What do you remember the most? (Answers of children).

You are all great today, thank you for a great trip. Goodbye, guys.

List of used literature.

1. Kartushina M. Yu. Logorhythm for kids. -M. : TC Sphere, 2004.

2. Trofimova M. V., Tarabarina T. I. Both study and play: FINE ARTS - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997.

Illustration sources.

1. Photos from the personal archive.

The theme of the collective composition "Flowers".
Form of organization of collective activity:
individual, free placement on a common plane.
Type of occupation: drawing from memory and impression.
Goals and objectives: depict flowers, filling large images the whole
a sheet of paper (without a preliminary drawing); fostering love and interest in
Lesson equipment: for the teacher - gouache, watercolor, brushes, etc.;
for students - gouache (3 colors - yellow, red, blue paint), brushes, white
paper, scissors, glue, watercolor (in the absence of gouache).
Spectator row: natural flowers; slides of flowers, flowering meadows;
visual aids showing the 3 primary colors and their mixing
(composite colors); methodical tables showing color mixing on
palette and transferring a new color to paper; reproductions from paintings: F. Tolstoy
“A bouquet of flowers, butterflies and birds”, I. Khrutsky “Flowers and fruits”, etc.
Literary row: riddles on the topic.
During the classes
I. Organization of the class.
Checking absentees, readiness for the lesson.
Remind the order of work and behavior in the lesson: greet a friend
friend (teacher and students) standing. Shouts from the place are not considered an answer,
the teacher asks those who calmly raise their hand.
Safety precautions in the lesson (pencils, brushes, paints, scissors, etc.).
II. Conversation on the topic of the lesson.
The first lesson is introductory, so the teacher at the very beginning conducts
a short conversation with the children. He asks the children what they drew at home
and what they drew for, what they especially like to draw, etc.
IN in general terms must be familiar with the content of the lessons
fine arts, to identify the level of knowledge, skills and abilities in
this area.
Teacher. Throughout the year we will learn the figurative structure of the language
art, to develop knowledge of the beauty of life. Help us in this
game and 3 "master brothers" (dolls) - Master of Construction, Master of Image
and Master of Decoration.

1) The multicolor of the world is joy. This is the first thing in this lesson
learn and feel for children.
2) The multicolor of the world is generated by the three primary colors. And this is for
children - the main discovery of the first lesson, because all the abundance of colors of autumn
bouquets, flowers brought to class (and the rest of the world around)
can be recreated on paper with mixtures of these three colors. To achieve
variety of colors, “learning to be painters”, using a palette, and not
mechanically painted with ready-made paints.
3) And finally on this lesson the following is also important: the entire sheet of paper
is engaged in the image, creates picturesque texture throughout
sheet surface. Children should immediately leave the "stripe from below" (supposedly
earth) and voids above. That is why it is best to depict "meadow
Children have been studying for the second year, which means that they already have some knowledge and skills.
There is, therefore, the previously studied must be recalled, systematized.
Check what the students have prepared for the lesson. Readiness for the lesson is
a requirement that every student must comply with.
Teacher. When a person works, he often uses some
tools (PC, hammer, needle, etc.). When an artist works, he also
uses tools. Let's name some tools that
you will use too. I make a riddle, and your answer will tell you that
Black Ivashka -
wooden shirt,
Where the nose will lead
Puts a note there. (Pencil.)
colorful sisters
Were bored without water.
Uncle is long and thin
Carries water with a beard
And sisters with him
Draw a house and smoke. (Brush and paints.)
The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board. (Chalk.)
If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain. (Rubber.)
Your pigtail without fear
She dips herself in colors
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album leads on the page. (Tassel.)

Huddled in a narrow house
Multicolored kids.
Just release it -
Where was the void
Look, there is beauty. (Paints, colored pencils.)
And also there are other tools of the artist:
● Paper - it happens different size, colors and textures (to the touch).
Most often they buy white paper in albums or in folders for drawing.
● Ruler - we mainly take about 25 cm, non-slip,
transparent, with clearly visible divisions. Patterns - curvilinear
● Compasses - preferably plastic, with adjustable pencil thickness.
● Palette - a small piece of board for artists, and for us - from
plastic, ceramic tiles, plexiglass, saucers, paper. Designed
for new colors.
● Felt pens, markers - used as an auxiliary material
for contours, small details, strokes.
Rags are also necessary for the artist - for wetting brushes and cleaning
workplace, as well as aprons.
What else do you need to know?
Colors are different, but for young artist enough to have
watercolor and gouache. The brushes must be natural hair animals, they
(brushes) are divided into round and flat, by numbers. (show brushes
students as an example.) The elastic should be soft, elastic, white
color, without inclusions - grains. Crayons are, except for colored, wax,
Which of these "tools" do you have?
Guys, you will need some of these items too, so
have them ready for the next lesson (or during September) if you want
become real artists. Watercolor with palette, album, brushes,
pencil, eraser are our main materials.
Some rules of work:
● gently wet the brushes in water without rubbing the hair;
● moisten the paints with water (slightly), rinsing the brush each time;
● Never smear paint with a dirty brush (that is, in another
paint), to obtain a different shade or color, use a palette;
● do not rub the brush on the paper and spoil her “hairstyle”, as well as for a long time
keep dipped in water (hair will be twisted);

● pencils should be well sharpened, the line should be light and
without strong pressure.
III. Working on a task.
Independent work of students.
Children are invited to depict the three primary colors and their mixtures.
large and small flowers in the whole leaf. It is advisable not to draw flowers, but
invent on the basis of nature.
Draw flowers, filling the entire sheet with large images (without
preliminary drawing). The flower is open.
The teacher draws attention to the consonance of the words "flowers" and "flowers", on
the similarity of the names of some flowers and color shades: rose and pink,
lilac - lilac, cornflower - cornflower blue, etc.
Can you give more examples guys?
Considering fresh flowers, children name what color their petals are,
define shades of a solid color (blue-green, yellow-orange,
Literary images. Mystery:
colorful gate
Someone built in the meadow
But it's not easy to get through
Those gates are high.
The master tried
He took paint for the gate
Not one, not two, not three
As many as seven, you look.
What is the name of this gate?
Can you draw them? (Rainbow.)
- And here are the little poetic s to a z k and:
Not in a dream, but in reality -
What is it here? -
I live on the rainbow
In the purple house.
I run out in the morning
In beige boots
Eat in the lilac forest
Scarlet cloudberry.
Dew falls from the leaves
In the dark blue more often
Eagle owl yellow eyes
Stares at me.
Where the nightingales whistle

In the back streets of the forest,
Creeks make their way
To pink lakes
Waving squirrel behind a bush
purple tail,
Whitefish swim
Under the cherry bridge.
I live on the rainbow
Come to visit.
T. Belozerova
Tanya ran for flowers,
She will give her bouquet to her mother.
Here is a daisy with a golden heart,
She has a tall stem
Next to her is blue, like a river,
Cornflower warmed by the sun.
Bell in a purple cap
Cheerfully nods his head.
Dandelion ready to fly
Whispers with a field carnation.
All flowers cannot be counted in a bouquet!
It's hot in the field, the sun is shining brightly.
The girls call Tanya to swim, -
She wants to go to the river herself,
But chamomile with cornflowers fades.
We need to take them home as soon as possible.
She needs to run without stopping -
The sun warmed up hot
And chamomile bright heads
They put Tanya on the shoulder.
Tanyushka ran to the house,
Butterfly followed her.
And now stands in a green mug
The first bouquet collected by Tanya.
Z. Alexandrova
red tops,
White shirts.
Along the forest edge
Chamomile scattered.
Violet has a delicate scent.

And over the forest, maybe from this
Delicate purple sunset
The fragrant air is purple.
V. Orlov
IV. Making a collective composition.
In schools where it is possible to have two or more lessons per week, and
also with good preparation of children, you can complicate the task: for 10–20
minutes before the end of the lesson, cut and paste the images of flowers on the common
A4 sheet, green background ( colored paper, primed). draw
butterflies (expanded), paying attention not to symmetry, but to the brightness of the pattern.
Cut, paste.
It is advisable to show students diagrams that reflect the basic principles
making collective compositions.
completing a task
individually, until the end of the lesson they may not know about participation in
collective work. Collective composition exhibited by the teacher in
at the end of the lesson on the blackboard, becomes a pleasant surprise for them.
Big and beautiful, it brings students a sense of joy and pride, so
how children realize ownership of a real “work of art”,
which can decorate the interior of the school.
V. The results of the lesson.
When summing up the lesson, the teacher emphasizes how the children were able to
convey the beauty of flowers using the 3 primary colors as shown
observation and graphic skills.
Analyzing the collective composition performed by the children, the teacher
notes the variety of shades of colors that is obtained from mixing
the same colors, draws the attention of children to the beauty of a large
joint work - a composition that will decorate the walls of the school and
give everyone a good mood.
Homework: observe the beauty of color in life
shades and remember where you can see the mixing of the three primary colors
(leaves, vegetables and fruits).