Рассказ про горы на английском языке. Туристический поход. Сочинение о горах на английском языке

Camping is a very popular form of living outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in nature or in the wilderness. Camping may start by spending the night in a tent in your own back yard and end up by going on a trip that may last for several weeks.

Some campers stay in one place for days, a week or even longer. From there they visit tourist attractions, go fishing or hunting, play games and do active sports like mountain biking or just simply relax. Others prefer to tour areas and spend every night in a different place. They travel by car or motor homes.

Each year millions of people go camping. They can explore new surroundings and be close to nature at the same time.

Types of camping

Most people drive to a campsite and set up a tent there. This is easy because you can take everything you need for your camping holiday in your car with you. In most cases you will choose a campsite that is near the road.

Travelling in recreational vehicles (RV) is more comfortable but also much more expensive. These RVs range from small trailers to large mobile homes. They have all the luxuries that you would also have at home, like refrigerators, showers sinks or toilets.

Boat campers travel with a canoe, kayak or even a small houseboat. They spend days on lakes or rivers and usually camp on the water’s edge nearly every night.

In Western Europe, especially Holland, Belgium or Ireland you can rent a boat and travel on one of the hundreds of canals and smaller rivers that crisscross these countries.

Backpackers are hikers who carry their belongings on their backs. They usually go to places that you cannot reach by car. Special equipment is usually extremely light and can be carried on longer trips.

Campers who travel by bike usually can stay at normal campsites. On one side cyclists can get to places that you can"t get to by car and on the other side they travel longer distances than hikers do. They pack their things in waterproof saddlebags which they strap to the frame of the bike.

Organized camping holidays usually take place during the summer and are attended by girls and boys. They combine outdoor activities with other kinds of training or with learning. Boy and girl scouts are groups of children who go on special camping trips.

Camping equipment

If you go camping and want to spend the night in a tent you will need certain items.

Today"s tents are normally made of nylon, canvas or other light material. They are not so expensive and easy to fold together and carry around with you, especially if you are backpacking. The material has to be waterproof and is easy to put up.

If you want to sleep in a tent you will need a sleeping bag. It protects you from the outside cold and is warmer than a blanket. Sleeping bags come in different sizes, colours and shapes.

Sleeping on the ground however is not always very comfortable. Some campers have foam pads or air mattresses which they lie on.

Clothing is an important aspect when you go on a camping holiday. Be sure to take clothes with you that will protect you from the sun, rain and insects. Take along some lightweight trousers, comfortable shoes and warm shirts or a jacket for cold evenings. Always carry a raincoat or poncho with you. Hiking boots are good if you walk a lot.

You will also need other everyday items such as a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap. Take along sunglasses, maps, and a compass or maybe even a GPS device.

Campers should also have waterproof matches, extra batteries, a knife and a lantern or torch with them.

The campsite

Choosing the right place to set up a tent is not always an easy task. First choose a dry place. The open side of the tent should face away from windy and stormy directions. Remove stones and sticks from the ground. Sometimes it is necessary to dig a ditch around the tent so that water from rainfall can flow away.

If you camp in your RV make sure you have the necessary facilities you need. Many campgrounds supply you with energy and water connections. Sometimes, however, campsites require you to reserve a place in advance.

Organized campgrounds are areas that are mostly enclosed by a fence. They often provide picnic tables, grills and parking space for cars and offer extra activities for their guests.


There are some safety precautions you must take when camping outdoors.

A campfire is one of the many enjoyable parts of a camping experience, but you should do it right. Never leave your fire unattended Always have water nearby so that you can put out the fire if it gets out of control.

Safe drinking water is also something important. Public campgrounds usually provide good water but if you camp in the wilderness make sure you have fresh and clean water supplies with you. You can also buy tablets that purify water.

If you go hiking on your camping trip be aware of other dangers. Don"t touch poisonous plants like poison oak or poison ivy. If you get caught in a thunderstorm look for shelter. If you can’t find a house or another building sit under trees in a forest. Avoid tall trees that stand alone in open areas. Get out of the water if you are swimming.

Before you leave home tell someone where you are going and when you will probably be back. If you have never been to a place before don’t go there alone. Stay calm and remain in one place in case you get lost and wait until help arrives. Carry matches with you to light a fire and keep warm. Do not rely on cell phones to call someone. Chances are that you won’t have a good reception if you are in a remote area.

Clean up your campsite when you leave. Fill all the holes that you have dug. Save your waste until you can put it in waste bins.

Topic: A fateful trip to the Altai

Тема: Судьбоносный поход на Алтай

Why do people go hiking? What pleasure do they find in changing comfort of modern life’s conditions to the survival in the wild? At the first sight, the idea may seem meaningless. But looking closer, you will see a great number of advantages of such time spending. You will understand why some people

Почему люди ходят в походы? Какое удовольствие они находят в смене комфорта современной жизни на условия выживания в дикой природе? На первый взгляд идея может показаться бессмысленным. Но приглядевшись, вы увидите огромное количество преимуществ такого времяпрепровождения. Вы поймете, почему некоторые люди предпочитают походы пляжному отдыху.

Hiking is an invaluable experience either for adults or for teenagers and children. The earlier you start the faster and easier you will learn the philosophy of life and gain important features of character, which will be useful to endure different situations and solve problems.

Поход - это бесценный опыт как для взрослых, так для подростков и детей. Чем раньше вы начнете, тем быстрее и легче вы освоите философию жизни и сможете приобрести важные черты характера, которые помогут пережить разные ситуации и решить проблемы.

I will tell you about my first serious mountain hiking experience. It was a month trip to the Altai. It happened fifteen years ago but I still feel the effect has made on my perception of life.

Я расскажу вам про мой первый серьезный опыт горных походов. Это была месячная поездка на Алтай. Это случилось пятнадцать лет назад, но я до сих пор чувствую эффект, который этот поход произвел на мое восприятие жизни.

Our group was managed by a young fellow who was just thirty years old. The rest of the participants were represented by 20 teenagers from ten to sixteen. Just now, looking through the years I realize the responsibility our instructor put on him that time. Kids are still kids and sometimes they perform reckless outbursts, which can be faithful in a wild nature.

Нашей группой руководил молодой парень, которому было всего тридцать лет. Остальные участники представляли собой 20 подростков от десяти до шестнадцати лет. Просто сейчас, смотря сквозь годы, я осознаю ответственность, которую наш инструктор возложил на себя в то время. Дети есть дети, и иногда ими управляют безрассудные порывы, которые могут быть судьбоносными в дикой природе.

The journey to the mountains took us five days of changing trains and buses. During this long time we watched the landscapes through the windows, played various games and sang songs. In other words we were getting acquainted to each other and to the diverse nature of our immense country.

Проезд в горы занял у нас пять дней, во время которых мы меняли поезда и автобусы. В течение этого долгого времени мы наблюдали за пейзажами сквозь окна, играли в разные игры и пели песни. Другими словами, мы знакомились друг с другом и с разнообразной природой нашей необъятной страны.

At last, we got to the starting point that was located on a bank of a mountain river with a rapid flow of crystal clean water. There we were given food and other equipment that was shared among all the participants in equal parts. So, the rucksacks became even heavier. The next time we were to get a trunk of food on the high altitude .

Наконец, мы добрались до отправной точки, которая была расположена на берегу горной реки с быстрым потоком кристально чистой воды. Там нам дали еды и другое оборудование, которое было распределено между всеми участниками в равных долях. Итак, рюкзаки стали еще тяжелее. В следующий раз, мы должны были получить баул с едой на большой высоте от местного работника.

The tour . First day we took the first pass. The trail was full of mud, feet slipped and the air was stifling after the warm rain. Drinking water was prohibited because it was considered to be more difficult to go after it. We were allowed just to rinse our mouths to quench our thirst. Don’t know why, but that time I was full of energy. So I was the first one to reach the top of the hill. Full of pride I was meeting the rest of our group with happy mood and boasting words, because the instructor had told us before that those who came first would get a prize. So, how do you think I ? I was given an extra portion of food to add into my rucksack. It was the first lesson for me to learn and to draw conclusions.

Поход стартовал. В первый день мы взяли первый перевал. Тропа была вся в грязи, ноги скользили и воздух был душным после теплого дождя. Пить воду было запрещено, потому что считалась более сложно идти после этого. Нам разрешили только полоскать рот, чтобы утолить нашу жажду. Не знаю почему, но то время я была полна энергии. Так что я первой достигла вершины холма. Полная гордости, я встречала остальных с веселым настроением и хвасталась, потому что инструктор нам говорил, что тому, кто придет первым, достанется приз. И, как вы думаете, чего я удостоилась? Мне дали дополнительную порцию еды, чтобы добавить в мой рюкзак. Это был первый урок для меня, чтобы выучить его и сделать выводы.

Another circumstance tested our endurance and honesty. The trunk with food that we were to get in the mountains had been stolen. So we practically had to survive until our return to the civilization. What a temptation was not to eat alone everything that I had prepared on the fire when it was my turn to cook.

Еще одно обстоятельство испытало нашу выносливость и честность. Багажник с едой, который мы должны были получить в горах, украли. Так что мы, практически, должны были выживать до нашего возвращения к цивилизации. Какой соблазн был, не есть в одиночестве все, что я приготовила на огне, когда это была моя очередь готовить.

Горы — mountain [‘mauntin]

Гора, холм — hill

Мне нравятся горы. I like mountains.

Я хочу побывать в горах. I want to go to the mountains.

  • склон горы — mountainside [ʹmaʋntınsaıd]
  • горный хребет — ridge
  • горная местность, нагорье — highlands [ˈhaɪlənd]

Я бы хотела покорить одну из гор, расположенной в этой местности, но сначала я обязана пройти подготовку. I would like to conquer one of the mountains located in this area, but first I have to get training.

В горах ощущаешь свободы. Появляется ощущение, что ты находишься на вершине мира, что ты можешь все что угодно. Это бесценное чувство.
In the mountains you feel freedom. There is a feeling that you are at the top of the world, that you can do anything. This is an invaluable feeling.

Моя прабабушка живет в горах. Ей уже больше ста лет, но она полна энергии. Прабабушка говорит, что секрет ее долголетия заключается в чистейшем горном воздухе, кристальной воде и натуральным продуктам, которые она выращивает в горах.
My great-grandmother lives in the mountains. She is more than 100 years old, but she is full of energy. Great-grandmother said that the secret of her longevity consists in the purest mountain air, crystal water and natural products that she grows in the mountains.

Сочинение о горах на английском языке

Я была в Крыму этим летом. Мне очень понравились Крымские горы. Больше всего мне запомнился город-крепость Чуфут-Кале. Я поднялась на высоту 581 метра, где и был расположен средневековый город.

Я ходила по старинным улочкам, увидела пещеры, из которых сделали дома, и даже мавзолей. А потом мы дошли до обрыва, откуда открывался невероятно красивый вид. Мне очень понравилось мое путешествие в горы.

I was in the Crimea this summer. I really liked the Crimean mountains. Most of all I remember the city-fortress Chufut-Kale. I climbed to a height of 581 meters, where the medieval city was located.

I walked along ancient streets, I saw caves, of which houses were made, and even a mausoleum. And then we reached the cliff, from which an incredibly beautiful view was opened. I really enjoyed my trip to the mountains.

Диалог с горным гидом

— На какую горную вершину мы будем подниматься?
— Начнем с небольшой высоты. Думаю, что это будет Корбу.
— Понятно. И какая высота?
— 2024 метров.
— Отлично, тогда пойду готовиться к восхождению.
— Увидимся позднее.

— What mountain summit will we climb?
— Let’s start with a small height. I think it will be Korbu.
— Clear. And what is the height?
— 2024 meters.
— Great, then I’ll go prepare for the ascent.
— See you later.

Last time I went on a walking tour was last summer. My friends and I decided to go and find some picturesque place on the bank of the Siversky Donets. You know there is a fine pinewood on its banks.

So we took all necessary things for sleeping and cooking meals with us. We chose a route of our journey and planned our trip. Our rucksacks were rather heavy, but this fact didn’t spoil our journey. As it was a walking tour we got to the place on foot.

We set out early in the morning, the weather was perfect, and we enjoyed the freshness of the air and the silence of the morning. There were some clouds in the sky but soon the wind took them away. We stopped at some fine grove not far from the river. But as there are always a lot of mosquitos at the river - not too close to it. All day long the sun was shining brightly, and we sunbathed and swam in the river, played volleyball and football.

Our first meal in the open air was unusual - it was a bit burnt - but we didn’t pay much attention to it. In the evening we made a fire and sang different songs. One of my friends plays the guitar, and he accompanied us. As soon as we got into our sleeping bags we were fast asleep.

Early in the morning one of us went fishing. Some time later we heard a tremendous splash. We all ran to the river to see what had happened. Our friend saw a huge fish and wanted to catch it with his hands, but fell into the water. We all laughed, and that was the end of his fishing.

The day was not sunny, so we just hired a boat and ran it down the river. We saw a lot of beautiful places, and the nature was magnificent. It was time we went home, but no one wanted to leave. It was an unforgettable journey.

Мой последний поход

В последний раз я ходил в поход прошлым летом. Мои друзья и я решил пойти и найти живописное место на берегу Северского Донца. Вы знаете, на его берегах есть прекрасный сосновый лес.

И вот, мы взяли все необходимые вещи для сна и приготовления пищи. Мы выбрали маршрут нашего путешествия и спланировали его. Наши рюкзаки были довольно тяжелые, но это не испортило нашего путешествия. Так как это поход, мы добрались до места пешком.

Мы вышли рано утром, погода была идеальной, и мы наслаждались свежестью воздуха и тишиной утра. На небе было несколько туч, но вскоре ветер их развеял. Мы остановились в какой-то красивой роще недалеко от реки. Но, так как всегда у реки всегда много комаров - не слишком близко к ней. Весь день ярко светило солнце, и мы загорали и купались в реке, играли в волейбол и футбол.

Наша первая еда на открытом воздухе, было необычной - мы её немного сожгли, - но мы не уделяли этому особого внимания. Вечером мы разожгли костер и пели разные песни. Один из моих друзей играет на гитаре, и он аккомпонировал нам. Как только мы забралист в спальные мешки, мы крепко уснули.

Рано утром один из нас пошел на рыбалку. Через некоторое время мы услышали огромный всплеск. Мы все побежали к реке, чтобы посмотреть, что случилось. Наш друг увидел большую рыбу, хотел поймать ее руками, но упал в воду. Мы все рассмеялись, и это был конец его рыбалки.

День был несолнечный, так что мы взяли лодку и поплыли вниз по реке. Мы увидели много красивых мест, а также великолепную природу. Пора было возвращаться домой, но никто не хотел уходить. Это было незабываемое путешествие.