Squat bench calculation. Calculation of the maximum loan amount for individuals. Muscle fiber development

A one-rep max (aka “1RM”) is a weight that you can only perform an exercise with once.

The Truth About 1RM (One Rep Max)

My favorite number of reps per set is 1. I am a big proponent of the max effort method, moving up to 1RM has always been an important part of our training program. Therefore, the following statement may seem strange to you:

Going to one max rep is not the best way to do max effort work.

This method works well for the first 4-6 weeks, but then most athletes begin to show signs of stagnation and even regression. For this reason, I decided to change the nature of max effort work for myself and my athletes.

So to reiterate: for most people, one max rep is unlikely to be helpful. Sets with 2 or 3 max reps help you improve your strength skills much faster. And below I will explain why.

What is max effort work

Most people associate the max effort method with two things:

1. Work with maximum weights, which involves performing one maximum repetition for the basic exercise.

2. Westside Barbell system.

The Westside Barbell system does use a variant of the maximum effort method, along with the dynamic effort method and the repetition method. However, for some reason, most only remember the maximum effort method when it comes to the Westside Barbell system.

Although the maximum effort method appeared much earlier than the aforementioned system. Prior to the advent of Westside Barbell, powerlifters only performed their "maximum" approach at the end of a training cycle. People also mistakenly think that the max effort method comes down to doing one max rep. This is a misconception.

The famous Soviet biomechanist Zatsiorsky explains that the maximum effort method involves lifting loads in the range from 90 to 100% of the current maximum. So it is not necessary to work with the maximum weight when performing one repetition. In the Russian-language literature on weightlifting, an important criterion is the number of repetitions performed under a load of 90% of the maximum, and not the number of maximum repetitions.

How the max effort method works

The nervous system determines how muscle mass will generate the energy needed to overcome gravity. The CNS can boost energy production through 4 mechanisms:

1. Development of muscle fibers

The more muscle mass involved in a movement, the more energy is produced. And the faster these involved muscle fibers contract, the more energy is generated. Thus, to get a more efficient muscle contraction, you need to use more muscle fibers, and, most importantly, use fast-twitch fibers.

2. Change in the frequency of contractions

The human body has limited ability to activate muscle fibers. If it is not possible to further increase energy generation by increasing the number of muscle fibers involved, the body can increase the pulsation frequency for the involved fibers.

Each contraction of a muscle fiber generates energy. So the more often the fibers contract over a period of time, the more energy the muscle mass will produce. With the exception of beginners, increasing the frequency of contractions is the only way in which the athlete's body copes with increasing loads.

3. Intramuscular coordination / synchronization of muscle fibers

These terms mean the optimal order of muscle fiber contractions. It is not always effective to have all fibers contract at the same time. Sometimes the asynchronous contraction of muscle tissue will be optimal. In fact, for slow movements under heavy load (for example, when doing squats, deadlifts, bench presses and bench presses), this mode of contraction will be preferable.

4. Intermuscular coordination

This parameter determines how the body uses the various muscles involved in movement. For example, the antagonist muscles must relax at the right time to allow the primary motive muscles to do their job, but not too early to keep the body in balance.

If the antagonist muscles don't relax, you'll have to deal with your own body and load at the same time. If you relax too much, you can lose your balance, get injured, or lose the momentum that serves as the basis for the next movement.

The last two elements are achieved through frequent practice. The more often you practice lifting a certain weight, the better intra- and intermuscular coordination will work. Increased contraction of muscle fibers and active involvement of muscle tissue can be improved through strength training at maximum load. Therefore, experienced and professional athletes can progress by increasing the contraction of muscle fibers.

The frequency of contractions of muscle fibers at 90% and 100% of the maximum load is the same

The frequency of nerve impulses that send signals to muscle fibers does not change during training in the range from 90 to 100% of the maximum load. Even at loads in the range from 97 to 100% of the maximum, there is no increase in frequency. Therefore, if you train with loads in the range of 90-100%, the nervous system adapts perfectly. That is why the load and the set/rep scheme that will allow you to perform the maximum amount of work in the range of 90-100% of the maximum load, without causing “kickbacks”, is of the utmost importance.

For the development of strength skills, such a load will be quite enough. In practice, weights of 90-95% of the maximum when performing sets of 2-3 repetitions will give a better result than the maximum load. Doing a single max rep is useful for powerlifters, as they need to develop the ability to handle max weight for one rep. You will most likely notice that when doing 2-3 sets, the second set will be easier to complete than the first. That is why the ability to demonstrate maximum results in the first approach needs to be developed just by powerlifters.

For most of us, doing 2-3 max reps will be more effective than doing one max rep. In fact, this even applies to powerlifters. Exercises with one maximum repetition should take no more than 20% of the training time.

Mindset for Success

2-3 max reps are better than 1 max rep also because of the right set up you get. Performing 2-3 repetitions implies the successful completion of the first repetition. So before you do a set, you know you can successfully complete the first rep. And this knowledge helps you successfully cope with the load.

This attitude gives you confidence as you approach the bar. Any experienced weightlifter knows that confidence when working with a maximum load can be a huge help in the successful execution of a set.

Why is the second repetition easier to perform than the first? The thing is the effect of potentiation / activation, and also the fact that the first repetition allows you to gain the desired speed of movement. When you aim for one max rep, you may have doubts about whether you can handle the load. This negatively affects your confidence and therefore your results.

Safety factor

By setting yourself up for 2-3 maximum reps, you will almost always (if, of course, you plan the load correctly) be able to perform the first repetition. Sometimes a task can be harder than you think, but still doable. Now, as you approach threshold loads, you may find yourself in a situation where, after the first rep, you won't be able to complete the second rep. No need to get upset, this approach can also be considered effective.

When working at maximum load, it is very difficult to know if you can repeat or not. When you lower the bar, you might think that you can do the second rep, but when you lift the weight, you realize that you were wrong. Such situations lead to poor form and risk of injury. It is best to make a decision about the possibility of performing the second repetition at the time of the first. How you feel during the first rep should tell you how much power you have left. If you are doing one maximum rep, you will not have such a “tool” in reserve in order to understand whether it is worth starting the second repetition.

Some people, based on their experience or discipline, determine if they can complete a rep the moment they approach the bar. These people are less at risk of injury when doing max reps. They know it's better to try again later than to try to lift too much weight. However, there are many videos of people performing unsuccessful approaches, which suggests that not everyone has these skills.

Why you should mostly do 2-3 reps with 90-95% of your max, not 1RM with 97-100% of your max

Weights in the range of 90-100% of the maximum are used in the same load patterns as when working with maximum effort. This work allows you to improve the results for one maximum rep, even if you do not practice maximum reps in every workout. Training is not a test. You train to develop certain skills and abilities that will make your body stronger and more efficient when it's finally time to test its capabilities.

The more you practice in this range, the more you will achieve at maximum load. It should be noted that the human body adapts better to a load of 90-95% of the maximum than in the range of 95-100% of the maximum. Doing 2-3 max reps will help increase your volume significantly compared to a single max rep. Increasing the amount of work will help to achieve a better adaptation of the nervous system. Strength is not only a physical ability, it is also a skill, including the training of the nervous system. The more often you practice the skill of generating the maximum amount of energy, the better results you will achieve.

If you perform sets of 2-3 maximum repetitions, you can increase the amount of work in the desired area by 1.5-2 times and accelerate the speed of adaptation of the nervous system.

Why can't you do more sets of one max rep? The fact is that performing 6 bar lifts with a load of 90-95% of the maximum is a completely acceptable level. However, performing the same number of repetitions per day at a load of 97-100% of the maximum has too much effect on the nervous system, which will not allow progress.

Well-known Canadian athletics coach Charlie Francis (Charlie Francis) noted a big difference in the effect on the nervous system of the load of 95-97% and 100% of the maximum. A load of 100% of the maximum load has a residual effect for days or even weeks, and the range of 95-97% of the maximum load is better suited for quick recovery and further progress. The same is true for weightlifting. There is an overstrain that the body experiences when performing one maximum repetition. All the advantages of this method are limited by the inability to increase the frequency of sets, so in the long run it is less effective.

Psychological component

Soviet weightlifter Vasily Alekseev advised avoiding "training on the nerves", i.e. avoid psychological stress during training. This does not mean that you can relax: the secret is hard work and respect for the boundary beyond which the athlete begins to experience obvious psychological stress, which is accompanied by a sharp increase in blood pressure, symptoms of tunnel vision, increased heart rate, the need for a psychological mood, etc.

"Training on the nerves" should be something like an emergency reserve that you can use when needed. It's like "nitro" in a tuned car. It allows you to dramatically increase the speed, but it is also very expensive. During training, there is no need for psychological adjustment before each lift of the barbell. Just look at the Russian Olympic weightlifters: they approach the bar in training in a relaxed state, as if they had just woken up, even when working with weights close to world records.

Maximum for training and maximum for competition

Zatsiorsky distinguishes two maximums: training maximum (T max) and competitive maximum (C max).

T max is the maximum weight that a weightlifter can lift without placing an excessive load on the body and without exciting the central nervous system, i.e. psychologically not tuning in to the repetition.

C max is the maximum, which is achieved with the help of significant concentration and psychological recovery, and stress for the body leads to a significant release of adrenaline into the blood.

C max can exceed T max by 12% in experienced athletes who are used to severe stress, and in most people, with the help of concentration and adrenaline release, indicators can be increased by 5%.

As you can see, the mental attitude can give you a good "weight gain". However, nothing comes for free, as the release of adrenaline leads to serious consequences for the body. It is necessary, if possible, to avoid overexciting the nervous system before the approach, keeping reserves for extreme cases. 2 maximum repetitions do not impose such a serious psychological burden on the body as one maximum repetition. Therefore, the negative effect can be avoided by getting the most out of the workout.

Stimulation of fast twitch muscle fibers

Muscle fibers that were involved in the work, but did not receive the proper load - do not receive the effect of training. If you simply engage the fibers without tiring them, you can certainly get the result in the form of an increase in the ability to activate muscle tissue, but quantitative tissue growth will not occur.

When performing work with maximum effort, the body uses anaerobic alactic energy, which is burned in about 20 minutes. In other words, if you use this system, you will run out of fuel very quickly. Anaerobic alactic energy begins to burn out 7-10 seconds after the start of intense work. If the duration of intense exercise is shorter, the body quickly gets tired, and the growth of fast-twitch fibers is not observed.

If you do sets with one maximum rep, it takes an average of 4 seconds per set, a maximum of 5. As you can see, 3 seconds are not enough to reach our threshold minimum value. It is very rare that a rep takes 7-10 seconds to complete, but in this case, you need to consciously take the exercise slowly, and this reduces your ability to lift heavy weights.

If you do 2 repetitions, the muscles will be loaded for the required 7-10 seconds, and if you do 3 repetitions, the duration of the load will be 11-14 seconds. In both cases, the loading/stimulation of the fast twitch fibers will be stronger, especially when doing multiple sets. As a result, you will be able to stimulate the growth of muscle tissue, and not just the activity of muscle tissue.

Devil's Advocate. Why You Should Still Practice Your 1RM

Performing one maximum repetition requires special skills. Someone who is good at performing single snatches, etc. will show a 7-9% difference in load for 2-3 reps and one rep. All the rest will show an average difference of 4-5%.

Take, for example, two athletes who practice sets of 2 max reps on the bench with a load of 170 kilograms.

  • Athlete 1 often
  • Athlete 2 rarely performs sets of one maximum rep.

Athlete 1 will perform best in single attempts with maximum weight. So he will be able to lift up to 185kg while Athlete 2, who works at a lower frequency, will only be able to lift 178kg.

Moreover, both athletes will have approximately the same level of strength training. The fact is that the first athlete is better able to use the available forces at maximum load. That is why it is so important for powerlifters to practice one maximum rep. This is important when preparing for competitions, where it is important to show your skills in a competitive environment.

However, if you are training to get stronger, there is no need to include sets of one maximum rep in your training program. In addition, in the long run, even professional powerlifters will achieve better results by practicing 2 max reps more often.

When applying to a bank for a loan, each borrower first calculates his financial capabilities, that is, the amount of funds that he can repay, taking into account the bank interest rate, is taken on credit. At the very least, it is reasonable to always rely on your financial capabilities before applying for a loan, however, a banking organization always minimizes its risks when issuing loans and carefully calculates the maximum loan amount. Borrowers do not know for sure how the maximum amount of a consumer loan is calculated, let's try to find out.

Calculation methods

First of all, it is worth saying that this information is closed to borrowers in many banks, that is, the calculation is carried out on the basis of the internal regulations of financial institutions. Even bank employees have no right to disclose such information. However, some banks, in particular Sberbank, on the contrary, provide such information to borrowers on the official website.

So, if you do not know how to calculate the maximum loan amount and banks do not provide you with such information, then you should definitely consider the general principles of calculation. This principle is as follows: the income of the borrower is taken and expenses are deducted from them. That is, the amount of the borrower's income consists of his official salary after deducting income tax, as well as other income that can be documented, these include: pension, benefits, additional income, and more.

Important! When applying for a bank loan, especially when it comes to large amounts, not only the income of the borrower himself, but also his family members is taken into account. For example, if the spouse of the borrower has income, then they must document it and give their consent to the bank to apply for a loan, insofar as the spouse of the borrower automatically becomes co-borrowers.

Consider the list of expenses taken into account by the lender when calculating the maximum loan amount. It looks like this:

  • utility bills;
  • payments on obligations in other banks;
  • alimony;
  • household consumer expenses (according to the borrower).

Thus, before issuing a bank loan, employees of a financial institution are always interested in the financial situation of the borrower. If the income can be verified by documents, then the expenses are mainly indicated according to the borrower. That is, banks rarely check the amount of utility bills, alimony and other expenses, usually the data is entered into the questionnaire according to the borrower. As for payments on other obligations, this can be easily checked, the client's credit report displays his current financial obligations and their monthly amount.

The formula for calculating the maximum monthly payment amount

First of all, the calculation of the maximum loan amount for individuals is carried out on the basis of several data. The main role in the calculations is played by the correction factor, each creditor sets its own value. Plus, the lending conditions in each bank are different, namely, interest rates differ, so you can only calculate the preliminary amount of your loan on your own.

The adjustment factor is usually in the range from 30 to 70%, namely, this is the percentage of the borrower's net income that can be used to pay off the loan.

So, the calculation formula will look like this:

P=S*K, Where:

  • P is the amount of the monthly payment;
  • S is the borrower's net income;
  • K is the correction factor.

Just before you start calculating the maximum amount of a bank loan, you need to calculate the net income to borrowers, or the total income of the family. That is, from the total amount of your income, including the salary of your spouse or spouse, you need to subtract all your expenses for utility loans and so on, the remaining amount is net income.

Important! In the formula, the correction factor is divided by 100, for example, if it is 70%, then the formula should indicate the value 0.7.

Now we will apply the formula in practice and calculate the maximum amount of a consumer loan, with a total family income of 70,000 rubles, 10,000 rubles of which they pay for utility loans. The net income in this case is 60,000 rubles, respectively, if we calculate the maximum amount of the monthly payment for them, with a correction factor of 0.5, then for them the maximum loan payment will be 30,000 rubles per month.

By the way, it is always worth considering that the bank pays attention to the composition of the family, the balance after calculating a new loan should not be lower than the subsistence level in the region. Let's return to our example, we have already calculated that a family can comfortably pay 30,000 rubles per month on a bank loan, taking into account their total income, if there are 3 people in the family, then the cost of living for them will be approximately 30,000 rubles (if the average cost of living in the region is 10,000 rubles). But if there are 5 people in the family and their net income minus expenses is 60,000 rubles (excluding loan payments), then the maximum that they can give is 10,000 rubles a month.

Please note that the bank more carefully calculates the payments on consumer loans insofar as they are not secured by anything, we are talking about a mortgage or a car loan, then the adjustment factor may be higher, this is due to the fact that borrowers do not want to lose their property, and will in any case repay a bank loan.

Calculation of the maximum amount of a bank loan

So, we found out how you can calculate the maximum amount of the monthly payment depending on the net income of the borrower, but now it’s worth figuring out how to actually calculate the loan amount itself, because monthly loan payments depend on two indicators: the annual interest rate and the loan term. The formula will look like this:

X=(P*L)/(1+G/100*L/12), Where:

  • X - the maximum amount of a bank loan;
  • P - the maximum amount of the monthly payment;
  • L - credit term in months;
  • G - the size of the annual percentage.

To give an example, let's return to the previous calculations, where we found out that a family of 3 people has the ability to pay 30,000 rubles on a consumer loan. For example, we use an interest rate of 17% per annum, and a term of 60 months (5 years). We believe:

X \u003d (30000 * 60) / (1 + 17 / 100 * 60 / 12) \u003d 972972.9 rubles. That is, according to the specified parameters, the maximum loan amount will be approximately 972,973 rubles.

Please note that these calculations are relevant only for a differentiated system for calculating the monthly payment.

But, insofar as banks mainly offer an annuity system for calculating the monthly payment, you can count on a larger amount. Before deciding to apply for a loan, it is advisable to ask a loan officer to print out a monthly payment schedule for you, so you can clearly assess your financial capabilities, because the program does not always effectively calculate the maximum loan amount.

What factors affect the loan amount

The borrower's net income is far from all that affects the bank's decision to issue a loan. First of all, the credit history of the borrower is taken into account, if earlier he did not fulfill his obligations so conscientiously, then most likely he will either be denied lending altogether, or the adjustment coefficient will be reduced for him.

There are factors that, on the contrary, allow you to increase the maximum loan amount. These include: guarantors, co-borrowers and collateral. If a bank loan is secured by something, then the maximum amount, of course, increases. Among other things, you can increase the maximum loan amount due to the loan term, the longer the contract, the lower the monthly payment amount.

Credit calculator

Thus, you can certainly determine the maximum loan amount on your own, only it will not be objective. But you can use one piece of advice, banks present a loan calculator on their official websites. Consider the example of Sberbank, there is a function for calculating the maximum loan amount and monthly payment based on the borrower's income. How much can you borrow from Sberbank, we calculate using this calculator, following the instructions:

On the official website of the bank, select the loan product you need, for example. Consumer credit.

  1. Open the line "Calculation type" in the calculator and select "by average monthly income".
  2. Next, fill in all the required fields, namely the date of birth, gender, category of the borrower, and others.
  3. Before the "calculate repayment" button, find the "exact calculation" link, open it.
  4. Here you have the opportunity to specify the total family income, average expenses and payments on other loans.
  5. Click the "calculate repayment" button and on the right side you will find the parameters of your future loan.

Please note that the calculation is for reference insofar as it indicates the base rate for this loan offer.

To summarize, if you want to get a loan from a bank correctly, then first calculate your financial capabilities yourself, calculate how much you can contribute to pay off the loan monthly. Then you have two options: either calculate the maximum loan amount using a formula or use the loan calculator of the bank where you would like to apply for a loan, however, the lender will always make the final calculations.

Today, online loan calculators are posted not only on banks' websites, but also on most specialized Internet resources dedicated to financial topics. The reason for this situation is obvious and lies in the convenience and ease of use of such tools.

Literally within a few seconds, anyone can calculate the approximate parameters of an available loan using an online loan calculator. Examples of such calculations are given in the table.

Loan terms and conditions Calculation result
Sum Term Bid Monthly payment, rub. Amount of overpayment, thousand rubles
450 thousand rubles half a year 12% 77 647 15,785 0,466
500 thousand rubles Year 12% 44 424 32,978 0,533
1 million rubles Year 18% 91 680 99,798 1,100
1.5 million rubles 2 years 15% 72 730 245,144 1,745
2 million rubles Year 11% 176 763 120,744 2,121
3 million rubles 5 years 11% 65 227 912,792 3,913
5 million rubles 5 years 10% 106 235 1 372,894 6,373
5 million rubles 7 years 10% 83 006 1 971,075 6,971

The ability to pre-calculate a loan allows you to determine its most important parameters, which include: the amount of regular payments, the amount of overpayment and the total amount of payments on the loan as a whole. A comparison of several payment options clearly shows which cash lending option is most beneficial for a potential borrower.

Loan interest calculation

The key parameter for comparing different loans is the amount of interest paid or, as this indicator is often called, the amount of overpayment. It is she, along with the effective interest rate, that demonstrates the real profitability of a particular banking product for the client. Below are examples of calculations for various loans, sorted by this parameter.

Loan terms and conditions Calculation result
Sum Term Bid Overpayment amount Monthly payment Total amount of payments, million rubles
500 thousand rubles Year 10% RUB 27,402 RUB 43,958 0,527
500 thousand rubles 1.5 years 10% RUB 40,433 RUB 30,029 0,540
750 thousand rubles Year 10% RUB 41,102 RUB 65,937 0,791
1 million rubles Year 10% RUB 54,803 RUB 87,916 1,055
750 thousand rubles 1.5 years 10% RUB 60,650 RUB 45,043 0,811
1 million rubles 1.5 year 10% RUB 80,866 RUB 60,057 RUB 1.081 million

Calculation of the monthly loan payment

Equally important in the process of choosing a loan is the amount of monthly payments on it. The value of this parameter determines how serious the financial burden will fall on the borrower. Below are examples of calculating the terms of a cash loan with the allocation of this indicator

If you are planning to take a loan and want to know how much you can count on, that is, how much the bank will agree to lend you, then this article is for you.

When applying to a bank for a loan, the borrower is given an application to fill out, in which there is a column "Loan Amount". And then the question arises, how much to indicate. On the one hand, so that it satisfies you, and on the other hand, so that this desired amount is approved by the bank.

The loan amount will depend on your solvency, which is determined by the formula:

R \u003d D h * K * t,

P - solvency of the borrower,

D h - average monthly income (net) for six months minus all obligatory payments (for pensioners - the amount of pension they receive);

This amount may include not only income from the main place of work (confirmed by a certificate of income 2-NDFL for the last 6 months), but also other income, confirmed by financial documents.

Mandatory payments are utility bills, alimony, expenses on previously taken loans, tuition fees, rent, etc.

K is a coefficient that varies depending on the value of D h:

with D h ≤ 45,000 rubles, K \u003d 0.7;

with D h > 45,000 rubles, K \u003d 0.8.

For each bank, this coefficient can have its own value and 0.3 and 0.9, depending on the bank.

t - loan term (in months).

Consider the calculation of the maximum loan amount using a specific example.

Let's say you want to take a loan at 15.5% per annum, without collateral and without guarantors.

Suppose that your salary at your main place of work is 25,000 rubles per person, plus you earn extra money and receive an additional 9,000 rubles. Your expenses for utility bills are 4,000 monthly, and you also have two dependent children, so the mandatory expenses will increase by 15,340 rubles (based on the cost of living for one child equal to 7,670 rubles); and for you (for the borrower) - by 7955 rubles (the subsistence level of the able-bodied). For your region, take your size of the living wage.

Therefore, net income will be equal to:

Dh = 25,000 + 9,000 - 4,000 - 15,340 - 7,955 = 6,705 rub.,

then K = 0.7.

Your solvency will be:

P \u003d 6,705 * 0.7 * 12 \u003d 56,322

S p ) will be determined based on your solvency according to the formula:

i - interest rate on the loan (in %),

t - loan repayment period (in months).

When applying for a loan for a year, the maximum loan amount is:

When applying for a loan for 2 years, the maximum loan amount is:

So, when applying for a loan for a year, you will be approved for a loan in the amount of a maximum of 51,959 rubles and 56 kopecks, and when applying for a loan for two years, the maximum loan amount will be 96,984 rubles and 97 kopecks.

As you can see, the factor influencing the maximum loan amount is the term for which the loan is taken.

In addition, the positive credit history of the borrower, the presence of collateral, and the participation of guarantors or co-borrowers on this loan (their net income will be added to yours) can affect the maximum loan amount.

But even if, your income will allow you to take a loan of 5 million rubles. Each bank imposes its own restrictions on the maximum loan amount. For example, in Sberbank, the maximum loan amount without collateral and without guarantors is no more than 1.5 million rubles.

As you already understood, this is an approximate calculation of the loan amount that you can count on, and it depends on the methodology for assessing the solvency of the borrower adopted by the bank and on some of the above factors.

How to find out your maximum in the bench press without making a penetration? How to choose a weight in an exercise if you change the working number of repetitions? How to "translate" single-rep sets with maximum weight into multi-rep sets and vice versa?

For the convenience of planning your workouts and comparing your strength results from one training program to another, there is a very convenient method of Maurice and Raidin.

Using this method, you will be able to compare your current indicators with the numbers from without performing a penetration .

A walk is a test of the maximum weight in an exercise in one repetition.

You can also compare your current results with those that you achieved in the previous training cycle (program) when you used a different number of repetitions.

For example, in your current cycle, you are doing 10 rep squats and want to figure out what your best single rep would be. Or, let's say you're running low reps and would like to compare your current performance to a previous cycle when you were running much higher reps. Such a comparison will allow you to evaluate your progress in the loads.

Powermen Dave Maurice and Rich Raiden have come up with two formulas to compare weights for different reps. For convenience, these formulas are presented here also in the form of tables and graphs. With their help, you can convert the weight with which you perform one number of repetitions into the weight with which you could perform another number of repetitions.

To use the tables, look in the left column for the number of reps you are currently doing. Then move along the series of numbers until you reach the column indicating the number of repetitions by which you want to "project" your result.

For example, if you're doing a 10 rep bench press and you're wondering how much weight you could handle for 6 reps, you would multiply your 10 rep max by 1.13.

Similarly, if you are squatting in 6 rep mode and want to determine what your result would be in terms of 20 reps, you must multiply your maximum weight for 6 reps by 0.81.

click on the picture to enlarge

For those who are more comfortable using graphs and formulas

click on the picture to enlarge

Let's say you managed to add one more repetition to the set, it is clear that the load on the muscle has increased. It is interesting to calculate how much you need to increase the weight of the weight in order to increase the load on the muscle by the same amount within the same number of repetitions. According to the table, adding one repetition is equivalent to increasing the weight of the weight by about 3%. If you, for example, press 80 kg from the chest for 5 repetitions, then an extra repetition will be equivalent to adding 2.5 kg to the weight of the bar as part of a five-rep set.

P.S. The use of the Maurice and Raidin conversion tables is very individual and their coefficients are not suitable for everyone. There is another table for recalculating weights for the golden triple of exercises.

click on the picture to enlarge

Empirically choose which tables for recalculating weights suit you best and use it! They will come in handy for you throughout your sports career.

So, the method of Maurice and Raidin will help you find your maximum in the bench press and other exercises, and also help you change the working weight when changing the number of repetitions in the approach.