Mental balance of a person. How to achieve harmony in the soul

Robin Sharma is a Canadian writer and one of North America's best-known specialists in motivation, leadership, and personal development. Below are 25 simple yet effective ways to achieve harmony in your life.

Sleep less. This will help you make your life more complete and productive. For most people, 6 hours of sleep is sufficient for good health. Try to get up an hour earlier for 21 days and it will become a habit. Remember: it is the quality of sleep that matters, not the quantity. And imagine that you will have 30 extra hours for what is really important.

Set aside one hour in the morning for self-improvement. Meditate, imagine your day, read inspirational texts to set the tone for your day, listen to motivational tapes, or read great books. Use this quiet time to fill your spirit with strength and energy for the busy day ahead. Watch the sunrise once a week or go out into nature. A good start to the day is a very effective way of self-renewing.

Don't let the little things distract you from the important things. Ask yourself, "Am I making the best use of my time and energy?" Time management is life management, so treat your time with great care.

Use the rubber band method to train your mind to focus on the most positive things in your life. Wear a rubber band around your wrist. Every time a negative thought crosses your mind, pull the rubber band. Your brain will begin to associate pain with negative thinking, and you will soon develop a strong positive mindset.

Always answer phone calls with enthusiasm in your voice and show your respect for the caller. Good telephone manners are very important. To give the caller a sense of your authority, stand up. This will add credibility to your voice.

Throughout the day, we are all visited by inspiration and great ideas. Keep a set of small cards and a pen in your wallet to write down these ideas. When you get home, put these cards in a visible place and look at them from time to time. As Oliver Wendell Holmes noted: "The human mind, enlarged by a new idea, never returns to its former size."

Set aside Sunday evening for yourself and keep this habit strictly. Use this time to plan the new week, imagine upcoming meetings and what you want to achieve in those meetings, read new materials and books, listen to quiet soothing music, and just relax. This habit will serve as your anchor to help you stay focused, motivated, and efficient throughout the coming week.

Always remember the main principle that the quality of your life is the quality of your communication. It is your communication with others and, more importantly, your communication with yourself. You get what you focus on. If you are looking for positive things, you will get them. This is the basic law of nature.

Focus on the goal, not the result. In other words, do the thing because you enjoy doing it, or because it will help someone else, or because it's a valuable exercise. Don't do it for money or recognition. It will come by itself. This is how the world works.

Laugh for five minutes in front of the mirror every morning. That's what Steve Martin does. Laughter activates many beneficial elements in our body. Laughter also returns the body to a balanced state. Laughter therapy is regularly used to treat various ailments and is an amazing cure for life's problems. A 4-year-old child laughs an average of 500 times a day, while an adult struggles to do so 15 times a day. Revive the habit of laughing and your life will become more alive.

Light a candle when you read in the evenings. It is very relaxing and creates an amazing soothing atmosphere. Turn your home into an oasis away from the outside world. Fill it with great music, great books and great friends.

To improve your concentration, count your steps as you walk. This is a very efficient method. Take six steps as you inhale, hold your breath for another 6 steps, and then exhale for the next 6 steps. If 6 steps is too much for you, do it at a convenient count. After this exercise, you will feel refreshed, internally calm and concentrated. People too often allow their minds to be filled with all sorts of nonsense. All people working at the peak of their abilities appreciate the power of a calm mind that is constantly focused on important tasks.

Learn to meditate effectively. The mind is naturally a very noisy machine that wants to jump from one topic to another like an unattached monkey. You have to learn to limit and discipline your mind if you want to achieve anything significant. Meditating for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening will give you amazing results if you do it regularly for 6 months. The learned sages of the East have been promoting the many benefits of meditation for over 5,000 years.

Learn to be calm. The average person spends less than 30 minutes. a month in complete peace and quiet. Develop the habit of sitting quietly and enjoying silence for at least 10 minutes a day. Just think about what is important to you in life. Think about your mission. Silence is truly golden. As Master Zen once said, it is the space between the bars that hold the cage.

Improve your willpower. Here are some ideas to help you strengthen your will and become a stronger person. Don't let your mind sway like a piece of paper in the wind. Work on keeping him focused all the time. If you are doing something, don't think about anything else. When you go to work, count the steps from home to office. It's not easy, but your mind will soon realize that you are in control, and not the other way around. Your mind should eventually become as calm as a candle flame in a draught-free corner.

Your mind is like a muscle. First you need to train him, and only then push him forward so that he becomes stronger. It may be painful at first, but the improvement will certainly come and will have the most positive effect on your character. When you are hungry, wait an hour before your next meal. When you're working on a difficult task and your mind is pushing you to pick up a fresh magazine or get up and talk to someone for a break, curb that impulse. Soon you will be able to spend hours in a concentrated state. Isaac Newton, one of the greatest physicists, once said: "If I have brought people any benefit, it is only through patient thinking." Newton had an amazing ability to sit still and think without interruption for long periods of time. If he can develop it in himself, you can too.

You can also build willpower by limiting your behavior with other people. Talk less (use the 60/40 rule = listen 60% of the time and talk no more than 40%). This will not only make you more popular, but you will learn a lot of wisdom as everyone we meet every day has something to teach us. Limit your habit of gossiping or judging those who you think have made a mistake. Stop complaining and transform yourself into a cheerful, energetic and strong person. You will have a great impact on other people. When a negative thought enters your mind, immediately replace it with a positive one. The positive always dominates the negative, and your mind must be trained to always think of the best. Negative thinking is a process in which negative schemas reappear over and over again. Release all limitations and become a strong positive thinker.

Make an effort to maintain humor throughout the day. This is not only beneficial from a physical point of view, but also dissipates stress in difficult conditions and creates a great atmosphere wherever you are. It was recently reported that the Tauripan tribe in South America has a ritual whereby they wake up in the middle of the night and tell each other jokes.

Learn to manage your time. There are approximately 168 hours in a week. This is enough to achieve the desired goals. Manage your time strictly. Set aside a few minutes every morning to plan your day. Plan according to your priorities and focus not only on urgent, but not the main tasks (for example, numerous phone calls), but especially on those that are important, although not urgent, because they are what develop you as a person and professional. Important and non-urgent activities are those that produce important long-term results and include strategic planning, relationship development, and professional education. Never let the most important things take a backseat to the things that are least important to you.

Contact only positive, focused people who you can learn from and who won't drain your energy with complaints and bad attitudes. By developing relationships with those who are committed to continuous improvement and striving to achieve the best in life, you will find many fellow travelers on the way to achieving the goal that you have set for yourself.

It is said that Stephen Hawking, one of the great modern physicists, said that we live on a small planet of a very average star located on the outskirts of one of the hundreds of millions of galaxies. How serious are your problems in light of this? You have been on this earth for a very short time. Why not dedicate yourself to only having good experiences? Why not dedicate yourself to leaving a good legacy to the world? Sit down and make a list of everything you have. Start with the health of family members - we often take this for granted. Write down what country you live in and what you eat. Don't stop until you've made a list of 50 items. Review this list every few days and you will see how rich your life is.

You must have a mission in life. It is a set of principles that determine which direction you are moving in and where you want to be at the end of your life. The mission embodies your values. This is your personal beacon that keeps you on the path of your dreams. Set aside a few hours once a month to write down 5-10 principles that will guide your life and keep you focused at all times. An example would be to continually serve others, be a good citizen, become rich, or become a strong leader. Whatever your life's mission, hone and review it regularly. Then, if something unfavorable happens or someone tries to turn you off your path, you will quickly return to your chosen path.

No one can offend or insult you without your permission. One of the golden keys to happiness and great success is your interpretation of the events unfolding before you. People who have achieved great success are masters of interpretation. People who have achieved greatness have developed the ability to interpret negative events as a positive challenge that helps them grow and move up the ladder of success. There are no negative experiences, only experiences that help you develop and strengthen your character so that you can rise to new heights. There are no failures, only the lessons we learn from them.

Learn to read quickly. Reading is a powerful way to accumulate years of experience in just a few hours of study. For example, most biographies reflect the strategies and philosophies of great leaders or great personalities. Read them and take as a model. Fast reading will allow you to absorb a large amount of material in a relatively short time.

Remember people's names and treat everyone well. This habit, along with enthusiasm, is one of the most important secrets of success. Everyone in this world wears an imaginary badge: "I WANT TO FEEL IMPORTANT AND VALUED"

When, from all the life circumstances that have fallen on your shoulders, you understand that something has gone wrong in your life. Then the moment comes when you have to withdraw into yourself and understand what you need. In such cases, the majority believes that a job change, a move to another city or country, or a change of partner will help them.

But wherever you move, you always take yourself. After all, in order to decide what you lack in life, you do not need to go anywhere. You don't have to run away from life's problems. It is enough to understand yourself, that is, to find harmony with yourself and accept yourself.

Sounds very simple to be true, you might think. But, nevertheless, heed the advice that will be given below. After all, using them, you will not lose anything. Moreover, you will find harmony in yourself, which means that you will not be afraid of any troubles in life. And welcome to the world of harmony.

How to start the path to harmony?

Agree, in the crowd of people walking by, you notice radiant and eye-catching people. And it's not at all in their appearance or manner of dressing, they have some kind of completely invisible inner radiance. Their eyes are full of calmness, happiness, harmony. These people are always drawn to others. What is their secret? It is in the fact that these people have found harmony with themselves.

The moment you realized that you needed to change something, you took the first step towards a harmonious life with yourself. Next, you will need to improve yourself, and do a long and hard work on yourself. But this work in your life will become a real treasure.

So, first of all you need to understand who you are and what you want from this life. And the answer: "I'm Marina, I'm 25, I want to be a successful designer" - does not fit. After all, this is a very important question, if your goal is to find harmony, there is no place for material things. After all, harmony belongs to the spiritual category. And if you think that it will come after the acquisition of a material thing, then this is a basic delusion. Just the opposite is true. Only after you have discovered harmony in yourself, you will have everything and even more.

The second step is be aware. At the very beginning, this can be difficult for you, because the constant stream of unnecessary thoughts in your head will constantly take you in a different direction. But that shouldn't scare you. For example, every time you make dinner, focus only on the cooking process itself, and at the moment when an extraneous thought takes you somewhere, return again to the conscious cooking process. And so every time, whatever you do, always be absorbed only in the process itself, and do not allow extraneous thoughts. And every day, you will see how there are fewer unnecessary thoughts in your head, and you spend more and more time consciously.

This also applies to emotions. You don't need any negativity. Always, always when entering into some kind of contact with people, try to be constructive and calm, especially if you have some kind of conflict. After all, anger, discontent and irritation have not yet helped any person to effectively resolve any problems. Therefore, always monitor the emergence of negative emotions and try to neutralize them. Remember that in a harmonious person, all emotions come from the heart. And in the heart there is only room for love.

This is where the next piece of advice comes from. Always be in love with someone or something. After all, love in a person reveals their true essence. It makes a person more noble. After all, this is a very strong feeling, and if you are in love, you cannot help but notice positive changes in yourself. First of all, you will have respect for yourself. Having it, you will know exactly what you want. You will never intentionally offend another, you will not deceive, you will not do bad deeds, you will not be able to live in dirt and untidiness, because you respect yourself. Develop love in yourself, because this is a huge gift that will help you be more harmonious with yourself and with the world around you.

The next piece of advice will also be about your gift. More specifically, about your talent. And if you think that you have no abilities, then you are deeply mistaken. Each person is endowed with them, and you must discover them in yourself. But if you sit in your usual comfortable world, you may never know what you are capable of. Indeed, in order to discover talent in yourself, you need to go where you have not been yet, try something that you have never done, eat something that you have not eaten before. In short, in order for your soul to wake up, indulge it with new experiences and watch your well-being. When the soul finds its own, you will understand. And by the way, people who are passionate about something are always attractive and attractive to others. After all, you have your "raisin". And, most importantly, in the moments of your enthusiasm, you find that harmony with yourself, that peace, which is so lacking in the noisy city rhythm.

The fifth tip is that you need to become a master of sports in games with your mind. This means that you need to imagine that you have already found harmony with yourself. You already need to be harmonious. Analyze how harmonious personalities behave, how they speak, how they relate to failures and victories. Do not wait for the day when you wake up in the morning and realize that you have become harmonious, be so right now.

And remember that all great things start small. A long journey begins with the first step. Even the biggest professionals start small, they don't get something overnight. So be patient. Be indulgent to yourself, if something doesn’t work out for you right away, everything will come gradually. And in order to develop a certain skill, you need to do more than one number of repetitions. Be grateful for what you have, and live according to your heart and soul, learn, develop, apply these tips, look for your own, experiment, and you will find true harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Do not get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life. Osho

Today there are many blogs on various topics. But the topics of the “Live!” blog became the closest to me. This is due to the peculiarity of my profession. Often people come to me for coaching who are quite successful, literate, earn good money, and constantly develop. And usually coaching begins with requests: to increase profits, develop new business skills, write a development plan, time management, and so on. That is, relevant topics for today for all successful and business people. Only now, such coaching often moves smoothly to the study of personal issues: improve relationships with loved ones, employees, children, spouses; find free time for their personal needs and needs; make life more interesting, brighter, more harmonious.

And I made certain conclusions: people have forgotten how to LIVE! They are constantly running somewhere at breakneck speed, earning money, rushing to meetings, developing daily in many directions, becoming better, smarter, stronger, more enterprising ... And then I ask them the question: “Why do you need all THIS?” And I see emptiness in my eyes. And I hear in response memorized, well-known phrases: "To be happy." “And when you are happy, what are you like? What are you doing? Who surrounds you, and what is happening to you? And the person describes a situation absolutely opposite to today's way of life.

Many people have a stereotype: in order to get something, you must first invest a lot of effort, emotions, money, time, all of yourself, and generally forget about a normal existence for a certain period of time. And only then you will be successful! Only through numerous attempts and excessive efforts can you achieve happiness, success and harmony. But this is absolutely not true!

The main idea of ​​the life of every person is to enjoy every day lived: in getting pleasure from the food we eat; in benefiting from the people with whom we associate; in enjoying the work we do, etc. After all, we only live once! And we live TODAY!

To bring harmony into your life, I recommend introducing a couple of simple habits into your daily actions: Go in for sports. Sport is the time when you are yourself. I would even recommend doing yoga or dancing. It always gives strength, energy, improves mood and health! Meditations. During meditation, a person can very effectively address his essence, truly understand what he needs, relax and gain positive internal energy! For 10 minutes of meditation, you can have a nice rest and gain strength for the whole day! Food. In addition to the fact that you need to eat properly and exceptionally healthy food, I would still recommend that you still make a ritual out of eating. Do not sin with snacks on the way ... Set the table, decorate dishes, eat slowly, feel and evaluate the taste of food, as gourmets do. Find a hobby for yourself, or a pleasant activity that involves and distracts you from all worldly affairs. And, preferably, do it yourself! It's important to spend some time alone with yourself. By the way, this is how you can develop your creativity. Surround yourself only with people you enjoy talking to, and from which you have much to learn. Much has already been said about the influence of the environment on us and our success. I won't repeat myself. I can only say one thing, that experiencing the pleasure of communicating with people is an important aspect in achieving life harmony. Love yourself! Love life!

Have you ever met people who radiate joy, love, and next to them you feel cozy and comfortable. These people are respected and listened to, you want to communicate with them and be close, you feel positive energy, calmness and tranquility from them. And all why? Because these people live in harmony with themselves, with their inner world. Would you like to know how to find inner harmony and not dream of happiness, but to be a happy person?

First you need to understand yourself, try to understand yourself, what you want, and not the society around you. In other words, you must understand and know yourself, figure out what exactly makes you happy and joyful, and what, on the contrary, makes you feel insecure, depresses and annoys you. There is no need to be afraid to be alone with yourself and face your thoughts. At this stage, analyze your life, what would you like to change and how to do it, make plans for the future and consider ways to implement them.

Prepare yourself for hard and laborious work on yourself, on your inner world. You do not need to change yourself, you need to understand who you are and what you want, find your purpose. Engage in self-development, read books, gain new knowledge, do not stop learning, improve yourself, develop new skills in yourself.

Never go against yourself and do not do something that does not bring you any pleasure, do not violate your principles if it is not to the detriment of other people. In order to find peace, learn to love yourself and do not betray yourself, do everything that you promised yourself.

Important qualities of a person who is in harmony with his thoughts and inner world are poise, calmness, self-confidence. Learn to control your emotions and thoughts, think well before you say something. Do not overreact to situations too violently, even if something does not go as you planned or as you expected it. Thoughts and words also have tremendous power. To understand how to find harmony with yourself, get rid of negative thoughts, learn to think positively.

Since the path to inner harmony lies not only through self-knowledge, although this is a large part, but also through communication with other people, society plays an important role. Think about whether everything suits you in the people with whom you communicate, perhaps you need to change your attitude towards them and see their positive qualities, then communication will not oppress you, but will become pleasant. Think about how you treat the people around you, whether this communication is only about getting benefits from them. If so, then learn to give people joy and warmth.

How to achieve harmony within yourself?

Make it so that after meeting with you people feel only joy and pleasant satisfaction and look forward to meeting you again. Help people, give them your support when they need it, then people will be grateful to you and will definitely come to help when you need it.

Do not forget about your relatives and friends, especially parents and children, give them your love warmth and always remind them how much you love them. Be kind and treat people with respect, don't let yourself judge or insult them.

Separately, I want to say about material values. Many people mistakenly believe that the more material wealth they achieve, the more harmonious life will be. But only by understanding how to achieve harmony in the soul, you can truly enjoy material values, and they can bring you joy.

Learn to hear yourself and listen to your inner voice, look for your own path, your own path, which will surely lead you to happiness. This is a rather thorny road that every person should go through, but having endured all the trials and done work on yourself, you will find harmony not only with yourself, but also with the outside world, with the people around you.


inspire yourself self-confidence and back it up with real achievements. Set specific goals for yourself and go towards them, overcoming obstacles and rejoicing in them as a way to show yourself, your willpower and desire to win.

The most useless occupation is fruitless. No need to waste time on them. If something does not suit you in your life or in your environment, correct the situation. Find yourself friends who support your views and share your beliefs. Their friendly participation will help you and give you strength.

Let yourself and do what you like. Even if your main occupation does not require you to manifest your own, find yourself a hobby in which they will open up. It often happens that we have to do something that we don’t really like, so be sure to find a way to fulfill yourself - draw, do crafts, dance, learn a foreign language, skydive.

Fulfill your cherished childhood dream - realized, it is also able to raise your self-esteem and stimulate desire and your dreams. Moving forward, constant development, the desire to live and - these are the external manifestations that have found harmony with herself, who has found herself.

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In order to live happily, a person needs to be in harmony with himself. Violation of this harmony can lead to dysfunction and health disorders, neurosis and depression. Find harmony with yourself, it is to balance the external and internal manifestations of your personality, to adjust your worldview. This work will require effort on yourself, but it's worth it.


Determine your life priorities and values. Analyze and choose what is really dear to you and what you will never give up. Decide for yourself once and for all that you will never violate some principles and follow this decision. For example, if you hate to lie and dodge - do not commit such acts, after which you will have to do so.

Accept yourself for who you are, with all your flaws and mistakes. If you are aware of them, start working on eliminating them. Encourage and praise yourself more often, even if your victory over yourself was insignificant - it is still a step in the right direction. Don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake - correct it and move on.

Give yourself gifts from time to time, allow yourself to spend money on yourself and your weaknesses. If you have a dream, then come up with a plan and start fulfilling it. It is foolish to dream about something all your life, instead of making an effort, acting and achieving. Do not waste your soul on trifles, you can do without many things, but life will not be happy without it. Choose for yourself the true values, they can not be bought for money.


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Harmony is a word of Greek origin, denoting both the harmony of sounds in a musical and theatrical action, and the harmonious interaction of members of society, nature and the entire universe, the cosmos. Today, this concept has expanded to the meaning of coherence in any kind of activity, including as a definition of a balanced state of mind.


Harmony is achieved to some extent by any religious and philosophical doctrine. Start learning the basics of worldviews and religions and choose the system that seems optimal to you. Most Russians settle on Orthodox as the most common religion in the country, but you don't have to limit your search. Solve your own.

The principles of any religion are based on values ​​and limitations common to all mankind: the safety and inviolability of a stranger, the fulfillment of promises and loyalty to relatives and friends, respect for other people's property and opinion, and the prevention of negative thoughts in your mind. The last point is especially important for you. Such thoughts include any idea of ​​a destructive nature: a negative impression from one or more in your environment, including the unspoken; envy of someone's property; condemnation of actions and much more. Discard such ideas immediately. If necessary, express them with which they are associated, but leave immediately after the end of the conversation.

Be moderate in everything you do: do not talk too much, but do not hold back important details; do not overeat, but do not starve yourself; do not try to cover all areas of knowledge, but do not limit yourself to only a professional area. Over time, you will learn to find a "golden mean", avoiding extremes.

Under all circumstances, remain calm or slightly upbeat. Do not give in to affects and weaknesses. Convince yourself that you can get out of even the most difficult situations without loss. Do not focus on the negative events in your life, take them as a painful but necessary lesson. Make the most of your failures so you don't repeat your mistakes in the future.

Internally harmonious personalities often make a favorable impression. This is due to the fact that they are pleasant to be around. They create an atmosphere of comfort in communication, and their interlocutors always feel at ease. How to achieve inner harmony?


Start by looking for dis sources harmony in life. It can be an unloved job, dissatisfaction with relationships and uncertainty about the future. If you don't like your job, look for ways to make a difference. Of course, you can’t drop everything abruptly - in most cases it’s better to look for an opportunity to work in a related field. For example, a programmer who prefers human interaction to working with a computer can go to work in a support service. There you can get to know a good person and look very authoritative in her eyes - why not the beginning of a beautiful romance?

If the relationship does not suit you, determine in principle what is wrong and whether it can be changed. However, you won’t be able to endure all your life - it may be better to change your partner. An absent-minded scientist is unlikely to become an oligarch in the future. And if this is a matter of principle for you, think about whether the person is next to you.

Look for sources harmony In my life. For many, for internal balance, it is necessary to be surrounded by external comfort and an interesting environment. And vice versa, in a person who does not feel the inner harmony, often appearance, life and interesting leisure activities leave much to be desired. This is not a vicious circle: if efforts are made to maintain the external harmony, then soon and internally you will feel comfort. Experiment and find out what invigorates you, makes you happy and makes you dream. Someone needs to read psychological magazines, someone needs to go to fashion shows. Or maybe just a bath with colorful foam will make you enjoy life like a child. Maybe it's time to change the old wallpaper for a designer one. Seek and you will find your individual ways to feel good. Become an explorer of your reactions.

Understand your values ​​and priorities. Maybe you are not interested in stability, but in bright moments in life. And you force yourself to lead a boring existence, because from childhood they tried to instill other people's values ​​in you. Blaming others is pointless. Just find your priority scale and make a plan to implement them. This will help you put things in order in your soul, without which there is no harmony.

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Life is full of surprises, and you have to learn how to react to them on the go. Coping with stressful situations, not losing heart and firmly believing in yourself will help achieve harmony with yourself.

What affects the harmony and tranquility in the house

There are two main factors that affect people's lives. The first is their thinking and actions. If a person has negative thinking, then no work with earthly energies will help bring harmony to the house. Therefore, first of all, you need to start with yourself. Watch your thoughts, avoid negative emotions. Focus on love, peace, harmony, respect for people.

Right thinking alone does amazing things. It is enough to stop fighting with yourself, find harmony in your soul, and the reality around you begins to change, as if by magic. The world turns to face you - you become more successful, events by themselves go towards you. And all because you are in a state of harmony.

Harmony in the soul also depends on where a person lives. If his house is beautiful, well-groomed and some important feng shui rules are observed in it, harmony and tranquility will always reign in it.

The correct location of the house

According to Feng Shui, each direction carries its own energy. In order for a house to live well, it must be oriented in a certain way to the area. This takes into account not only 8 cardinal points, but also the nature of the terrain - the presence of hills, lowlands, mountains, reservoirs, etc.

The front door is usually recommended to be arranged on the south side of the house. It is very good if there is a plain from the south, and a hill from the north, behind the house, providing protection and support. Perhaps the northern location of the door. But to orient the house with the facade to the southwest in Feng Shui is considered wrong, this direction carries negative energy and is considered the entrance to the underworld.

What to do if the house is still facing the door in this direction? Use protective elements. For example, you can hang crystal lamps above the front door, outside and inside. They neutralize the negative influence of the southwest.

In contrast to the southwest, the northwest is considered a positive direction. It is useful to open the door of a house oriented to the northwest, at least for a few hours a day, in order to let the useful energy of this direction into the house.

Keep in mind that Feng Shui is a very complex system, and recommendations that are suitable for one person may not be suitable for others. Feng Shui takes into account the personal qualities of a person - in particular, belonging to the so-called Western and Eastern groups. What is good for the people of the East is bad for the people of the West, and vice versa. To understand which group you belong to, you need to calculate your Gua number. The method of such a calculation can be found on the network, it is quite simple.

It must be remembered that the rules of Feng Shui contribute to finding harmony and tranquility in the house, but still they are not decisive. In the first place is the person himself, and well-being in the house depends on the harmony of his soul.