Don't be proud of your title, be proud of your skill. “Do not be proud of your title, but be proud of your knowledge. Proverbs and sayings about knowledge

The article will help schoolchildren and their parents cope with the task: Select proverbs about the power of the mind, knowledge and skillful hands. Sources: the book “Encyclopedia of Folk Wisdom” (author N. Uvarov) and the book “Proverbs of the Russian People” (author V. Dal).

1. Proverbs about the power of the mind,
2. Proverbs about knowledge,
3. Proverbs about skillful hands.

Proverbs about the power of the mind

Reason is for the salvation of the soul, for the glory of God.
A reasonable person sees what is going for what.
If only I had the intelligence in advance that comes after.
Lots of money, but no sense.
Smart, but not intelligent. A mind without reason is a disaster.
The mind is strong in mind (red). The mind does not follow the mind.
Mind to mind is not a reproach (not a decree). Mind is a help to reason.
The mind leads to madness, the mind to thought.
Where the mind is not enough, ask the mind!
A fool looks for a place, but a wise man can be seen in a corner.
Live with reason, so you don’t need doctors.
Not much in learning, but strong in mind.
Kindness without reason is empty. Goodness and a love spell.
The mind and reason will be convinced immediately.

Reason is more beautiful than gold, but truth is brighter than the sun.
The mind enlightens the senses.
The mind is gaining strength.
A man's mind is stronger than his fists.
The mind is wider than the seas, knowledge is higher than the mountains.
Reason, conscience and honor are the best things a person has.
A reasonable wife will rule with honor to her husband, and an evil one will spread bad news.
A wise man will find his way in the desert, but a fool will get lost along the way.
A reasonable person will find what goes where.
Without intelligence, strength is the same as rotten iron.
A mind without reason is a disaster.
One wise man will sin, but he will seduce many fools.
There are many bad things in the world, but there is nothing worse than a bad mind.
A bird has wings, and a man has a mind.
He who does not control himself will not teach anyone else to reason.

Proverbs and sayings about knowledge

Actions testify to a person's intelligence, words testify to his knowledge.
It's not a matter of title, but knowledge.
Give money - it will decrease, give knowledge - it will increase.
The stars will appear - they will decorate the sky, knowledge will appear - they will decorate the mind.

From drops - the sea, from acquired knowledge - wisdom.
There is an excuse for every ignorance.
The bliss of the body is in health, the mind in knowledge.
A rope is strong by twisting, and a man is strong by knowledge.
It happens: a master by title, but not a master by knowledge.
As tall as you, but as smart as your body.
Knowledge hammered into the head is not wisdom.
Without knowledge and out of the blue you stumble.
Without knowledge you are not a builder, without weapons you are not a warrior.
He who is arrogant is far from knowledge.
A good mind is not given all at once.
A good mind does not come at once.
Without suffering you cannot gain knowledge.
We know what we are fighting for, and therefore we will come with victory.
The cat knows a little.
The cat knows whose meat it ate.
It’s not the old one who knows, but the seasoned one.
It is not the one who has lived a lot who knows, but the one who has acquired knowledge.
The magpie knows where to spend the winter.
Knows which way the wind is blowing.
He knows what's worth a pound.
If you know, speak, if you don’t know, listen.
Know more and say less.
Know your cat's basket.
Know the value of minutes, the count of seconds.
The know-it-all understands everything perfectly, but the know-no-no just keeps her mouth open.
Know-it-all is running along the path, and Dunno is lying on the stove.
Know-it-all teaches stranger.
The know-it-all is being taken to court, but the know-nothing sits at home.
If I had known where to fall, I would have placed straws.
Knowledge is the crown on your head.
Knowledge is the eyes of man.
Knowledge is a gainable thing.
Knowledge is the best wealth.
Knowledge is half the mind.
Knowledge is power, time is money.
Knowledge is a treasure that follows those who possess it everywhere.
Knowledge and power are the enemy's grave.
Knowledge is more valuable than money, sharper than a saber, more dangerous than a cannon.
Knowledge and work will give you a new way of life.
Knowledge and skill are the basis of reasoning.
If you gain knowledge, you will not lose it.
Knowledge is not given without effort.
Know how to “Our Father.”
Have at one's fingertips.
Know what's worth a pound.
I know that I don't know anything.

(from the book “Encyclopedia of Folk Wisdom”, author N. Uvarov)

He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
By the training of a master to know.
Learn good things, so bad things will not come to mind.
If school doesn’t teach you, hunting (need) will teach you.
He who knows a lot, asks a lot.
He who knows more sleeps less.
Dunno lies, but know-it-all runs far.
God did not give omniscience (to know everything) to man.
It’s tricky to teach what we ourselves don’t know (we don’t know how to do).
What I learned was useful. Know more and say less!
Whoever knows, so does it. Everyone is a master in his own way.

(from V. Dahl’s collection “Proverbs of the Russian People”)

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.
Repetition is the mother of learning.
A mind is good, but two are better.
You can defeat one with your fist, but you can defeat thousands with your mind.
It’s thick on the head, but empty in the mind.

(Internet, proverbs on the topic “Knowledge”)

Proverbs about skillful hands

You can’t even get a fish out of labor without labor.
It is not the stronger hand that is thicker, but the one that knows the matter more subtly.
Don't sit idly by, you won't get bored.
Dispel boredom with your hands, and strive for science with your thoughts.
Skillful hands do not know boredom.
A skillful hand hits for sure.
Skillful hands are assistants to science.
The skillful one dances, the unskillful one cries.
The skillful and courageous are not afraid of difficulties.
Skill in work will be born.
The skill will find application everywhere.
Skill and work go together.
The ability to work is more valuable than gold.
Skill is half the salvation.
Skill and work lead to glory.
The hand will defeat one, knowledge will defeat thousands.
The hand sins, but the head answers.
Hands have work, souls have joy.
Work for the hands, holiday for the soul.
Hands are busy - the head has nothing to do.
The hands are golden - and the stars on the chest are not copper.
Golden hands and a filthy snout.
Hands are golden, but the throat is full of holes.
Hands grow from the wrong place.
Put your hands and soul.
The hands work, but the head feeds.
Don’t sit with your arms folded, but keep your eyes open.
Hands are valued not by their hands, but by their deeds.
The hands are golden, but the throat is tinned.
The hands are golden, but the throat is copper.
His hands are golden, but his mind is stupid.

(from the book “Encyclopedia of Folk Wisdom”, author N. Uvarov)

Since ancient times, knowledge has been of great value. Scientists, cultural and artistic figures have always strived to obtain answers to questions that interest humanity. People with knowledge were revered in every nation. Many cultures have preserved proverbs that encourage learning, being curious and active. Wise sayings from different countries often echo each other and have the same meaning.

What is knowledge needed for?

They are the basis for reflection. They help in everyday life, at work and during rest. As Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy said, “knowledge is a tool, not a goal.” A person learns about the world around him not only through experience, but also thanks to books and information received from other people. Since the advent of the Internet, it has never been easier. The main thing is to choose the right information. The proverb about knowledge is one of the main tools of learning.

Maxim Gorky argued that proving to a person the need for knowledge is the same as convincing him of the usefulness of vision. A well-known Russian proverb about knowledge says: “He who has not known the small, will not know the great.” It is important to be able to find benefit in any event, constantly increasing your erudition.

Proverbs about knowledge

Russian culture has developed a special attitude towards knowledge. Folk art constantly called on people to accumulate useful experience and pass it on to future generations. As the saying goes, “he who has little knowledge can teach little.” However, it is not only mentors who need a variety of information. Anyone can benefit from their actions if they are based on knowledge.

Proverbs about knowledge (Russian):

  • “As is the mind, so is the speech.”
  • "Action is always the result of reflection."
  • “Knowledge is not water; it will not flow into your mouth on its own.”
  • “If you do something without knowledge, don’t expect fruit.”
  • "A book is a bridge to the world of knowledge."
  • “The sun illuminates the world, and the mind illuminates the head.”
  • “He who is not familiar with the road constantly stumbles.”
  • "It's easy to forget what you don't know."
  • "Where there is no knowledge, there is no place for courage."
  • “With your hand you can defeat one, but with knowledge you can defeat a thousand.”
  • “Knowledge makes life more beautiful.”
  • "There is no knowledge without effort."
  • “Knowledge does not put pressure on your shoulders.”
  • “Whoever wants to learn a lot will have to sleep little.”

The proverb on knowledge is an integral element not only of Russian creativity, but also of the culture of other peoples.

Proverbs from different countries

As the English say, “live and learn.” There are also expressions similar to Russian ones about knowledge:

  • “There is no knowledge more dangerous than half knowledge.”
  • "No man was born trained."
  • “There is no royal path to learning.”
  • "It's never too late to learn."

Japanese wisdom states: “To ask is a moment’s shame, but not to ask is a shame for a lifetime.” Also in the Land of the Rising Sun they know that “there are no easy paths to science.” A Persian proverb about knowledge says that “with the mind you can get a thousand swords, but with a sword you can get a few.”

Erudition (having knowledge from different fields) helps develop the mind.

Proverbs about smart people

A smart person loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach. Every Russian child knows this from childhood. The portrait of an intelligent person is characterized by the following proverbs:

  • "A smart head has a hundred hands."
  • "The smart one is rich and has no money."
  • “The sharp-sighted one sees far, but the smart one sees further.”
  • “Don’t leave your son gold, leave your mind.”
  • "You can't borrow your neighbor's mind."

Any proverb about knowledge encourages a person to develop curiosity and increase passion for life. Without such qualities it is impossible to become happy. Knowledge is the key that can open any door for a person.

She has collected many sayings that help a person navigate everyday situations and improve the quality of their life. Becoming happy is simple - you need to use the mind given by nature to everyone.

In chapter:

Proverbs about knowledge are not just folklore, they are a way of showing the growing generation that without knowledge, humans can be compared to lower primates. Knowledge is power, that's a fact. But how to tell children about this without reading them tedious lectures? Proverbs about knowledge and learning will come to the rescue.

Knowledge is the goal to which the best minds of humanity have always strived. Without knowledge, it is impossible to create anything or answer many questions. This is why it is so necessary to acquire knowledge from an early age. Sayings about knowledge are the great wisdom of the people, who have always called for learning and acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Without knowledge, a person cannot achieve much in life. And it is impossible to pass on your experience to the future generation without knowledge. It’s not without reason that they say, “those who have little knowledge can teach little.” That is why proverbs about knowledge for children convey folk wisdom in understandable terms.

We have collected quite a lot of proverbs and sayings about knowledge for children of preschool and school age.

Studying is the acquisition of knowledge. There are many paths in life that are impossible to follow without knowledge. It is also about gaining experience in the process of life. They are obtained by studying something by choice or by coincidence. The concept of “study” includes: school, college, institute, work and, in general, all life. The article will give several sayings and proverbs about study and school.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness

The point is that a person develops when he learns. in certain areas, it adapts to them. He becomes invulnerable to the difficulties of life. And those who do not study degrade. That is, the world around is changing, but he stands still. For example, how to stay in the dark and not know about what is happening around you.

Learning without skill is not a benefit, but a disaster

Here we are talking about teaching, which must be supported by practice. In some cases, it is impossible to learn something without an internship. Knowing the work in theory, but never taking part in it, a person can make mistakes.

Repetition is the mother of learning

The essence of the saying about studying is to repeat the past stage in order to retain knowledge. People constantly need to strengthen their knowledge through repetition. Once something is learned, it will someday be forgotten if you do not practice it for a long time.

Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage

In this proverb about learning, the author conveys to people that lack of knowledge encourages uncertainty. When a person is faced with a situation that he does not understand, he is afraid of making the wrong choice. Therefore, behind knowledge lies courage and confidence.

He who loves science does not see boredom

The proverb says that a person who loves science cannot get bored. After all, it is impossible to learn everything, since there are a lot of sciences. By loving a thing that has no end, you can live your whole life without melancholy and sadness.

Science does not ask for bread, but gives it

The proverb about studying says that learning requires desire and work, not money. But the acquired knowledge can generate income. In modern society this may sound irrelevant, but in the old days this is exactly how it was.

Be proud not of title, but of knowledge

The meaning of the proverb is that you should not be proud of a title that lacks knowledge. There are different ways to achieve high rank. A person can hold a position due to circumstances, but at the same time turn out to be an incompetent boss. What is more important is the relevance of knowledge to the position held, and not the position itself.

If you haven’t finished studying yourself, never teach others

The whole point of the proverb is that there is no need to teach people to a person who doesn’t really know anything. By superficially studying this or that issue, you can mislead not only yourself, but also other people. A person can also be directed to the wrong path. So in this case it is better to refrain from advice and teachings.

Live and learn

The truth of this saying comes to every intelligent person at a certain period of life. At the age of 30, looking back and reflecting on the years he has lived, an intelligent person will say: “How stupid I was.” At 40, he will say the same about the last 10 years of his life. You have to study all your adult life. With age comes wisdom, experience, prudence. The need to study, according to this saying, does not disappear with graduation from school, with seniority or retirement. It ends with life.

It is not the one who has lived a lot who knows, but the one who has acquired knowledge

In conclusion it is worth saying about a proverb that will dispel many unclear thoughts. She talks about how, after living for many years, you cannot gain intelligence, wisdom, or experience. We must strive for these qualities all these years. 100 years of life lived without a zeal for knowledge will not make you a sage. Only those who worked to gain knowledge will become their owner.

The article presented the most famous proverbs and sayings about studying, the meaning of which became more clear after reading it.

Photo from the family archive

Recently, while looking through the family archive, I discovered a certificate from my mother Olga Semyonovna Belova about completing a full course of high school named after. M. Gorky, Gorodets, issued on May 30, 1942 and signed by the school director D. Gruzdev, as well as teachers N. Maksimova, A. Yukhnovich, A. Komleva and others. The document served as the impetus for writing this story about how our family received education.

"We are illiterate..."

My great-grandfather Alexey Grigorievich Voronin and great-grandmother Ekaterina Kornilovna were born in the nineteenth century, they were from the people, they lived in Gorodets in their parents’ house on the steep bank of the Volga. From the windows of the house one could see the building that would later become secondary school No. 1. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather were illiterate.

Their eldest daughter Maria (born 1902), my grandmother, was also illiterate. In 1922, she married Semyon Timofeevich Belov (born 1891), a native of the village of Chuchelikha, also illiterate. However, I never heard swear words from Grandpa Semyon. He was a polite man, he spoke “a” like Muscovites - perhaps because he worked for a long time as a waiter on passenger ships and in our Gorodets restaurant. Grandfather played cards, checkers and billiards well, and often came home tipsy. To his grandmother’s reproaches, he only answered: “Oh, love! How angry you are..."

However, in love they had five children: Antonina (born 1923), Olga (my mother - 1924), Valentina (1926), Maria (1930) and Slavik (1947), who, unfortunately, died in 1948 .

The road to knowledge

It was revealed to the people by the Great October Revolution. Thanks to her, all four daughters of my grandmother and the youngest children of my great-grandmother Fyodor (born 1913) and Zoya (born 1921) studied at secondary school No. 1. And in 1928, the parents of the above students themselves had to attend this school in order to receive primary education under the Union universal education program. A family photograph of “future first-graders” from 1924 has been preserved (picture on the right), from which grandmother Maria, her younger sister Zoya, eldest daughter Tonya and grandfather Semyon are looking. Olya, my mother, was born in July of this year.

My grandmother's university

It so happened that my grandmother continued her studies when she was already over sixty. At that time, she lived alone, and I, a senior student at school No. 1, dropped in to visit her during the big break. One day I walk in and get to a lesson: it turns out that my retired neighbor from Vorozheikina Street, Valentina Aleksandrovna Sinyagina, a former teacher, decided to improve my grandmother’s education. Then, face to face, grandma admitted: “Vitya, I don’t know how to explain to her that it’s too late for me to study.” To which I replied: “It’s not too late. I’ll finish high school, you’ll get some training, and we’ll go to college together!”

This joke did not reassure the grandmother at all, but her “university” unexpectedly closed: Valentina Aleksandrovna left for a new place of residence with her eldest son in Kazakhstan, and the lessons ended.

First diploma

Now about my mother’s universities and, above all, about Gorodets Secondary School No. 1.

The school lived up to its name given to the proletarian writer Maxim Gorky; a literary creative group, which included my mother, was actively working there. The photograph from the pre-war period (picture on the left) shows this group led by the leader - school director Sergei Nikolaevich Malinovkin.

Mom finished tenth grade during the war. At this time, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Gruzdev was the school director. His house still stands next to the school, and students pass by it, perhaps not even knowing that the man who once taught their great-grandparents lived in this house.

My mother was unable to fulfill her dream of getting a higher education: the war and then my birth got in the way. And yet, in 1956, she became the first specialist in our family to graduate from a secondary specialized educational institution - the All-Union Correspondence Finance and Credit College. Mom has always been a responsible worker, took advanced training courses and was very glad that I made her dream of higher education come true.

“School, you’re not getting old...”

When I studied at our family’s native secondary school No. 1, my favorite teacher was geographer Galina Konstantinovna Bobrova. She forgave me for endless pranks in her lessons and always gave me an "A" every year.

Fate gave me a wife, Larisa Vasilievna, who also became a geographer at this school. She gave birth to four wonderful children, and they all graduated from school No. 1 with fours and fives, with the youngest daughter Olga and youngest son Alexander having only two fours in their certificates.

Three teachers taught our children in primary school, and each deserves a separate story. The first teachers laid a solid knowledge and love for native literature. Just one example: at one time, Gorodetskaya Pravda wrote about a reading competition in the House of Pioneers, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Maxim Gorky. Then the first and second places in the younger age group were taken respectively by Lida Krupinova and our son Vasya, trained by teacher Alexandra Aleksandrovna Mukhina.

After school, each of our children continued their studies in their chosen profession. Now we have four grandchildren, three of them study at school No. 1. We would like to believe that in acquiring knowledge they will be as persistent and successful as their parents, our children.

Victor Belov

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